African Drums to Sound at SEI Auditorium See Focus, Page B2 PCC Zooms-in on Careers From A to Z PRSDRT STD USPOSTAGE PAID PORTLAND OR PERMIT NO 1610 See Careers, Special Section C Kil'ght Library ^299 University o f Oreg Eugene OR 97403-,205 Volume XXXI Number 23 W ednesday Committed to C ultural Diversity Established in 1970 50f June 6,2001 Whitaker Reopens After Clean Sweep More actions to reduce radon, improve air quality to come Police Find Guns, Squalor in Rural Idaho Home SANDPOINT, Idaho — S h eriffs depu­ ties have recovered ammunition and five guns amid the feces-strewn squalor where the six M cGuckin children lived in the north Idaho woods. The arrest o f their mother, JoAnn, prom pted the children to hole up in the ramshackle home for five days, keeping officials at bay with the help o f their 27 dogs. The children surrendered to sh e riffs deputies and were taken to a hospital. A hearing was scheduled Tues­ day to determine if they should remain in state custody or be returned to her care. Peru’s New President Faces Tough Road LIM A, Peru — Peru’s president-elect was swept to pow er largely by the poor, Indian majority. Now Alejandro Toledo faces die daunting task o f not letting them down in one o f South A m erica’s most troubled nations. The self-styled “ Indian with acause” must battle a four-year reces­ sion, deliver jobs and higher wages in a nation mired in poverty, and root out the remnants o f corruption left by a previous government. Toledo, 55, became Peru’s first freely elected president o f Indian de­ scent on Sunday when he defeated former President Alan Garcia. Iraq Halts Oil Exports BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq stopped ex­ porting oil to all but neighboring Turkey and Jordan. The indefinite halt was meant to protest a U.N. decision to extend by one m onth instead o f the usual six months the program under which Iraq can sell oil. Iraq had been pum ping about 3 m illion barrels a day. You May Have a Free Rental Coming Your Way M IAM I — Blockbuster is offering to settle 23 class-action lawsuits by custom­ ers claim ing they’ve paid inflated fees for overdue video rentals and that the com­ pany profited unfairly as a result. The total settlement could approach $450 million. All customers charged extended viewing or non-retum fees at its stores between Jan. 1, 1992, and April 1, 2001, will be eligible for refunds if Blockbusters offer is approved by the federal court. To qualify, customers must fill out and return claim forms — now being attached to store re­ ce ip ts— before Dec. 15. Nevada Lawmakers Approve Internet Gambling Bill CARSON CITY, Nev. — Legislators have approved a bill allowing N evada to become the first state in the nation to offer Internet gambling, a jackpot that could be worth $6 billion to casinos by 2003. Law­ makers approved the bill even though the Justice D epartm ent considers Internet gambling illegal. Experts estimate that rev­ enues from Internet gambling — largely conducted by offshore companies because o f the U.S. b a n — reached $1.5 billion last year and could quadruple by 2003. Captors, Hostages Spotted in Southern Philippines M ANILA, Philippines— A boatload o f hostages and their Muslim extremist cap- tors was spotted o ff a southern Philippine island T hereportcam easPhtlippinem ili- tary officials said the United States offered to help the Philippines search for the 20 hostages, who were snatched from a re­ sort. President’s Daughters Investigated AUSTIN, Texas — President Bush’s 19-year-old daughter, Jenna, tried to pur­ chase alcohol at a restaurant using som e­ one e lse’s identification card, police said. Less than a month ago, Jenna Bush pleaded no contesfto a charge o f being a minor in possession o f alcohol in another incident P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver A worker fora Portland cleaning company takes aim at a dirty ventilation grill at Whitaker Middle School Saturday as the Portland School District worked to improve air quality at the school. 2001 Queen ofRosaria W hitaker M iddle School reopened Monday after losing six days o f the school year because of high levels o f radon gas and a dirty air ventilation system. The decision to reopen the northeast Portland school followed a second round of test results from Key Technol­ ogy, Inc., an EPA-accredited radon testing lab. The lab reported radon levels ranging from 0.2 to 3.5 pCi/ I. in all but one room. In that room, the radon level was reported at 6.1 pCi/L. The federal Environmental Protection A gency’s acceptable level of radon gas is 4 pCi/L. The district took the precaution of moving students in the classroom with a level of 6.1 pCi/L to space elsewhere in the building. Fans have been running 24-hours a day to vent the radon, a radioactive byproduct from rock in the ground beneath the school, from the building. In addition, the district is responding to staff and parent concerns about overall air quality in the building by thor­ oughly cleaning all horizontal and vertical surfaces, and rem oving and cleaning the building’s vents. “It will be a full-force effort,” said Pam Brown, director o f the district’s facilities and asset management depart­ ment. During the summer, the district will have a certified industrial hygienist look at the building and recommend additional actions to improve air quality. The district will take corrective actions as recommended. Still, about 220 kids did not return to class Monday. Some parents have requested transfers from the school and others have taken homework packets home to home- school their children for the rest oT the year The district also released the second round o f radon test results for both G regory Heights Middle School and Kelly Elementary, two other northeast schools that closed follow­ ing reports o f radon gas lurking in the buildings. The second round o f tests conducted at Gregory Heights found levels ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 pCi/L. The second round of tests conducted at Kelly found levels ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 pCi/L in all but three rooms. In those three rooms, radon was reported at levels o f 6.1, 13.0 and 25.5 pCi/L. The district has moved students in these three classroom s to spaces elsewhere in the building. More accurate long-term tests for radon will be made during summer break and throughout the next school year at all three schools, according to Brown. “We will seal cracks and improve ventilation systems as needed and will retest until the levels are acceptable,” said Brown. Woman Killed on UP Campus Strangled, Sexually Assaulted Wesley Grout of Lincoln High School was crowned the 2001 Rose Festival Queen Thursday. Wesley has been an active member of student government throughout high school and was on the varsity ski team. After graduation, she plans to attend the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in San Francisco to study fashion design. PCC Cascade Moves to Condemn Properties B y L ee P erlman Tut_EiiRILiV'e.QBShK>tR In their quest to expand the Portland Com ­ munity College Cascade Campus, administra­ tors are beginning to use the “condemna­ tion” word. The college's board has asked vice presi­ dent for adm inistrative services Randy McEwan to prepare a resolution authorizing the use o f condemnation - the purchase o f private property without the ow ner’s con­ sent - for dozens o f properties on the cam pus's periphery. The board is expected to adopt the resolution at its June 21 meeting McEwan listed the parcels in the following order o f priority, as: 1 • An enclosed parking lot on the northeast side o f campus near Jackson Hall; • The remainder of a square block, south of North Killingsworth Street and west o f Jefferson High School, part o f which the college already owns; • The Albina Christian Life Center building at 5522 N. Albina Ave. • Fourteen properties, mostly single family homes, located on the west side o f North Albina and the east side ofN orth Mississippi, and betw een K illingsw orth and Jessup Streets. Meanwhile, McEwan told the board. PCC CONTINI EDON PAGE A7 Police on the University of Portland campus look for clues in the slaying of a woman found dead in her dorm. (AP) — A 21 -year-old woman found dead in a U niversity o f Portland dorm itory room was strangled and sexually assaulted, the M ultnom ah County medical exam iner’s office said. Friends discovered the body o f Catherine Mary H elen Johnson, o f Vancouver, a senior at the small Catholic university, in her M ehling Hall room on May 29. Johnson, a music m ajor at the north Portland school, was last seen two days earlier, when she had dinner with friends. Police would not confirm the cause o f death listed Thursday in an autopsy report by Dr. N icholas H artshorne, deputy medical exam iner for M ultnom ah County. The school is in sum m er session, and only about 150 students now live on cam pus. About 2,600 are enrolled during the school year John G oldnck, vice president for student services, has said there were no signs o f forced entry into the dorm itory. Only two students had coded access cards to the building, and they were both female, university officials said. Johnson is the only student to have been killed on campus. In December 1981, a university com puter specialist was fatally shot by a cam pus janitor, who then took his own life in the engineering building. t