« May 30, 2001 Itp? JÌortiaxtò (Observer Page B5 i Classifieds/Bids Federal Matching ProjectCoordinator The Federal Matching Project Coor­ dinator will review and evaluate fed­ eral financial m atch tools, design and implement processes for moni­ toring, costing, and reporting on fed­ eral match. This position will work closely with Senior Management, departm ent and county s ta ff in the design and im plem entation o f this cross-departm ent project. This po­ sition works within the Office of Sup­ port Services o f the Department of Community and Family Services and is located in the Commonwealth Building in downtown Portland. Review and evaluate vaiious Fed­ eral Financial Participation (FFP) fi­ nancing tools, to determine best fit for Department services. Requires understanding o f State and Federal regulations, and applying them to Department services. Ability to work independently to interpret, recom­ m end, develop and im p le m e n t projects. Design and implement pro­ cesses to monitor and record client, e ffo rt, and cost data, based on the requirements o f the various financ­ ing tools. Design & implement quar­ terly tim es studies, including client counts. Training and coaching s ta ff on the adm inistration o f the tim e study. Design a n d /o r work with ex­ isting data system s to track and rep ort clien t and e ffo rt reports. Gather data for quarterly cost re­ p o rts. Work collaboratively with m ultiple D epartm ent, County and State s ta ff in the Interpretation and application o f the various financing tools. Prepare annual claiming bud­ gets and m onitor success towards those goals. Prepare and subm it reports to State and federal agen­ cies in accordance with HICFA and State requirements. Requires three years o f increasingly responsible accounting or fiscal management experience; AND a bachelor's de­ gree from an accredited college or university with m ajor course work in accounting, business administra­ tion, public adm inistration, or a re­ la te d fie ld . S ta rtin g s a la ry is $ 3 9 ,1 3 5 .6 0 monthly ($ 3 9 ,1 3 5 .6 0 - $ 5 4 ,7 8 9 .6 0 full range). Apply by June 8, 2 00 1. Further information and application m atenals are avail- by calling (503) 9 88 -5 03 5. Finance Clerk Program Associate Finance Clerk Tri-Met, the region's public transit agency, has an im m ediate open­ ing for a Finance Clerk. R esponsi­ b ilitie s include preparation, pro­ cessing and reconciliation o f pay­ roll a n d /o r accounts payable func­ tions. This is a union position. Qualified candidates m ust have • Three years of payroll or account­ ing experience • Associates degree in accounting or business (Additional years o f experience may substitute for edu­ cational requirem ents) • Strong m ainfram e and personal com puter experience Excellent benefit package and sal­ ary s ta rtin g at $ 1 4 .1 5 per hour w ith p ro g re s s io n s c h e d u le to $ 1 8 .8 7 per hour. Q ualified candi­ dates may subm it a Tri-Met appli­ cation w ith supplem ental ques­ tio n s no later than June 8 th to the Human Resources D ept., 4 0 1 2 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR 9 72 02 . You may call (5 0 3) 9 6 2 -7 6 3 5 for inform ation or v is it our website at www.tri-met.org/ jo b s / . P ro g ra m A s s o c ia te fo r th e McKenzie River Gathering Founda­ tion. MRG is a public foundation funding progressive social change a c tiv is m by g ra s s ro o ts g ro up s throughout Oregon. Duties for this Eugene-based p o s itio n inclu de grant program coordination, appli­ cant outreach, and adm inistrative tasks. M ust have dem onstrated experience working with diverse cultures and be organized, com ­ puter-literate, progressive. To re ­ ceive inform a tion nece ssary to apply, co nta ct: Linda Reym ers, Grants Director, (541) 4 8 5 -2 7 9 0 , linda@mrgf.o rg . MRG is an EEO employer. Tri-Met, the region's public transit agency, has an im m ediate open­ ing for a Finance Clerk. Responsi­ bilities include preparation, pro­ cessing and reconciliation o f pay­ roll a n d /o r accounts payable func­ tions. This is a union position. Qualified candidates m ust have • Three years o f payroll or account­ ing experience • Associates degree in accounting or business (Additional years of experience may substitute for edu­ cational requirements) • Strong m ainfram e and personal computer experience Excellent