Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 06, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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June 6, 2001
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I® Police News
Coretta Scott King Lends Support to Sharpton Fast
ew york (A P )
R ev.
S h a rp to n 's m other
trie d to co nvince him to stop
his prison hunger strike on
S u n d ay , but th e a c tiv is t is
p ressin g on a fte r receiving a
letter o f support from C oretta
Scott King.
The w idow o f M artin Luther
K ing Jr. said she w rote “to
express my w holehearted sup­
port o f your e ffo rts.”
S harpton has been fasting
since T uesday at the M etro­
po litan D etention C en ter in
B rooklyn, w here he is serving
a 90-day sentence for tre s­
passing on U.S. Navy p ro p ­
erty during a M ay 1 protest on
V ieques, Puerto Rico.
The N avy has used its range
on V ieques, hom e to 9,400
people, for six decades and
says it is vital for national se ­
curity. C ritics say the bom b­
ings pose a health threat, which
the N avy denies.
A lso serving sentences for
th eir roles in the protest are
C ity C ouncilm an A dolfo C ar­
rion, state A ssem blym an Jose
R iv e ra and B ro n x C o u n ty
D em ocratic P arty chairm an
R oberto R am irez. All three
w ere sentenced to 40 days.
“ It is a terrib le trag ed y that
Puerto R ican children are e x ­
periencing serious illnesses as
a result o f the N a v y ’s b o m b ­
ing e x e rc ise s,” King w rote to
S harpton, “and 1 applaud the
c o u ra g e o u s p ro te s t o f th e
‘V ieques F o u r' to call a tte n ­
tion to this in ju stic e .”
harpton and his w ife
o f 21 years, K athy,
had been scheduled to
renew th e ir w e d d in g
Sunday at a H arlem church.
Instead, she visited him in
ja i l, as did th e ir te e n -a g e
d a u g h te r s , D o m in q u e a n d
A shley, and his m other, Ada
Rev. Al Sharpton (left) trespasses onto a Navy base in Vieques,
Puerto Rico to protest bombings on the site.
S harpton, w ho urged him to
stop fastin g , said S harpton
sp o k esw o m an
R achel
N oerdlinger.
The 46-year-old activist said
he w ould subsist solely on liq ­
uids until bom bing operations
on the island ceased. He has
lo s t 8 p o u n d s so fa r,
N o e rd lin g e r said.
O n T hursday, the 1st U.S.
C ircu it C ourt o f A ppeals in
B oston
reje cte d m otions to
stay the sentences or set bail
fo r S harpton and the o th er
th ree m en convicted o f fed­
eral tre sp a ssin g by a ju d g e in
P uerto Rico.
Austin Police Cite President’s Daughters
(AP) — Police cited
President Bush’s 19-
year-old twin daugh­
ters for violating state
alcoholic beverage
laws Thursday.
It was the second
offense for Jenna Bush
and the first for her
twin, Barbara.
Police accused Bar­
bara Bush of being a
minor in possession of
alcohol and Jenna
Bush of misrepresent- Barbara (left) and Jenna Bush.
ing her age for alleg­
$500, attendance at an alcohol
edly trying to use false identifica­
awareness course, community ser­
tion to buy alcohol, according to a
vice and 30-day driver’s license
statement from the Austin Police
A third person, Jesse Day-
Both are Class C misdemeanors
Wickham, also was cited for being
under the Texas Alcoholic Bever­
a minor in possession of alcohol.
age Code and carry a fine of up to
The Police Department
family,” Chuy’s restaurant said in
said it received a call Tues­
a statement released Thursday af­
day night reporting minors
attempting to buy alcohol
Less than two weeks earlier,
at Chuy’s Restaurant in
Jenna Bush pleaded no contest to
Austin. Police went to the
charges of underage drinking. She
night spot but did not issue
was ordered to take alcohol coun­
a citation.
seling and perform community
Subsequent investigation
showed, police said, that
The earlier punishment could be
Jenna Bush allegedly or­
revoked, prosecutor John Wall said
Wednesday. He said authorities
dered an alcoholic bever­
age and was asked to pro­
might then seek a conviction if
Jenna Bush were cited.
duce identification proving
Police would not say where
she was 21. She allegedly
Secret Service agents were at the
showed a valid driver’s li­
time the sisters were in the popular
cense belonging to some­
Mexican restaurant. The Secret
one else, police said. She was not
Service wouldn’t comment.
