Page B2 Focus ortland June 6, 2001 Sltje glorila nò (Dbaeruer t OCEAN 503 To the Beat of an African Drum COMING EVENTS MAY e o JU NE ■5 FRIDAY, JUNE 1ST - SATURDAY JUNE 2ND & SATURDAY, JUNE 16 RED LION INN COLISEUM, EDGEWATER LOUNGE FRIDAY, JUNE 8TH - SATURDAY, JUNE 9TH - 8:00TO MIDNIGHT SATURDAY, JUNE 23RD (PRIVATE SHOW) CHICAGO BLUES - 109 W. 1STH IN VANCOUVER 360735-0600 , , 1 e •w g iSSL FRIDAY, JUNE 1! STERN WHEELER CRUISE - 6:30 PM TO 10:00 PM FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND - 6:30 TO 10:00 PM BILLY REEDS ON MLK 503-493-8127 « JU LY 35 Under the direction of gifted African Dance instructors Roiia Manyongai-Jones, from Liberia, and Ruby Burns- Johnny, the children from Woodlawn Elementary School who make up Kukatonon will touch you with their energy of celebration. To the rumble of Djembe drums, the dancers will leap and spin into our hearts and leave everyone inspired. The young Kukatonon dancers will be performing on Friday, June 8, 7 p.m. at the SEI Auditorium, 3920 N. Kerby Ave. p S eriou s R&B t *3 ! 5 s J I FRIDAY, MAY 25TH STERNWHEELER CRUISE - 6:30 PM TO 10:00 PM SATURDAY, JULY 7TH Candlelight Room - 5th & Lincoln - 503-222-3378 For booking contact Meöale503.25l.4«bb LaRhonda Steele 503.2SS.20S3 THE LEGENDARY M C M E N A M IM S W H IT E EAGLE CAFE, SALO ON and ROCK & ROLL HO TEL HOTEL ROOM RATES Q ueen $45 F u ll $35 Bunk $25 European-style lodging with shared baths. Catwoman Casts Spell on Cinderella >> New Adaptation of Fairy Tale Becomes Broadway Musical M any g e n eratio n s have fallen under the spell o f Rodgers & H am m erstein’s e n ch a n tin g m usical “Cinderella,” first shown on CBS television in 1957 star­ ring Julie Andrews, remade with Lesley Ann Warren in 1965, and most recently seen in 1997 w ith B randy and Whitney Houston. Now this small-screen classic comes to life in a spectacular new ad­ aptation by Tom Briggs with musical arrangements and su­ pervision by Andrew Lippa. Portland Opera and Fred Meyer bring “Cinderella” to the stage, as part o f their Best of Broadway series. It will be playing at the Keller Audito­ rium from June 1 9 -2 4 . Jam ie-L ynn Sigler from HBO’s hit series “The Sopra­ nos” stars as “C inderella,” with the legendary Eartha Kitt as the Fairy Godmother. Paolo k n o w n through­ out the w o rld for her v e rs a ­ tility Montalban, who starred as The Prince in the highly acclaimed television movie of the week, “Rodgers and H a m m e rs te in ’ s Cinderella,” reprises his role for this production. Jam ie-L y n n S ig ler (C in d e re lla ) is best known for her role as Meadow Soprano, a series regular on H B O ’s Emmy A w a r d - w in ­ ning show “The Sopra­ nos,” for which she received the 1999 & 2000 Hol­ lywood Reporter Young Star Award for Best Young A c tre s s /P e rfo r- mance in a Drama TV series. E artha K itt (Fairy Godmother) I » Room rates are the same for single or double occupancy. Add 11.5% county room tax. and style, has been nominated for three Tony Awards, an Emmy A w ard, and two Grammy Awards. Her por­ trayal of Catwoman in the tele­ vision series “Batman” con­ tinues to be seen worldwide, and her concert and cabaret career has taken her to over 100 countries where she has sung in ten different lan­ guages. Paolo Montalban (The Prince) has appeared in a va­ riety o f television and stage productions. In 1998, Paolo was named by “People Maga­ zine” as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People. For more information on “C in d erella,” go online to or w w w .p o r tla n d o p e r a .o r g . T ick e ts are on sale for “ C in d e re lla ” by c a llin g T ick e tm a ste r at 503/790- ARTS or the Portland Opera Box Office at 503/241-1802. F or in fo rm a tio n call to ll-free I -866-271-3377 or from Portland 503-335-8900 McMENAMINS WHITE EAGLE 836 NORTI1 RUSSELL • PORTLAND • (503) 282-6810 w w w .n ic m c n a m in s .c o n i O regon S ymphony James DePreist, Music Director & Conductor THE GREAT RAY CHARLES Saturday, June 9 at 8 pm | Sunday, June 10 a t 3 pm Murry Sidlin, conductor | Ray Charles, piano & vocals Legendary Ray Charles will again return to the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall stage for two fabulous concerts during Rose Festival. Don’t miss it! Sponsored by Union Pacific | Media support by KINKfmlO2 Tickets: $20 - $75 km h dfor the love of ja zz Stan’s JBarbcr & JBeautp j&bop Horace Simpson A- D- Williams 1 282 2920 213 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR 97211 ace T ypewriter C O M a P A E quipment N Y fa? OFFICE MACHINE SALES A SERVICE 7433 N. LOMBARD ♦ PORTLAND. OREGON 97203 (503) 286-2521 DENN IS McCORMACK i • 8 9 .1 C a ll or 1 8 0 0 2 2 8 7 3 4 3 M o n d ay - S a tu rd a y 9 : 0 0 am - 5 : 0 0 pm w w w .orsym MATT McCORMACK 1 503-228-1353 ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL i