Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 23, 2001, Page 5, Image 5

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    May 23, 2001
as Business
Ml W
Page A5
ÖEfys 'P ortland (Ob«cruer
O n lin e R e ta ile r B a n s K K K , N azi S ales
EBay, the online auction giant,
has unveiled a new policy that will
ban the sale o f goods that carry a
Ku Klux Kian or Nazi insignia, or
otherwise “promote or glorify ha­
tred, racial intolerance or racial
In addition, eBay announced it
would expand an existing ban on
the sale o f “murder” memora­
bilia, including artwork and letters
written by some o f the century’s
most horrific criminals.
A recent eB ay search for
“KKK” items turned up 95 eBay
auctions, while a search for “Ku
Klux Kian” goods generated 42
hits. Up for bid are items that
include KKK medallions from the
1800s, priced at as much as $500
and engraved with whips and
nooses, and postcards featuring
hooded Klansmen.
“As the eBay community ex­
pands around the globe, we are
encountering different laws and
different points of view as to what
Pacific Power Cautions
Against Meter Tampering
Pacific Power is working to
remind people that tampering with
electric meters and stealing elec­
tricity is punishable by law and
offenders face possible convic­
tion, jail time, fines and commu­
nity service. In addition, meter
tampering and theft pose serious
safety hazards that affect entire
communities. When one person
tampers with an electric meter,
everyone pays for it,” said Gary
LeMonie, Pacific Pow er’s direc­
tor o f corporate safety. Not only
does the theft result in increased
costs for our company and cus­
tomers, but tampering with a meter
is very dangerous, to, both the
people involved and others.
M eter tampering may cause
severe electrical flashes; expose
energized or involve other im­
proper wiring, creating hazards to
the public. Hidden traps created
by the tampering may cause in­
jury to meter readers, electrical
workers, people walking by and
children playing. In addition, elec­
trical fires may result, putting other
innocent people at risk.
The Port said that it conducts an
annual salary review for all o f its
em ployees, including the executive
director. An independent counsel­
ing firm recom m ended raising
T h o m e’s pay to $243,980 a year,
based on his perform ance.
“ 1 don ’ t negotiate or inquire into
that pro cess,” T hom e said in a
statem ent last week. “ Since a m is­
take may have been m ade, I ’ve d e­
cided to ask the C om m ission offic­
ers to review my salary increase
and m ake w hatever decision they
choose.” The P o rt’s by-law s re­
quire that the nine com m issioners
approve salary increases for the
ex ecutive d ire c to r, b u t sev eral
members o f the panel said they knew
nothing about T h o m e ’s raise.
Ouin S weetman of northeast Port­
land has joined United Way as a
communications associate
Sweetman is responsible for me­
dia relations, public relations strat­
egy and assisting with special events.
Prior to joining United Way, she
was an assistant account executive
for public relations atCole & Weber,
and has four years experience in pub­
lic relations and fundraising activi­
She has a Bachelor o f Arts in com­
munication from the Univ. ofMinne-
sota, Duluth. She is also a member of
group material from the site in
At that point, eBay continued
to allow the sale of KKK and
Nazi items that were more than
50 years old and presented some
claim ofhistorical value. The new
rule eliminates the sale o f such
material altogether.
the Public Relations Society o f
America and X-PAC.
United Way is the largest health
and human service fundraiser in Or­
egon and Southwest Washington,
raising more than $21 million through­
out M ultnomah, Clackam as and
Washington counties in Oregon and
Clark County in Washington.
Funds help more than 450,000
people locally through programs that
invest in positive experiences for
children and youth, strengthen fami­
lies, enhance senior independence
and meet emergency needs
Quin Sweet man
The Proposed Program o f Projects includes:
Federal Share
Vehicle Purchase
Customer Information Equipment
A clearing house department
store, selling “name brand” cloth­
ing and bedding at discount prices,
has opened at 1127 N.E. Broad­
Branded Outlet Store offers a
wide variety o f merchandise from
famous stores in Chicago, Seattle
and Los Angeles.
Owner and entrepreneur Jen­
nifer Covert says the items are
marked 40 to 80 percent below
retail prices.
The brands include such names
as Guess, Calvin Klein and Polo
for women, men and children.
Discounts are also offered on
home bedding and housewares
“Come check us out,” Covert
Branded Outlet Store is open
Monday through Saturday from
10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Bike Program
Alternative Transportation Center
Non-Commute Trips
Job Retention Program
Service to Employment Areas
Bike & Pedestrian Improvements
Shuttles to Rural Areas
Notice is hereby given that a
public hearing, if so requested by
any interested person, will be held
by the Tri-County Metropolitan
Transportation District of Oregon
(Tri-Met) in Room C, 4012 S.E.
