srtpr J lo rtla u h © b s e ru e r------------- June 6, 2001 CAREERS EDITIO N 2001 P ro file o f a W eb Designer W ELLS FARGO Take Your Career To The Next Stage Robert Parker Freelance Web Designer A ge: 42 N o. o f y ears in b u sin e ss: 5 E arn in g p o te n tia l: F o r a n in -h o u se w eb d e sig n e r, $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 - $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 p e r year. T y p ic a l P ro je c t: D e sig n in g a n d in stallin g a sm all, 5 -p ag e w eb site th at w o u ld n o rm a lly ta k e m e a b o u t 10 h o u rs Working for Wells Fargo means working in an inclusive environm ent w ith talented managers driven to the very best. We are currently seeking motivated team players who want to jo in the best business team in the West. to co m p lete. 9 a .m . - P ro ject b e g in s. S c a n all g ra p h ic s d e a lin g w ith th e p ro ject. 10 a .m . - D o d ata e n try p ro c e s sin g i f it h as n o t b e e n done. 11 a .m . - T h e c re a tiv e p ro c e s s starts. I m a k e a ro u g h d raft an d d esig n the w eb p a g e o n p ap er. S e ttin g u p p ic tu re lo catio n s, co lo r co o rd in a tin g th e b a c k g ro u n d s , d esig n in g th e h y p erlin k s. N e x t co m e s th e p ro g ra m m in g p ro cess: m ost d esig n ers u se a T e x t E d ito r (o r c a lle d a n H T M L p ro g ram ). T h is is so ftw are th a t k n o w s all th e c o m p u te r c o d e s for w eb design. 2 p .m . - A fte r th e w e b site p a g e h a s b e e n cre a te d , 1 ru n a te st o n all th e links, g ra p h ic s, m a k in g su re th at e v e ry th in g is w o rk in g p ro p erly . 3 p .m . - T ak e a b re a k to eat. 4 p .m . - 1 Tellers (Full-time and Part-time Openings) Process customer transactions, refer bank products and services, and provide superior customer service. Retain profitable customer relationships, as well as strengthen existing account relationships. Previous retail or sales/business experience, strong communication and organizational skills. Must be energetic, professional, and customer service oriented. c o n ta c t th e c u s to m e r to m a k e su re ev e ry th in g is c o rre c t a n d to th e ir ap p ro v al. 5 p .m . - Ife v e ry th in g is O K. w ith th e cu sto m e r, I c o n ta c t th e ir IS P (In tern et S e rv ic e P ro v id e r) to lo ad th e p a g e o n to th e ir n e w w eb site. 6 p .m . — I t’s tim e to c h e c k th e lin k s a n d c o n n e ctiv ity . 7 p .m . - P ro ject co m p leted . E n d o f m y w o rk day. Personal Bankers (Full-time and Part-time Openings) Develop and retain profitable customer relationships, as well as strengthen existing account relationships. Requires 2+ years' retail or sales/business experience and excellent communication skills. Must be energetic, professional, and customer service oriented. Experience selling financial services and working within incentive plans a plus! W h a t d o you like th e m o st a b o u t y o u r w o r k ? I lik e th e v a rie ty in ­ v o lv ed . N o tw o w e b site s a re the sam e. It g iv e s y o u a c h a n c e to k e e p u p w ith th e te c h n o lo g y so y o u d o n ’t g e t stale o r g e t b e h in d th e tim es. I a lso lik e th e lev el o f d iffic u lty in v o lv ed . Call our interview line at 1-888-534-5757 and apply today. Medical - Dental - Paid Time Off Paid Training - Tuition Reimbursement 401k - Free Banking Services Competitive Salaries W h a t d o y o u le a s t lik e a b o u t y o u r w o r k ? I d o n ’t lik e cu sto m ers w h o c a n ’t m a k e u p th e ir m in d a b o u t g ra p h ic s an d in fo rm a tio n fo r th e ir w e b site. EEO/m/f/d/v W h a t a d v ic e c a n y o u g iv e f o r so m eo n e in te re s te d in g e ttin g in to th is p ro f e s s io n ? I t ’s a relativ ely easy jo b to do. T h e h ard est p ro b lem I see is p eo p le n o t trusting th eir creativity an d m ak in g th eir jo b h a rd e r than it is. To Degree or Not to Degree Are Great Careers Built on Academic Success? By D arrell W , G lr . ney of msn . com A s a longtim e professional recruiter, I’ve often been asked, “H ow im portant is you’ll encounter demanding recruiters w ho want more. The more letters after your name, they think, the better You placeofPersistenee. Talent will not; noth­ ing is m ore com m on than unsuccessful individuals with talen t G enius w ill n o t a degree for getting a better position?” The short answer: A s im portant as you make i t Yes, there are headhunters who draw lines in the sand, unwilling to touch “non-degreed” jo b seekers. B ut that simply culls out w orkers w ho are less likely to be placed o r less m arketable to client com panies. Recruiters receive so m any resum es eachday that they look for m ay even be on track to head straight back into school. Buttakeit fiomme: Stop and think about your motivations. unrew arded genius is alm ost a proverb. Education alone w ill not; the w orld is full any w ay to low er the stack. F or the sam e reason, recruiters tend to specialize in various industries and occupations. W e can’t be all things to all people. But an individual without a degree is not any less “hot” than som eone with one (orm ore). A non-degreed person can get ju st as m uch attention from recruiters and hiring com panies ifthey know how to present them selves effectively. For those w ho are about to graduate, don’t disregard this m essage ju st be­ cause you already have a degree or two under your belt. O ut in the real world. The Examined Life IfM o m is a lawyer, doctor, or profes­ sor, and you’re expected to follow the family line, then good luck. But this is your life, your decision. If you think that an advanced degree autom atically m akes you m ore marketable, consider life after school. College degrees do support career grow th - but you can’t rely solely on them. There are so m any m ore determi­ nants o f success than good grades. M aybe you can land that first great job, b u t it will not always lead to a satisfying long-term career. What are the core “life skills”? I remem­ b er one little quotation, author unknown, that spells it out quite well: Press O n “N othing in the world can take the o f educated derelicts. Persistence and Determ ination alone are o m n ip o ten t" So, w hat’s m y point? Ify o u ’re gradu­ ating, I offer a hearty “Congratulations!” on your very w orthw hile accom plish­ m e n t A nd let m e rem ind you that your hard- w on degree, along with other requi­ site like skills, will take you as far as you choose to go. I f you take tim e now to develop the non-academ ic side o f your Oregon's construdion industry generates good family wage jobs in every community throughout our state. For people from all walks of life, construdion provides more opportunities than ever before for skilled, technical and professional careers. Call us today to find out more. personality, career grow th and happi­ ness can be yours. For those w ithout degrees, you can gain a trem endous am ount o f informal educationsim plybybem gontheplaym g fie ld -in the w orking world. A s a profes­ sional recruiter w ho has placed many individuals incorporate A m erica, I know that those who develop them selves aca­ dem ically and personally stand the best chance o f m aking it * S ources : T he A to Z guide information was taken from the online websites of P ortland C ommunity C ollege and wetfeet . com c a rs HOMason a u to g ro u p Like Cars? Like Money? Launch a fulfillin g sales career with the Northwest's #1 auto group. Earn up to $75,000 per year; receive medical and dental benefits, paid vacation, 4019(k), and advancement opportunities. No experience necessary. Will train. Need a desire to work with people and be a team player. Thomason Auto Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Contact: Eastside - Kristen Scholz 503-722-4927; Westside - Sonya Cleland 503-644-1131. O re g o n C o lu m b ia AGC C h a p te r A SSO C IA TED G E N ER A L C O N TR A C TO R S I I I V 9450 SW Commerce Circle, Suite 200 Wilsonville, OR 97070 (503) 682-3363 • (800) 826-6610