May 30, 2001 ortlanò bseruer P ag e A 7 (Elqe ¡Jlurtlanó (Observer Focus Gooding, Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale, Jon Voight, more. C red its: D irected by M ichael Bay. W ritten by Randall Wallace. Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. Drama Rating: Rated PG-13 for sustained intense war se­ quences, images of wounded, brief sensuality and some lan­ guage. C ast: Dan Aykroyd, Cuba Pearl Harbor ¡NURSES ARE NEEDED NOW! K P* e HN IflcWenamins EDY SCHO vt oi .n GUNS .. ..¡< .F IG H T PEARL HARBOR < «•«»«• ••»m •»<» ' n u m m m •• » » •• « W •«* •••*«»•<•♦'«» 1 U .S . PEARL NURSE CORPS ynopsis: Set against the Japa nese raid of Pearl Harbor, two friends, one a pilot in the US Army Air Corps and the other in the British Royal Air Force, find themselves in love with the same woman. G en re: Period / War / Romance / HARBOR “Pearl Harbor, ” the movie debuts featuring stunning battle scenes at the port at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii's most important base fo r the United States ’ Pacific Fleet. The military site became the target for one o f the great tragedies in American military history. OCEAN 503 Entertainment Guide A scending the Cosm ic M ountain T hrough W ednesday, June 3 T h e P o rtla n d A rt M u se u m , lo ­ c a te d a t 1219 SW . P a rk A v e n u e w ill b e o ffe rin g a n e x h ib itio n o f a s e le c tio n o f T ib e ta n r e lig io u s a rt a n d a r tif a c ts fro m P o rtla n d p r i­ v a te c o lle c tio n s . T h e e v e n t is p a rt o f th e “ T ib e ta n A rts a n d C u ltu re F e s tiv a l,” w h ich in c lu d es T ib e ta n film , v isu a l a rts, m u sic an d d an ce. F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n o n th e a rt sh o w in g , c a ll 5 0 3 /2 2 6 -2 8 1 1. Our Dream Gallery Through Tuesday, June 9 O ur Dream Gallery will present Ron Sm ith and The A rthur W right, two outstanding artists from Northern Cali­ fornia w ith the showing o f “This & That,” w hich will run through June 9. Ron Smith's work ranges from images o f the A frican savannah to his Jazz series. A rthur W right also paints im­ ages o f A frican w ildlife using a secret technique involving bleach and black paper. T he gallery is located at 2209 N.E. Alberta S t Call 503/288-3024. The Language o f W estern Art Through Sunday, June 24 Join the Portland A rt M useum , lo­ cated at 1219 SW. Park A venue, fo ra fascinating look at A m erica's two most celebrated W estern artists, Frederic Rem ington and Charles Russell. Their depictions o f broncos and buffaloes, cowboys and American Indians helped shape our view o f the A m erican W est o f the late 19* century. The exhibition runs until Sunday, June 24. It consists o f an exceptional group o f over 100 paintings, sculptures, w atercolors, draw ings, book illustrations and pho­ tographs. further inform ation. MAY America’s First Youth Orchestra Wednesday, May 30 & Thursday, May 31 The Portland Youth Philharmonic is holding auditions for the 2001-2002 Season on M ay 30 and 31. Applica­ tions are required. A uditioning string players m ust be at least 7 years old; wind, brass and percussion players at least 13yearsold.N ooneover22 years old will be auditioned. For more infor­ mation, call503/223-5939. Reading by Ehud Havazelet Thursday, May 31 W ilsonville Festival o f the Arts Friday, June 1 e © *8 2 The Wilsonville Festival o f the Arts 2001 is a three-day celebration that recog­ nizes both established and emerging vi­ sual and performing artists from around the Pacific Northwest. The Festival offers two exhibition opportunities for visual artists: The Open Show (non-juried and open to all artists), and an outdoor Arts &CraftsFair and Garden Art Show (open to artisans o f fine wares). The event will be at the grounds o f Wilsonville High School, locatedat6880 SW. Wilsonville Rd. Call503/673-7619. T he O regon Society o f Artists will be having the Rose Art Show 2001 to parallel the Portland Rose Festival. All m edia paintings depicting this year's theme “Capture the Excitement’’or “The Rose” will be on exhibit. T heeventw ill be at 2185 S. W. Park Place. Call 503/ 223-0706. IJianaRosen.authorof’CookingWith Tea." will have two tea tastings and a demo o f using tea for cooking and Chef Wemischner will prepare three o f the dishes from their book "In Good Taste" on Saturday. June 2 from 11 1 p.m. The