May 30, 2001 Page B2 P urttani! (Ety* Jíortlaub OObseruer Metro/Religion M N aM M M M Afghan Hindus Required to Wear Identity Labels K A BU L, Afghanistan (A P )— A f­ ghan H indus expressed dism ay and sadness last w eek at new requirements from the Taliban leadership that they w ear a yellow piece o f cloth on their shut pockets to set them apart from Muslims. “W ho know s who is close toG od?” asked Gandar, a 32-year-old Hindu pharm acy ow ner in the Afghan capital Kabul. "W e feel part o f the same body, the sam e house, the same room, like a fam ily... W hy should w e have a mark?” The Taliban, who control 95 percent o f this drought-stricken, w ar-tom na­ tion o f 21 million people, defended theirrulm g W ednesday. They insisted it was meant to protect Hindus from religious police who patrol the streets enforcing the T aliban's version o t Is­ lamic law. “This is not any kind o f discrim ina­ tion." said Mohammed Suhail Shaheen, deputy head o f the Afghan Embassy in Pakistan. “They (the Hindus) can carry out their rituals as before... They will enjoy full rights.” Muslim men — required by the Taliban to keep their beards — som e­ times claim they’re Hindu i fanes ted tor shaving, Shaheen said. Conversely, clean-shaven Hindus are sometim es arrested erroneously, he added. The new order also requires Hindu women for the first time to cover them ­ selves head-to-toe in a garm ent called a burqa, ju st as M uslim w omen have been forced to do in Afghanistan. The plan — rem iniscent o f a Nazi policy in the 1930s and 40s that re­ quired European Jews to wear yellow Stars o f David — has been criticized internationally as a hum an rights vio­ lation. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan appealed to the Taliban to re­ ject the decision, his spokesm an said. Hindus in A fghanistan have not been the target o f persecution and have generally been allow ed to prac­ tice their religion freely. However, over decades o f war, the num ber ofH indus has dwindled from a high o f about 50,000 during the 1970s to 500 in the capital and small pockets elsewhere. The new restrictions m ake many Hindus feel dangerously singled out. “W e don’t feel safe with this,” said Balbir, a Hindu spice dealer in Kabul. He said the mark could cause “security problem s” for him w hen he travels to the countryside. “This is discrimination. W e are Afghans. I was bom in Afghanistan. We gave our sons to the arm y to fight. We prayed for the dead together with our Muslim brothers,” said Balbir, who like many Afghans goes by one name. M oon Singh, 18-year-old Sikh shopow ner, supported the new m ea­ sure. “Som etim es the religious police beat them (the Hindus) and say ‘W hy aren ’t you in the mosque praying’ because they look like M uslim s,” he said. A fghanistan’s Sikhs and Hindus are closely linked, sharing tem ples in the capital. Sikh men are not subject to the new ruling because their style o f turbans and beards makes them easily distinguishable from Muslims. The ruling was initially approved by A fghanistan’s senior council o f Is­ lamic scholars, or ulema. The M inistry for the Prom otion o f V irtue and Prevention o f Vice, which runs the religious police, then speci­ fied that the label should be a yellow cloth, said Abdul A nnan Himat, head o f the T aliban ’s Bakhtar news agency. The head o f die religious police, M ohammed Wali, told the AP on Tues­ day that die p lan would be imp lemented soon. The decision outraged Hindu- dominated India. “W e believe such edicts have no place in civilized soci­ ety,” Raminder Jassal, an Indian For­ e ig n M in istry sp o k e s m a n , sa id W ednesday. U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard said the requirem ent would be a “grave violation o f human rights and recall som e o f the m ost deplorable acts o f discrimination in history ” Allen Temple Hosts Appreciation Celebration The Allen Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 4236 N.E. 8th Ave., will hold an appreciation celebration for Rev. Dr. Leroy Haynes Jr. and Rev. Helen Hayes, . honoring their commitment and dedicated service to the Allen Temple famtly and to the met- “If You Aspire to Make Music” Renaissance Academy Is A Must ❖ ❖ ❖ Summer Camp 2001 ❖ ❖ ❖ Learn guitar ♦♦♦ Play African Drums! Learn Sound Technology! Sing in a choir! Learn Keyboard! ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ♦♦♦ July 5-31, 2001 Monday- Friday 8am-Noon Grades 4-8 cost: $150 Limited financial assistance available Location: Irvington Covenant Church 4046 NE MLK JR. Blvd Call Now 503- 287-5226 _________olor* tp q p h p c a t th p He N o also r t h teaches l i e h t f i at il m in i North st the lightful minister. Her compas- ropolitan community. Portland Bible College. sion for the lost and hurting is The festivities begin with a Rev. Helen Haynes is a de- exhibited in her ministry. musical on Friday, June 1 at 7 p m. and culminate on Sun­ day, June 3 at 4 p.m. he church will be ending its c o n fe r ence year at the end of this month with pastors of the Oregon Washington and Alaska District receiving new appointments. Allen Temple will not know until such tim e if P asto r Haynes will remain, or if he will be given another appoint­ ment. Therefore, each year be­ fore the annual conference, church leaders do not pass up the opportunity to give him and his spouse their thanks. When Pastor Haynes is not te ac h in g , co u n se lin g and preaching the Good news of The Gospel, he is teaching at conference meetings through­ out the United States, or shar­ ing his vision of the drug abuse program he founded to restore addictive persons, codependents or families. Rev. Dr. Leroy Haynes Jr. and his wife, Rev. Helen Haynes. T African Americans Every Voice; in World War II JUNE 1 7 -2 5 Vancouver, Washington I CONVENTION SITE Maranatha Church, 4222 NE 12th PORTLAND, OREGON Empowering Seminars 10 am Evening Service 7 pm Bishop A. A. Wells Presiding Bishop F G P C • Dynamic Keynote Speakers • Anointed Music Ministry Join us on Thursday, June 7 as the students in the Center for Columbia River History’s Vancouver African American History Project present a program based on their research of the history of African Americans in Vancouver from 1941 to 1948. Project P articipants, 1-r: Keri Conw ay, C arlos Delcid, M ary Byrd, C hristal Jenkins, Jasm ine Sim m ons Lift E very Voice includes: BISHOP G. G. BLOOMER Durham , NC BISHOP M .ROGERS Portsmouth. VA EVANGELIST BRENDA TODD Tulsa, OK ♦ posterboard exhibits and presentations by the students ♦ an interactive discussion involving students, coordinators, advisory board members, oral history narrators and the audience FREE Thursday, June 7, 2001 - 7:00 p.m. Vancouver Community Library 1007 East Mill Plain Boulevard RHONDA MCLEMORE Anointed Ministry of Music M IN. SHAWN MCLEMORE Anointed Music Ministry FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: 1032 N. Sumner Portland. OR 97217, Phone (503) 287-2223 For more information: 360 992-1821 Co-sponsOrs for this project ^re the C enter for C olum bia River H istory's Jam es B. C astles Endow m ent, the V ancouver N ational Historic Reserve Trust, Portland State U niversity, SW IFT , C lark C ollege, G ifford Pinchot N ational Forest, V ancouver Branch N A A C P 1139, M cLoughlin H eights C hurch o f God an d th e V ancouver C om m unity Library I