Page 8 June 13, 2001 Focus on Careers >------------ rUarth ©baevMer change, and POS term inals; and all you m anagers with e i­ ther e-com m erce or overseas m arketing expertise. Sem icon du ctors The sem iconductor indus­ try is hungry for trained work­ ers, so much so that it annu- ally imports tens o f thousands o f them from places like In­ dia, Pakistan, and Taiwan. The majority o f jobs go to chip de­ signers with computer science or electrical engineering de­ grees, but there are other op­ portunities in m achine design, factory design, finance, mar- keting, operations, purchas­ ing, inform ation technology, and strategic planning. Chem i­ cal engineers and technicians find work in m anufacturing. Those with backgrounds in chem istry, physics, and other physical sciences can find jobs m aking sem iconductor mate- “i ’ve always fe lt that our states minority entrepreneurs have shown the same kind o f pioneering spirit that made Oregon famous. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Reverend Brown is a pastor at New Jerusalem Full Gospel Church. For many heads o f the pulpit, is is a 7 -day, 24-hour job. Church leaders in this state are among the lowest paid in the nation. Potential earnings: $15,000 - $200,000. Donald Trump. On average, real estate salaries are low. Most positions require several years to build up ex­ p e r ie n c e , con- * To earn an Associate o f Applied Science D e g re e th ro u g h P C C ’s Real E s­ ta te P ro g ra m , c a ll the Sylvania Cam­ pus at 503/ 977-4393. Retail su c - c e s s f u 1 you’ll need to be self-motivated, focused, and able to take the good times with the bad. Job opportunities exist mainly in sales and property a c q u isitio n and a n a ly sis. If you want to enter on the sales side, you’ll need to get a li­ cense and then go to work for a com m ercial or residential broker, both o f which act as interm ediaries between buy­ ers and sellers. To work in property acquisition and analy­ sis, you’ll probably need a col­ lege or advanced degree; only then will you be able to find a job at a property m anagement company or an REIT. A re­ cent trend o f note: One effect o f the in d u s tr y ’s g row ing com plexity, and the resulting dependence on financial analy­ sis, is an increase in job op­ portunities for people from non-real estate backgrounds. There will be signifi­ cant changes as the retail landscape is m ade over and that layoffs will occur as a result o f consolida­ tion and autom ation of a num ber of functions. But this also means that there will be opportunities for b u s in e s s p e o p le able to navigate through the mess o f reconstruction as well as for people who can get products to consumers by m eans other than trad i­ tional retail stores. Among other areas, the following should be in high demand: distribution spe­ cialists and m erchandise p la n n e rs ; b u y e rs w ith product developm ent and private-label experience; anyone who understands data-in terp retatio n tech ­ nology and digital systems such as Quick Response, E le c tro n ic D ata In te r- a dream. As a result, our state s thriving minor­ ity-owned businesses play a vital role in our economy, creating jo b s and helping keep our strong quality o f life. As these enterprises grow and expand, it s important fo r minority business owners to instill that same pioneering spirit in their community, and to encourage more women and minorities to start new businesses. That will be good fo r all Oregonians. ’’ Ron Wyden Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, Oregon Senator Paid for by Wyden Senate. Library are as diverse as You! The American Library Association is looking fo r people o f color to help m anage and m a in tain the in fo rm a tio n w o rld in th e 21st ce ntu ry. To learn m ore a b o u t Library/lnform ation h v - Science scholarships fo r graduate study, .11 in it ia t iv e please contact us. mitiativiB <■ 1 -8 0 0 -5 4 5 -2 4 3 3 , x 4276 w w w