benefit package and sal­ ary sta rtin g at $ 1 4 .1 5 per hour w ith p ro g re s s io n s c h e d u le to $ 18 .87 per hour. Qualified candi­ dates may subm it a Tri-Met appli­ cation w ith supplem ental ques­ tions no later than March 3 0 th to the H um an R e so u rce s D e p t., 4 0 1 2 SE 1 7 th Ave., Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 2 . You may call (50 3) 962- 763 5 fo r inform ation or visit our website at i TRI-MET Tri-Met is an equal o p p o rtu n ity employer Metro Employment The Oregon Air National Guard has several part-tim e positions avail­ able. Let the Oregon Air Guard pro­ vide you w ith the experience to enhance your civilian m arketabil­ ity! Not only w ill the Air Guard train you, but pay you to learn! For more inform ation on pay, travel, training & various educational benefits - ca ll 1 -8 0 0 -3 9 2 -1 8 0 1 & inquire about our enlistm ent eligibility. S tro n g m a n a g e r n e e d e d w ith teaching credentials to supervise small s ta ff o f academic and voca­ tional teachers in a reside n tial youth training setting. M ust pos­ sess a Bachelor’s degree in edu­ cation or associated field and three years related experience, manage­ rial experience and a valid State o f Oregon teaching ce rtific a te . If interested and qualified, subm it cover letter o f interest and resume to: Providing regional services * Creating livable com m unities Seasonal n a tu ra lis t, Blue Lake Regional Park. $ 1 0 .0 0 /h o u r, FT, Seasonal, duration approximately 3 m onths. Open Until Filled. Per­ fo rm s ta s k s in s u p p o rt o f the En­ vironmental Education and Interpre­ ta tion program. Delivers natural h isto ry interpretive ta lk s and pro­ gram s to the general public and organized groups, m ostly in out­ door enforcem ent o f regulations governing m etro ’s parks and fa­ cilities. R equired a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls available at: M etro Hum an Re­ sources, 6 0 0 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR. Resumes are not accepted. Please call (5 0 3 ) 797- 1 5 7 0 if you would like application m aterials m ailed to you. Web ad­ dress: AA/EEO Employer Clark County, Washington Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candi­ dates to be p a rt o f our dynamic public service organization. Tri-Met is an equal o pp ortu nity employer SPRINGDALE JOB CORPSCENTER RECREATION ADVISOR Recreation Advisor needed to con­ duct recreation activities for young people enrolled in a residential, v o c a tio n a l/e d u c a tio n a l train in g school. Requires a high school diploma and two years experience. A valid commercial driver’s license and C P R /First Aid c e rtific a tio n needed. Permanent position with excellent benefits. Subm it letter of interest and resume to: Human Resources, 3 1 2 2 4 Historic Colum­ bia R iver Hwy, T ro u td a le , Or. 9 70 60 . M ust be received no later than June 4, 2 0 0 1 . Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. T routdale, OR 97060 As an affirm ative action employer, we are seeking qualified minority, fem ale, veteran and disabled ap­ plicants: however, all qualified ap­ plicants will be considered. As an affirm ative action employer, we are se ekingqualified minority, fem ale, veteran and disabled ap­ plicants: however, all qualified ap­ plicants will be considered. InFocus is the worldwide leader in d eveloping, m an ufa ctu rin g and m a rk e tin g award-winning d a ta / video projection products and ser­ vices. But it takes more than su­ perior technology to win in the glo­ bal m arket. It takes people like you to help us m eet the needs o f our custom ers. If you’re an ener­ getic team player and are com m it­ ted to quality and success, visit our w ebsite at www.infocus.com and check out our current job open­ ings. To subm it your resume elec­ tronically, please click on the “Ap­ ply Nowl” link under the position you are interested in and attach your resume. opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1, Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK I Portland, OR Employment . 