June 13,2001 STje Jïartlan h (©bseruer a portunities in fields pressing are banks’ needs for retooled sales and mar- keting staffs, de- v e lo p e r s of new r p r o d u c ts , \ m o rtg a g e \ Vi0” 1 and securities e x p e rts, and \ credit analysts. \ Banking and b a n k -re la te d work are a good fit if you know something about finance and you like soft­ ware development; if you’re in­ terested in marketing and sales; if y ou’re a business school grad and you want a solid career start; if you’re not a B-school grad but ' you’re looking for work experi­ ence the equivalent o f an MBA; if you’re fluent in Spanish, Japa­ nese, or another language and you want to live overseas for a few years; or if you just want the know-how to eventually start your own business. One thing about \ such as sales, cus- \ to m er su p p o rt, \ and tech n ic al ..„ go ""' ........ writing go to in­ \ dividuals with \ good people s k ills , a strong custom er- service bias, and the abil­ ity to communicate complex ideas in plain English. If that sounds like you, give com­ puter hardware a close look— but be prepared to get up to speed on the technical side o f the hardware. Important note: Although all hardware makers require some in-house software de­ velopers, the environment is often quite different from the software industry. Most com­ panies in this industry are noticeably more hierarchical and rule bound, though you can still expect a relatively P hoto by C onnie A sh brook for O regon T radeswomen Sheet metal worker Lydia Shevchuck works on a heating and cooling duct. The potential earnings o f an Entry level/Joumey level person after 3-5 years is $11.94-326.03 per hour. banking skills: They are extremely useful and portable. So even if you join a bank that gets gobbled up by a competitor and you end up a merger casualty, you can usually transfer your expertise somewhere else with relative ease. Computer Hardware The com puter hardware in­ dustry holds job opportunities not only for engineers and others with technical skills, but also for people with financial, marketing, sales, and product management back­ grounds. Job seekers with tech­ nical expertise and a computer science degree attract the most opportunities and the sweetest compensation packages, whether they work as engineers, product managers, or in marketing. Op- casual work environment. If you’re looking for interna­ tional work experience, you may be surprised to learn that Japanese and Asian compa­ nies aren’t threatening U.S. companies— for now at least. However, domestic computer manufacturers actively mar­ ket themselves internationally. They also run factories in countries from Malaysia to Ireland and buy from suppli­ ers all over the world, so a job in the States could still have you filling up your passport quickly. * To earn a 2-year College Transfer from PC C’s Com­ puter Science Program, call any o f their 2 campuses: Rock Creek at 503/614-7604 or Sylvania Campus at 503/977- 4298. Computer Software Most o f the new activity in computer software is happening in Silicon Valley and the San Fran- cisco Bay Area. But you also might check out opportunities in one o f the second-tier high-tech regions, such as Boston, Austin, Minneapolis, New York City, Denver, Dallas, Atlanta, Boca Raton, and the Research Triangle Page 3 region o f North Carolina. Outside the areas o f concentration, there are at least a few jobs around every big city. If you’re looking for interna­ tional work experience, give con­ sumer software a close look. For- S tory continues on next page ELECTRICAL APPRENTICESHIP: A VIABLE CAREER OPPORTUNITY Careers develop over time, while jobs are short term. In the construction industry you have a mixture of both. A career that spans short term jobs. Construction seems to be one of the best kept secrets regarding career opportunities and appren­ ticeship one of the most misunderstood concepts. One career opportunity in the construction field is that of General Journeyman Electrician. Electricians make somewhere between $60K- $ 100K annu­ ally. Plus a $20K-$30K annual fringe benefits package. To get to this level takes successful completion of a five year apprenticeship program, which takes place on the job and in one o f the best training facility in the United States at 16021 N .E . A irport Way. When the apprentice com­ pletes the program, passes a state exam and becomes a Journeyman, he or she will have made over $200K plus benefits. Just like college, apprenticeship is not for everyone, but if you’re interested in starting a career that starts at over $25K a year in wages alone, check this out. For more information call 503.262.9991 ext.228. ■ NTERNATIONAL [ ■ B ROTHERHOOD of ■ LECTRICAL iSV ORKERS LOCAL 48