class is open to the public and reg­ istration can be made by calling 503/248- 2015. The school is located at 231N. W. 1 l^AveCallthenumberaboveoraccess CLASS BEGINS W ITH A HEARTY BREAKFAST JU N E FRIDAY, JUNE 1ST - SATURDAY JUNE 2ND & SATURDAY, JUNE 16 RED UO N INN COLISEUM. EDGEWATER LOUNGE FRIDAY. JUNE 8TH - SATURDAY. JUNE 9TH - 8:00TO MIDNIGHT SATURDAY, JUNE 23RD (PRIVATE SHOW) CHICAGO BLUES - 109 W. 15TH IN VANCOUVER 360-735-0600 a ■5 C •w s E s 7 ■K h FRIDAY, JUNE 15th STERNWHEELER CRUISE - 6:30 PM TO 10:00 PM «• > ... o f w - a®. CZ5 © a. © s to 5© M onday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am ftp Sunday: 7am to 1 1:30am ....... FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND - 6:30 TO 10:00 PM BILLY REEDS ON MLK 503-493-8127 , JULY 5 7 3 6 N E 3 3 r d • P o r tla n d , O re g o n SATURDAY, JULY 7TH Candlelight Room - 5th & Lincoln - 503-222-3378 ( 5 0 5 ) 2 4 9 - 5 9 8 5 • w w . n t < ’m e n a m m s . c o m For booking contact Metíale 503.25I.-W00 LaRhonda Steele 503.2&8.2083 CARPET CLEANING « 2001 CARPET CLEAN UP K) MARTIN CLEANING AFRO-CUBAN ALL STARS Cooking with Tea Saturday, June 2 “ V isions and V isionaries,” thirty- plus paintings by im portant O regon artists from the era 1880-1930, will be exhibited at Pittock M ansion through­ out M ay until Oct. 31. V isitors may view “Visions and V isionaries" 1 2 - 4 p.m. daily. Singnificant, seldom-seen works by such luminaries as Cleveland Rockwell, W illiam Samuel Parrott, Myra A lbert W iggins, C.E.S. W ood, and Clara Jane Stephes were painstakingly selected for this event by G uest Cura­ tor, M ichael Parsons. The public is encouraged to call 503/823-3624 for FRIDAY, MAY 25TH STERNWHEELER CRUISE - 6:30 PM TO 10.00 PM Ehud Havazelet is the author o f two story collections: “W hat Is It Then Between Us?” and most recently, “Like Never Before,” which won the Oregon Book Award and was named a Notable Book ofthe Y ear by the N ew York and Los Angeles Times. He will be giving a reading on Thursday, M ay 31,8 p.m. at PSU, located oncam pus at the Smith M emorial Center, Cascade Room. For more information, call503/725-5666. Rose Art Show Through June 29 Visions and Visionaries Through Oct. 31 COMING EVENTS I carpetcleaning Oregon Symphony orchestra does not perform. The Afro-Cuban All Stars will perform 90 minutes without intermission. ] I U P H O L S T E R Y C L E A N IN G The Afro-Cuban All Stars featuring Juan de Marcos Gonzalez - music director for the Buena Vista Social Club - is a dream 16-piece band comprising four generations of Cuba's finest musicians. • D ining C h a irs • O tto m a n 2 A re a M in im u m I S m all H all F re e P re -S p ra v T ra ffic A reas • S ta irs $ 1 .5 0 each Tuesday, June 5 a t 7:30 pm Juan de Marcos Gonzalez, musical director SERVICE • • • • • Sofa ( u n d e r 6 ft.) Sofa (o v er 6 ft.) S ectio n al L o v eseat R e c lin e r Media support by KMHD $20 $20 |W D m O N A L S E R V l C E £ ] $69 $79 $79 $49 $39 I CARPET • A uto*B oat*R V C lean in g • D eodorizing • D irt R e sistan t (Teflon) P ro tectio n • Pet O d o r T re a tm e n t • S pot & S tain R em oval N E W S E R V IC E • L e a th e r C lean in g COLPON Tickets: $ 2 0 - $75 Rose City Chamber Orchestra Sunday, June 3 THE GREAT RAY CHARLES Saturday, June 9 at 8 pm | Sunday, June 10 at 3 pm Murry Sidlin, conductor Each Area Legendary Ray Charles will again return I UPHOLSTERY to the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall stage for two fabulous concerts during Rose Festival. Don’t miss it! Tickets: $ 2 0 - $75 i $25 1 S m a ll H a ll F ree Pre-Spray Traffic Area Ray Charles, piano & vocals Sponsored by Union Pacific Media support by KINKfmlO2 Rose City Chamber Orchestra pre­ sents its fifth concert of the season with guest conductor James Smith o f the University o f Wisconsin on Sunday, June 3 at 3 p.m. at the Central Lutheran Church, located at 2104 N.E. Hancock The concert will play Francaix’s Sept Danses, Haydn’s Symphony No. 96 “Miracle" and Brahms’ Serenade No. 1, Op. 11. 2 A re a M in im u m 1 Call 503-228-1353 or 1 800 228-7343 Monday - Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HAIL COUPON Sofa (under 6 ft) $69 Loveseat or Chair $49 N CLEANING w - Carpet Carpt & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residential Services Commi % CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS 503-281-3949