Witnesses said Barbara Bush and
Jenna Bush’s earlier no contest
Day-Wickham were served alco­
plea stemmed from a ticket police
issued while checking for minors
“We sincerely regret any incon- * in possession of alcohol at night­
venience this has caused the first - clubs April 27.
G reyhound R acing
May 4 - October 13, 2001
Post Times
Wednesday - Saturday 7:00 pm
Sundays/Holidays 1:00 pm
NE 223rd & Glisan
Wood Village, Oregon
^4 4
(503) 667-7700
F ree P arking
A dmission
Police Briefs
Man Charged in Eastgate
Parking Lot Murders
On Thursday, May 24, a
Multnomah County Grand Jury
returned charges o f aggravated
murder and robbery against 23-
y e a r-o ld M atth ew Ju stic e
Propst for the deaths o f a man
and woman found in the park­
ing lot o f the former Eastgate
Theater. Propst had been ar­
rested on May 18, for parole
violation on an original charge
o f assault in the first degree for
his involvement in a 1996 drive-
by shooting.
The new indictment stems
from an incident that oc­
curred on Sunday, April 15.
Just after midnight, a secu­
rity officer found a vehicle
with the motor still running
in the parking lot of former
Eastgate Theatre, 2025 S.E.
82nd Ave.
The vehicle contained the
bodies o f two deceased in­
dividuals, later identified as
34-year-old R am ona L.
McGee, and 44-year-oId
Terry Lee Spencer o f north­
east Portland. Both had died
o f gunshot wounds.
Matthew Justice Propst
Lottery Dollars
Help Support
T C iii )11 State Parks
for E v ery o n e to
1 rV
Man Wanted for
Arizona Killing
•O U U n V W '
The Phoenix, Arizona Police
Departm ent, in cooperation
with Crime Stoppers, is asking
for your help in locating and
apprehending Derrick Vaughn
Stevenson. A felony arrest war­
ra n t is on file ch a rg in g
Stevenson with murder.
Stevenson is wanted for the
m urderofD w ayneC urtis, who
was killed in a parking lot at
M arket and East Van Buren in
Phoenix, Arizona, on May 5,
Stevenson has family in the
Portland-Vancouver area, and
may be in the company of
three prostitutes who work for
him. He is a 28-year-old black
male, 6 feet tall, weighing ap­
proximately 200to240pounds,
with black hair, brown eyes,
and a scar on his right shoul­
der. Crime Stoppers is offer­
ing a cash reward o f up to
$ 1,000 for information, reported
to Crime Stoppers, which leads
to an arrest in this case, or any
unsolved felony crime, and you
can remain anonymous. Call
Crime Stoppers at (503) 823- Derrick Vaughn Stevenson
r e g o n i a n s r u n e d ir e c te d
O re g o n L o tte ry p ro fits to h e lp
im prove an il p rese rv e o u r s ta te
p a r k s . In th e Iasi tw o y e a r s ,
o v e r $ 4 0 m illio n hav e g o n e to
im p ro v e w a te r s y s te m s ,
re n o v a te h isto ric b u ild in g s, anil
h u ilil n e w b o a t r a m p s a n il
r e s t r o o m s a t o u r s ta t e p a r k s .
In addition to o u r s ta te p a r k s .
L o tte ry d o lla r s a r e w o rk in g all
a c r o s s O r e g o n s u p p o r tin g th e
th in g s th a t a r e i m p o r t a n t Io
O r e g o n ia n s . O v e r $ 2 .6 b illio n
in O r e g o n L o tte ry p r o fits h a s
g o n e to h e lp o u r e c o n o m y , o u r
s c h o o ls , a n il o u r env ir o n m e n t.