June 6, 2001 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity ^ o rtía n h (©írsertier sebkíbh O í n nt tn n n 11 n a I p tt h a r High Five Challenge Í K PTV O reg o n ’s 12 hostst a special N avy edition o f the O reg o n ’s 12 gam e show HP H igh F ive C hallenge T hursday, June 7. M em bers o f the U nited States N avy and C oast G uard face o ff against m em bers o f the C anadian N avy in this international m atch. T he show is broadcast on S aturday, June 9 at 9:30 a.m . T he program is taped in front o f a live studio audience. Rose Cup Races A popular w eekend with local racing en­ thusiasts for m ore than 40 years, the 2001 Rose Cup Races presented by Tem p Control M echanical Corp, features S portsC arC lubof A m erica's Regional and National Cham pion­ ship point races w ith m ore than 300 am ateur drivers invariedclassesofrace cars. The race begins at 1:30 p.m ., Sunday, June 17. Eastbank Esplanade Bridge Loop P ortland Parks & R ecreation is offering unique w alking tours along the city ’s new $30 m illion Eastbank Esplanade led by local historian an d author o f ‘The Portland Bridge B ook,” S haron W ood W orm an. T he tour w ill be on Saturday, June 9, from 8 :3 0 a .m .- 12:15 p.m . and later from 1 p .m .-4 :4 5 p .m . P re-registration is required. T o register, call 503/823-5132. Rose Festival at Waterfront Village T his year, R ose Festival w aterfront ac­ tivities is celebrating its 31” anniversary in T om M cC all W aterfront Park (betw een B u m sid e and H aw thorne B ridge). The W aterfront V illage w ill b e open until Sun­ day, June 10. T his year, there will be several new , exciting im provem ents and additions. YMCA Camp Collins Celebrates 75 Years ; ’ 1 Y M C A C am p C ollins is 75 years old this sum m er. T he cam p has served 350,000 chil­ dren in that tim e, and is getting ready for the next 75 years. C om e and share the m em ories w ith them . T hey w ill be celebrating on Sat- urday, June 16 at the Y M C A C am p Collins, locatedat3001 S .E .O xbow Parkw ay,nextto O xbow R egional Park. F o rm o re info., call 5 0 3 /6 6 3 - 5 8 1 3 , o r v is it w w w .y m c a - p ortland.org . Strawberry Festival at Kruger’s Farm T Join K ru g er’s F arm for the arrival o f the straw berry season on June 16 and 17. V isi­ tors have the opportunity to sam ple the fruits, tour the farm , take a hayride, picnic under the oak trees, listen to live m usic and enjoy fresh straw berry shortcake. T here w ill also be jam -m aking dem onstrations. This is a free event. K ruger’s Farm is located at 17100 S. W. Sauvie Island Road. Call 503/ 621-3489. Architectural Treasures of Portland ; ; ; ; { ■'lOBIS New Baltazar F. Ortiz Center Opens in Northeast Cully and Killingsworth site provides health and social services to Latinos and other area residents new c o m m u n ity cen ter designed to p rovide a variety o f health and social serv ices to local resid e n ts has o p ened at n o rth e a s t C u lly and K illingsw orth. T he B altazar F. O rtiz C om ­ m unity C enter w as developed by the H acienda C om m unity D e v e lo p m e n t C o r p , a n d n a m e d a f t e r its f o u n d e r , B altazar F. “ B u z” O rtiz. T he c e n te r is designed to pro v id e health and social se r­ vices to local neighbors by p a rtn e rin g w ith th e M ultnom ah C ounty D ep art­ m ent o f C om m unity and Fam- ily S e r v ic e s a n d H e a lth D e p a rtm e n t’s La C lin ic a de B uena Salud. In add itio n to basic health care serv ices, m ental health c o u n se lin g , y o u th o u tre a ch p rogram s, and dom estic v io ­ lence su p p o rt se rv ic es, the O rtiz C e n te r w ill w elcom e c o m m u n ity -b ase d o rg a n iz a ­ tio n s and n e ig h b o rh o o d a sso ­ c ia tio n s into the c e n te r for m eetings and events. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver ) “ W e are p lea se d to w e l­ Comoro Page (from left), Steve Crowell, Monica R. Mumper, Raquel Aguillon and Jose Rivera give a warm com e our neig h b o rs to this welcome to residents visiting the new Baltazar F. Ortiz Community Center in northeast Portland. new fac ility and we sin cerely A • ■ » B y C olleen L ore P arker and M ichael L eighton T he P ortland O bserver B obbie R idgew ay w as startled an d then shocked w hen she realized the upstairs w in­ dow s o f her north P ortland hom e w ere being broken by beanbags fired by P ortland Police. T he 67-year-old grandm other w as even m ore shocked w hen a special unit o f police, clad in dark clothing, entered her home, pointed guns at her and had her lay dow n on the floor. She w as kept in handcuffs for 45 m inutes and o nly then w as she show n a search w ar­ rant. O fficers stated that th eir actions at 2 p.m. Friday w ere w arranted, d escribing the raid as high-risk, considering the violent history o f the suspects they w ere seeking. T hey say they w ere seeking additional suspects and evidence that m ay have been in the home. R idgew ay told the Portland Observ er that authorities said they had thought the up­ stairs o f her hom e was a separate apartm ent. T hey also told her that her residence had been u nder surveillance. She and other family m em bers, how ever, feel that if her hom e had been under surv eil­ lance, the police w ould have know n that her upstairs w as not a separate unit. N ortheast Cm dr. Derrick Foxw orth said “the p olice consider it com m on practice for Special Em ergency Reaction Team officers to fire beanbag rounds to provide a diversion to m ask their front door entrance.” T his is oflittle com fort to Ridgeway, a long­ tim e resident o f Portland. She is the grand- m otherofR onald Lamont Cunningham Jr., 21, w ho w as said to have lived w ith her prior to his arrest three hours before the raid. Cunningham and two other men, identified as T y ro n e A n th o n y T h u rm an , 22, and D om anick D avid Cam pbell, have been ar­ rested as suspects in connection w ith a M ay 26 assault on tw o police officers outside the G reek Cuisina. W arrants have also been is­ sued for Jerrin L avezie H ickm an, 23, and D ante Lam ont Porter, 27, and D am on Lonzie Cunningham , 25. Police said that betw een five and eight men attacked officers Chad G radw ahl and D avid M ichaelsonas they left a birthday party at the dow ntow n Portland bar and dance club. Police said the attack w as unprovoked, and investigators believe it was com m itted by Celebrate the Park! A lice C otton, a local author will be giving a slide show presentation at M ultnom ah C ounty L ibrary on W ednesday, June 13,7 p.m. in honor o f P ortlan d ’s 150,h anniver- sary. H erspecialty is on revealing the unique story o f beautifully designed buildings in the city and highlighting its architecture. The Friendly Poets Society is offering a $l,OOOgrandprizeintheirPoetryCompetition 2001, free toeveryone. There are 28 prizes in all w orth over $3,000. The contest is seeking poem s on any subject, using any style, with a life-affirming inspirational theme. Form ore in f o rm a tio n , go o n lin e to www.friendlvpoets.com. Deadline is June 15. ; Free Tennis Lessons I I H ave you ever w anted to leam to play tennis, but w eren’t sure how to go about doing so? W ell, here is your chance! The U nited State Tennis A ssociation has desig­ nated the m onth o f M ay as “USA Tennis M onth” throughout the entire nation! To celebrate, the V ancouver Tennis & Racquet- ball C enter staff, in conjunction w ith the V ancouver C om m unity Tennis Association, will be offering Free 1.5 hour introductory group tennis lessons to interested groups and/or organizations. Free lessons are avail­ able for kids ages 7 to 15 until June 9. Call 360/ 696-8123. L Grandmother Forced to Floor During Raid ! Friendly Poets Society • hope they w ill think o f it as th e ir ow n ,” said Bob Puentes, B oard C hairm an o f H acienda CD C . “ The O rtiz C om m unity C en ter represents a shared vi­ sion and dedication for the C ully/K illingsw orth area; one in w hich neighbors help to m ake it prosper and succeed.” The site also includes the V illa de Suenos and V illa de C lara V ista affordable hous­ ing developm ents; both c re­ ated by H acienda. a C linica de Buena Salud is nationally re now ned for its ded i­ catio n to the Latino C om m u­ nity and its innovative services to vulnerable populations. H a c ie n d a CDC w as founded in 1992 and has grown into one o f the largest com ­ m unity developm ent corpora­ tio n s in M ultnom ah County. Its goal is to provide fam ilies w ith safe, decent, and afford­ able housing and the tools nec­ essary for independence and self-sufficiency. W orking with a v ariety o f public and private p artners, it has developed the m ost extensive bilingual/bicul- tural netw ork o f health anu social services in Oregon. Local residents, including representatives from Emanual Hospital and the Eliot Neighborhood Association, celebrate a renovated Dawson Park at north Vancouver and Stanton Saturday. Live music, games, face painting and other activities were held to usher in a new era for the park. Neighborhood groups have been working to clean up the park and sweep crime from the area. P hotos by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Portland firefighters give kids an up close and personal look at Fire Engine 51 during Saturday's celebration at Dawson Park. I m em bers o f a local C rips gang, in retaliation for previous contact an officer m ade with at least one o f the alleged assailants. G radw ahl was beaten unconscious and M ichaelson was stabbed in the low er back, police said. They are o ut o f the hospital, but still recuperating. C unningham was already in custody when the police raided Ridgeway ’ s home. A nother hom e in G resham was also raided, and resident M ichael Dixon ques­ tioned police tactics as well. Thurm an, his stepson, had already been arrested and was in custody at the time. The Police B ureau’s Crisis Response Team called on the residents o fb o th hom es after the raid to speak w ith fam ily m em bers w ho were disturbed and shaken by the raids, Foxworth said. Patient Bill of Rights Becomes Law (AP) — Gov. John Kitzhaber has signed a “Patient's Bill o f Rights” into law, givingtwo million Oregonians new tools to challenge health coverage de­ cisions. The governor says the measure is an important step in ensuring that the health-care system is responsive to people’s needs. Tlie law takes effect July 1, 2002. Those covered by HMOs, preferred provider organizations and regular in­ demnity health insurers will gain new rights. Consumers denied coverage will be entitled to appeal to an impartial expert reviewer certified by the state. Health plans that refuse to submit to external review become legally open to lawsuits. Plans that fail to follow an independent reviewer decision face fines starting at $ 100,000 and become open to lawsuits. Other requirements will help pa­ tients who are undergoing treatment and need specialist’s care. i