Page 2 June 13, 2001 Focus on Careers Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O F W ife ^ J n r th u iò O D b scru er E d ito r in C hief, P u b lis h e r Charles H. Washington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Business Manager Gary Ann Taylor Asst. Publisher Michael Leighton Copy Editor Joy Ramos Creative Director Robert Parker 4747 NE M artin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: suhscriptionf'^rtlandobserver.ajrn A rticles: F rid a y by 5 p . m . Ads: M o n d a y by N oon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs can be returned if accompanied by a self- addressed stamped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. 1 ^ rhe Portland Ohwnrr ffib s e m e r What Are the Job Prospects in the Major Industries? Accounting According to the U.S. De­ partment o f Labor’s Bureau o f Labor Statistics (BLS) ac­ counting em ploym ent will keep pace with the average for all occupations through the year 2006. Companies want more from their ac­ counting firms— more infor­ mation, more kinds o f infor­ mation, faster delivery o f in­ formation. That means there will be a need for more ac­ countants. On the other hand, the tendency o f a growing economy to create new jobs will be offset by increased au to m atio n and h ea v ie r workloads for proportionately fewer accountants. In any case, com petition for ac­ counting jobs will be vigor­ ous. T o earn an Associate o f Applied Science Degree. One- year Certificate and/or Two- term Accelerated Computer­ ized Accounting Certificate at P C C ’s Business Adminstration Program, call any o f their 3 campuses: Cas­ cade at 503/978-5352. Rock Creek Campus at 503/614- 7235 or the Sylvania Campus at 503/977-4393. D e a d lin e s lo r s u b m itte d m a te ria l: ©tje Commercial Banking Banks remain in the busi­ ness o f profiting from other people ’ s money, but now they need to do it in as many mar­ kets at home and abroad as possible, as aggressively as possible. Com petition has forced banks to move quickly and more creatively into mort­ gage lending, securities and derivatives trading, and trans­ actio n s p ro cessin g . That means jobs, if you have the right qualifications. Throughout banking there is intense demand for people who understand technology, the full gamut o f financial services, and how to market to new customers. Almost as PORT OF PORTLAND Diversity, challenge and growth are yours as an employer of the Port of Portland. The Port provides career opportunities for qualified individuals in Aviation, Marine, Engineering, Finance and Administration, and Corporate staff offices. For information on current position vacancies, visit the Port’s home page at or contact the Port’sjobhot line at (503) 944-7480. © PORT OF PORTLAND Equal Opportunity Employer