7 n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agency: Oregon Health Division Immunization Program Public Provider Ualson Serve as the state liaison with public immunization providers, assisting with the implementation of state-coordinated programs and supporting local initiatives. Located in Portland. Salary range is $2.784 to $3.870 a month Announcement #LEHS1157. Classification #C2328. For more Information, please visit www.oregonjobs.org. J Z h l s is Just a fe w of th e current job openings available w ith th e S ta te of Oregon. A more com plete announcem ent listing, application forms, and additional job information are available a t: a) local Em ploym ent D ep artm ent field offices, or b) th e Oregon jobs page at: w w w .oregonjobs.org. The S ta te of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. Sub-Bids Requested N ie ls e n D ill ini Smith Memorial Union Renovation Portland State University Portland, Oregon Bid Date: June 7, 2 0 0 1 @ 3 :0 0 p.m. Nielsen Dillingham Builders, Inc. 9 2 2 0 S. W. Barbur Boulevard, Suite 106, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 9 PHONE: (503) 246-2008 FAX: (503) 246-1125 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all qualified inter­ prises. Subcontractors may be requested to furnish 100% Payment and Performance Clackamas area Excavation Com­ pany has em ploym ent o pportuni­ tie s fo r experienced Pipe layers, Laborers and Equipm ent Opera­ tors. M ust have valid driver’s li­ cense. Women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. Please send r e s u m e ’ to : PO Box 1 9 9 0 C lackam as, Oregon 9 7 0 1 5 or fax to: 5 0 3 -5 5 7 -5 7 4 8 . Bonds. Subcontract and owner documents are available in our office for review. O H SU /Partnership Project .5 FTE Nurse Case Manager Perform health assessm ents. Co­ o rd in a te se rvices, and provide medication management to clients w ith HIV disease. RN with HIV experience. ONA represented po­ s itio n w ith b e n e fits . C o n ta c t Sandra H olycross at 5 0 3 -2 3 0 - 1 2 0 2 . OHSU is an Equal Employ­ m ent O pportunity/A ffirm ative Ac­ tion employer. Resources, 27700B SW Parkway Ave., Wilsonville, OR 9 7 0 7 0 - 9215, email: jobs@infocus.com or fax (5 0 3 ) 685-8887. We are an equal opportunity employer. As a m em ber o f the information S ervices Unit N etwork Support Job inform ation, applications, Group, this position will perform gen­ and benefits are available from : eral network adm inistration in the Clark County Human Resources Novell Netware and Windows NT 1 0 1 3 Franklin St, Vancouver WA networking environments, and will Job Hotline: (3 6 0) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8 have primary responsibility fix main­ TDD: (36 0) 3 9 7 -6 0 3 2 taining the MS Exchange Server 5.5 www.co.ciark.wa.us email system. Requires 2 years in­ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM­ creasingly responsible experience in PLOYER supporting local and wide area net­ works and equivalent to an Associ­ ate of Arts degree with major course PARKING work in com puter science, network FACILITY engineering or a related field. Certi­ OPERATOR fied Network Engineer (MCSE or CNE) is desirable. Starting salary Immediate opening for full and Part- is $ 1 9 .4 7 per hour ($ 1 9 .4 7 - time attendants with Portland’s $ 2 3 .9 3 per hour full range). Apply leading parking Co. We are seeking by June 8, 2 00 1. Future informa­ dependable individuals with a neat tion and application m aterials are appearance and a Positive attitude, i a v a ila b le at $8.00^startingwageHugeovertime ' www.co.multnomah.or.us or by call­ potential A dvancem ent ' ing (503) 988-5035. The Port of Portland is an Equal O pportunity Employer Construction Equal Opportunity Employer We o ffe r a com petitive salary and a c o m p le te b e n e fits package. Apply online at www.infocus.com or send or fax your resum e and cover letter to: InFocus, Human Network Analyst 2 Information about career opportunities with the Port o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port’s website at www.portofnortJandor.com or by calling (>03) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. ested firms, including Disadvantaged, Minority, Women, and Smail Business Enter­ www.infoucs.com INTERNAL PERFORMANCE AUDITOR $ 3 ,8 2 3 - $ 5 ,4 0 2 /m o n th DOQ Career O pportunities OREGON DEAPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES RESPONSES M UST BE RE­ CEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2001 I inpl(»\ nient Opportunities Clark County, W ashington is an e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity e m p lo y e r s e e kin