17th Avenue, Portland, at 10:00
a.m. on Tuesday, June 12, 2000.
The purpose of this hearing is to
consider projects for which federal
FY01 Sec. 3037 Job Access funds
from the Federal Transit Admin­
istration is being sought. Persons
requesting that this hearing be
convened should contact Tri-Met’s
Finance Administrator by tele­
phone at 503-962-5850 or in writ­
ing at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue,
Portland, OR, 97202 by Wednes­
day, May 30, 2000.
Local Share Total Budget
Project Marketing Staff
10 a.m., Tues., june 12
Room C,
4012 SE 17th Avenue,
Name Brand Clearance
Store New to Broadway
P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
May 17. The company, based in
San Jose, Calif., operates through­
out Europe, Australia, Canada and
This marks the fourth time eBay
has reworked the listing require­
ments. The company banned the
sale o f tobacco and alcohol in
1999 and pulled modem hate-
Northeast Portland Women at United Way
Port D irector Returns $49,000 Raise
(A P) — O utgoing Port o f Port­
la n d e x e c u tiv e d ir e c to r M ik e
T hom e w ill return his $49,000 an­
nual pay raise after fellow com m is­
sioners co m p lain ed that proper
procedure w as not follow ed in
granting him the salary hike.
T hom e resigned tw o w eeks ago
so he could m ake plans to run for
governor in 2002.
constitutes i ¡legal, offensive or in­
appropriate items,” said Mike
Jacobsen, the company's attor­
ney. “Given our expansion, as
well as feedback we’ve received
from our users, we reviewed our
policy and concluded that these
changes are appropriate."
The policy change took effect
Shelters & Lighting
All projects have been selected through Tri-Met s planning process,
which incorporates public involvement, and are programmed in the
Metropolitan and State Transportation Improvement Programs. No
persons, families or businesses will be displaced by the projects.
Projects described above are in conformance with comprehensive
land-use and transportation planning in the area.
In the event a hearing is held, Tri-Met will afford opportunity for
interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social,
economic and environmental aspects of the projects.
A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-Met
at least 48 hours notice of the request by contacting Tri-Met at
503-962-4831 or T D D 503-962-5811, Monday through Friday,
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
If any interested person requires information regarding the Program
of Projects described in this Notice or Tri-Met’s transit development
plan they may contact Tri-Met’s Finance Administrator by telephone
at 503-962-5850 or in writing at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland,
O R 97202. The Program o f Projects described in this Notice consti­
tutes Tri-Met’s final FY01 § 3037 Job Access Program. Any amend­
ment to any program will be duly advertised to the public.
Bruce Harder
Executive Director, Finance & Adm inistration, Tri-M et
Jennifer Covert has opened Branded Outlet Store, a discount retailer
with “name brand" merchandise at 1127 N.E. Broadway, across the
street from Safeway, between Hollywood Video and Sleep Country.
Its Has Finau'f Happened !
Tax Returns Show Californian Migration
( A P )— A b ig c h u n k o fth e population growth in Oregon during
the 1990s cam e from C alifornia, according to federal tax data.
The Internal Revenue Service tallied 301,000 returns by
C alifornia taxpayers who moved to Oregon from 1990 through
At the same tim e, there were 131 Oregon taxpayers m oving to
C alifornia — giving Oregon a net gain o f 170,000 Californians.
M uch o f the m igration to Oregon was driven by the recession
that hit C alifornia — especially the aerospace industry.
At the same tim e, O regon’s high-technology economy boomed,
creating opportunities for displaced C alifornia workers.
In suburban W ashington County, jobs at Intel grew from 4,000
in 1990 to m ore than 16,000 now. As the California economy
recovered in the late 1990s, housing and other living costs
clim bed, driving low-incom e, low-skilled workers to seek jobs
elsew here.
H. & B. Too
Oregon's Oldest Licensed Pawnshop
Is ready to open in your neighborhood
4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Just south of Alberta
Tri-Met Courthouse Square Office Reopens
Plenty of Free Parking
Monday * Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm
T ri-M e t’s refu rb ish ed C ustom er A ssistance O ffice at Pioneer
CourthouseSquare reopened Monday.
The office has new summer hours from 9 a m. to 6 p.m.on weekdays. The
staff assists customers with questions or special needs, sells tickets, bicycle
permits and passes at the office.
10:00am • 4:00pm