Page A8 June 6, 2001 Rose Festival Events Fill Streets, Parks Black and Native-American history will come to life during Saturday's Grand Floral T he signature event o f the P ort­ land Rose Festival is the S outhw est A irlines G rand Floral Parade. Excite­ m ent fills the streets o f Portland Sat­ urday, June 9 at 10a.m. ascolortul all­ floral floats, entertaining m arching bands and splendid equestrian units w ind their way down the 4.2-mile route. The Southwest Airlines Grand Flo­ ral Parade is the largest single-day spectator event in O regon and the second largest all-floral parade in the United States. H undreds o f thou­ sands o f spectators line the streets to Capture the excitem ent o f this spec­ tacular event. H yalite o f northeast Portland will participate in the parade this year, representing the Lew is and C larkC orps ofD iscovery. Liana Tom, the great niece o f Sacajawea w ill be riding as Sacajawea. Native Am erican Riders will be repre­ senting the different tribes o f the Pacific N orthwest. Other riders will be A frican Ameri­ cans representing influential histori­ cal figures: Y ork an im portant m em ­ ber o f the Lew is and C lark Party, M oses Black H arris, Jim B eckw orth and other m ountain m en and w om en w ho cam e during the early 18 0 0 ’s to 1840. They w ill be dressed in period clothing, rem inding the thousands o f parade w atchers o f the adventurous spirit and rich history o f the north­ w est explorers and native inhabit­ ants. H ylite is a non-profit organiza­ tion that conducts participatory edu­ cational activity program s based on Oregon history for Portland innercity youth The focus o f the activity p ro­ gram s is on A frican A m erican contri­ butions related to the developm ent o f the Pacific N orthw est. This pro­ gram generates self-aw areness and self-esteem o f young people in the A frican A m erican com m unity and brings people o f very’ different back­ grounds together to learn about his­ tory. M ichael C urry will serve as the parade’s G rand M arshal. C urry is the a w a rd - w in n in g c o - d e s ig n e r o f B roadw ay’s "T he Lion K ing” and one o f the co untry’s leading puppet experts. KOIN 6 TV airs the parade live at 10a.m. with hosts M ike D onahue and Shirley Hancock. The show is re- broadcast later that night at 9 p.m. A lso, for the first tim e in its his­ tory, the parade is broadcast in Span­ ish on the H ispanic T elevision Net- woik(HTVN). P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Area residents enjoy the renovated pond and new fountain at Peninsula Park's sunken Rose Garden during Saturday’s Rose Festival Fun Day. Stiver Lining, Jewelry & Loan Portland’s Largest Pawnshop ■ 1 City Block 21StN E Sandy 503-813-9273 S B #1. Customer Service • All Loans renewable • No Storage Fees • 30 Day Grace Period on all Loans • Front Door Parking • Open Mon-Sat * Jewelry Specials Starting at $20. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Mark Little, representing the group Hylite and the Buffalo Soldiers, puts Wendy Nabors into the saddle, during Saturday's Rose Festival Fun Day at Peninsula Park in north Portland. “ Starring Portland's Favorite Pawnbrokers” Silver Lining “Gives You More” Bring this ad in and receive Silver Lining Bucks P290 The Korean American Grocers Association of Oregon Philly Café 445 NE Killingsworth 503-288-9367 Boston Market 726 NE Killingsworth 503-282-6776 Knott St. Grocery 2709 NE 7th 503-284-7490 Cullen’s Corner 4938 N Albina 503-287-0542 Ainsworth Market 5949 NE 30th 503-281-0479 Prescott Corner Market 1460 NE Prescott 503-284-7418 K C Food Market 309 N Killingsworth 503-289-7430 Union Market 3837 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. 503-284-6511 Alberta Street Market 915 NE Alberta 503-281-6388 We Appreciate Your Business and Support Thank you I