g q u a lifie d c a n d id a te s to fill c u rre n t te m p o ra ry o pe ning s fo r o u r D e p a rtm e n t o f P u b lic W orks Road & Park Maintenance d iv is io n s . These p o s itio n s are employed through a te m p ora ry staffing agency, but will be assigned to Clark County. D uties include tra ffic flagging, general labor and m aintenance duties during peak season. Entry level pay rate b egins at $ 8 .0 2 per hour. Candidates with a flagger's certificate & experience, who are assigned to flagging a n d / or d if f ic u lt roa d m a in te n a n c e positions, may receive pay between $ 8 .0 2 - $ 1 2 .3 8 per hour Salary rate will be determ ined upon hire. Detailed info & applications are available @ Clark County Human Resources, PO Box 5 0 0 0 , 1 0 1 3 Franklin St. Vancouver, WA. 9 8 6 6 6 -5 0 0 0 . Job H otlin e (3 6 0 ) 3 97 -6 01 8; TDD (36 0 ) 3 97 -6 03 2: www.co. ci ark. wa. u s . Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATIONAL SERVICES MANAGER PORT OF PO R TLA N D Alberta Cooperative Grocery is hir­ ing ca shiers and a FT produce buyer. W e’re looking for natural fo od s or previous co-op experi­ ence. All are welcome to apply. Wages from $ 8 .0 0 - $ 1 0 .0 0 an hour based upon experience. Call 5 0 3 -2 8 7 -4 3 3 3 for more inform a­ tio n. Closes 6 /3 . ^Restaurant S p ace\ For Rent ** Seaside Factory Outlet Center Prime location * Primary Food •Provider for over a million annual shoppers \ 1-503-201-4254/ Call Your Date Now!!! 1-900-226-8560 ext. 4 2 2 2 $ 2 .9 9 per min M ust be 18 yrs. Serv - U 6 19 -6 4 5 -8 4 3 4 o rw w w .thehotpages.net/ d ate.2206908.H T M Employment ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS DEKUM COURT SITE AND DWELLING IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. D C-11-01-01 Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority o f Portland (HAP), 8 9 1 0 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 3 , until 2 :0 0 p.m., Thursday, July, 12 2001 for labor and m aterials to renovate scattered housing units and buildings at Dekum Court. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. No bidder may w ithdraw th e ir bid a fte r the hour set for opening until after the lapse o f sixty (60) days from the bid openings. The basic work co nsists o f the following at the six buildings and site area at Dekum C ourt. 1. Work covered by C ontract Documents consists of site and dwelling improvements at an existing project under a contract as shown on drawings and specified herein. 2. Removal o f all existing and installation o f playground equip­ ment. 3. Removal o f existing and installation o f exterior stairs to sec­ ond flo or apartm ents. 4. Removal o f existing and installation o f new vinyl windows 5. Removal o f existing and installation of exterior apartment doors 6. Removal o f existing and installation o f new smoke detectors 7. Removal o f existing and installation o f new bath room fans 8. Installation of new roof structures at existing trash enclosures 9. New overlay o f asphalt and new parking striping and acces­ sories at parking lots 10. Com plete renovation o f two apartm ents into ADA accessible Units 11. 12. Painting the Com m unity Building on Saratoga Street Other m iscellaneous work noted or scheduled Bid Docum ents are available at the HAP Office noted above. A $ 5 0 (fifty) d ep osit fo r one set and $ 2 0 (twenty) for each additional set is refundable when docum ents are returned within 10 days after bid opening. Attendance o f b idder's is MANDATORY at a pre-bid tour o f the project commencing at the HAP Maintenance Office: address above, at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday. June 19 2001 Q uestions posed during the tour, not addressed in the docum ents, w ill be answered by addendum. Execution o f an Affidavit o f MBE P articipation (HAP from 4 2 1 ) is re­ quired o f each bidder in order to qualify each bidders bid. A minimum o f 20% participation is strongly desired. The Housing Authority o f Portland may reject any bid not in compliance w ith the prescribed procedures and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and waive all inform alities if, in the judgm ent o f HAP, it is in th e public interest to do so. Q uestions regarding th is project should be directed to H. David Walter at 7 35 -4 21 0. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND