M a y 2 3 ,2 0 0 1 Page A 4 ¿The P o rtia n i tObecruvr y p rtlanò (Ulje ^ o r tla n ò (Dhseruvr USPS 959 680 Established 1970 STA FF E d it o r P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington E d it o t Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B usiN E S S M a n a g e r Gary Ann Taylor A sst . P ublisher Michael Leighton C opy E d it o r Jo y R am os C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r Robert Parker 4 7 4 7 N E M a r t in L u th e r K in g, Jr. B lvd . P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-m ail n e w s @ p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m sdBcdpUon@portlanlobse(ver.com Somebody’s Got to Say Something Bv L .K , B.vsa On M ay 16th, ruo days p rio r to the o fficia l a n nouncem ent o f the su p e rin ten d en t's resignation fr o m P ortla n d P ublic Schools, 1 inter­ view ed B en Canada. A s h e began to repeatedly disp el so m e o f the ‘b a d p re ss ’ h e 's received a n d as he a n sw ered the u n a sked questions, there w ere three them es that cam e to m in d that su m m ed up that inter­ view: “P u ttin g The P u b lic in P u b ­ lic E ducation ", “W hat H a ve I D one f o r You L a te ly “ a n d to borrow a yo u th fu l expression fr o m kids to ­ day: "That Is So N o t Who I A m We begin with: “That Is So N o t Who I A m ” P o r t l a n d O b s e r v e r : Y o u ’ve lived in P o rtland now for th ree years and m uch has been said about the fact that you still do not ow n a hom e here. W hat do you say to those w ho feel this dem onstrates that you nev er took root here; T hat you n ever m ade Portland o r the school district your hom e in the m ost fundam ental w ay? B en C a n a d a : Let m e ask you this; w hat m akes a person a m em ­ ber o f the com m unity? Is it that you go to church? Is it that you participate in the arts? Y o u ’re out and about tow n or that you w alk through the co m m unity? Is it that you give o f your tim e and from your pocket w hen you see a need a n d c a n h e lp ? I d o n ’t th in k hom eow nership is a p rerequisite to being part o f y o u r com m unity. I f I had not m ade a co m m itm en t to Portland public schools, I w o u ld n ’t be doing the things that I do. I w ould n ot b e pu ttin g in the hours that I p u t in. I h av e m ad e a total com m itm ent here and the fact that I ju st h appen n ot to ow n a hom e here is n ot som ething th at I am happy or pro u d of. I d o n ’t like the idea o f having to w rite tw o checks a m o n th for a house note an d rent. T h e re ’s n o tax w rite -o ff fo r rent. I w ant the house. I w ant a garden. I love to garden. I w an t to have m y ow n sp ace to do that and th a t’s w hy ev ery w eekend that I’m not som ew here doing som ething, I ’m out looking for a hom e. Portland Observer: A nd w hat are you looking for in a n eig h b o r­ hood that you c a n ’t seem to find in P ortlan d ? Ben Canada: I like Portland. I like O regon. I like the Pacific N o rth ­ w est. I like w ater and th e re’s w a­ ter all-around. I like m ountains and there are m ountains all-around. I like this area N ow w ith regard to the specifics o f the house itself, 1 found a house that I really w anted but som ebody else beat m e to it. A ctually, th a t's h appened to m e tw ice. 1 like living in tow n. I like being clo se to everything. I like neighborhoods w ith sidew alks. I ’m nostalgic for certain things, b ut I also like certain conveniences that Public Schools. P ortland O b serv er: I know that African Americans are not a mono­ lithic people, but what would you like to say to the Black Com m unity in North and Northeast Portland regard­ ing their children, and their concerns in relation to the achievement gap? Ben C a n a d a : I cam e here as Superintendent o f schools for all children. It b o th ered m e w h en I looked at the data as a candidate, that NorthNortheast Portland had some o f the lowest performing schools and had for years. So I made it a top priority when I walked in the door. Go back and check the tapes; check the w rit­ ten docum ents. I said it w as a n um ­ ber one issue with me. I have not deferred from that. T he ach iev e­ ment gap has been the num ber one issue and w e’re addressing it. ity that the ch ild ren in N o rth /N o rth ­ east P ortland h av e n ot been g iven the attention at the level they should. W e ’ve focused on it and if they THE LARGEST. MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST MAY 22 th rou gh JUNE 5, 2001 M em orial Day, May 2 8th , 9-6p m SALE EXTENDED! Portland Observer: How do you L ydia K. Bass m y w ife also w ants. So, w hen I find a house it’ll b e the house that she w ants. W ith the house I bought in A tlanta. I signed the papers and I n ev er even saw it. I b ought it becau se m y w ife liked it, because m y d aughters liked it. T hey spend m o re tim e in the house than 1 ever do. I spend 16 to 18 hours b asi­ cally aw ay from hom e and there is o n ly 24 hours in a day. So I have to h av e a p lace w here they’re com ­ fortable as opposed to were 1 com e in and occasionally visit. Portland Observer: Y ou m en ­ tioned your wife. W hy does she still live in A tlanta? Ben C a n a d a : I m arried m y first grade sw eetheart, the best friend that I have. S h e’s been w ith m e w hen everyone else seem ed to be trying to push aw ay; she’s always been there. M atter o f fact m y wife lives here now and she reads the paper w ith m e every m orning as we drink our coffee at the table to ­ gether. I’m going to spend w hatever tim e I ca n w ith m y w ife. E ven though she’s here, she w ould have every right to com plain because she n ev er sees me. Since I’ve been, w ell, alm ost m arried to P ortland connect to the black com m unity? B en C a n a d a : I eat in N o rth / Northeast Portland, I shop in N orth/ Northeast Portland, I get m y hair cut in N orth/N ortheast Portland, I looked for a hom e in N orth/N ortheast Port­ land and I go to church in N orth/ N ortheast Portland. I am all over this city and I w as like that before i even officially got here. I w ould dare to say that I have been to certain parts o f our com m unity m ore than the people w ho live there. I’ve been to Bishop W ells’ C O G IC (C hurch o f G od In Christ) church, Dr. T. A llen’s B e th e l c h u r c h , R ev . B a ile y ’s V ancouver A venue B aptist church and Rev. W illiam s A M E (African M ethodist E piscopal) church. I ’m A.M .E. from birth, okay. So I m ade that circuit but 1 also m ade the other circuit. I d id n ’t com e here, and I m ad e th at v ery clear, b ec au se I knew that w as an issue w ith som e people, as a black superintendent o f schools. I cam e here as a’ Superin­ tendent o f schools. N ow I ca n ’t get aw ay from the reality that I am black. I grew up in the segregated South. I know w hat it m eans to be discrim inated against. I also know w hat it m eans to be den ied access in term s o f supplies, m aterials and equipm ent. S o w h at w o u ld I sa y to th e A frican-A m erican com m unity, the B lack com m unity in N o rth /N o rth ­ east P ortland? I am w hat I am. I ’m superintendent o f schools for all children. I ’v e focused on the rea l­ looked at it they w ould see that w e have stay ed tru e to our prom ise an d co m m itm en t that, that w as not ac ce p ta b le. 3<& Everything in the store* M E M O R IA L D A Y SALE - M A Y 2 8 t h “ B E S T B U Y S ’’ - S E L E C T E D H O M E D E C P R IN T S _______________5 0 % P E E R E G U IA R P R IC E ______________ O u td o o r W a reh o u se S ale Starts Sat., May 2 6 , 2 0 0 1 00 per yd. OUTDOOR SALE OPEN DAILY 10-7pm New Fabrics Added Weekly M inim um Cut 1 yard. All m erchandise as-is. All sales final. BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS” ’ Discounts du nul apph Io proiuush discounted or marked down ilems. 5 22. 0 1 thru 6/5 0 I 184 / 4 N $7 / / RETAIL HOI RS: 1 STARK STRE ET ____ g £ M0S -FRI 9:0fam-V:(IUpin «ATI RDAYMOam'OOpm S IM M Y I0:00am.’ :00pm 1 WHOLESALE HOLRS: CM MOVFRI 9:00am*0:00pm s ATI RIH1 9:00am-“ :00pm si \|)AY 10:00am-'-00pm A RETAIL -WHOLESALE 700 S.E. 122nd Ave. Portland, OR (505) 252-9550 Visit our website at www.bbricdcpot.com 1-800-392-3376 a d s @ p o rtlan d o b se rv er.co m P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 3 1 3 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG $60.00 per year D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL SUBMITTED METERIALS: ARTICLES: Monday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accom­ panied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads be­ come the sole property o f the new s­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage with­ out the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has pur­ chased the com position o f such ad. © 1996 THE PO R T LA N D O B ­ SERVER. A L L R IG H T S R E ­ S E R V E D ,R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O ! EO R IN PA R TW TTH O LT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. The Portland Observer--Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member o f the National Newspaper A ssociation-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Represen­ tative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York. NY. and The W est Coast Black Publishers Association* Serv­ ing Portland and Vancouver. Fresh Grade A Whole Fryers Safeway Brand. save up to 70< ib. Available at Safeway: Visit Sdfeways Web site at I M anor House Beef Patties Safeway Club Price Frozen. Sold in 10-lb. box only, $9.90 ea. save up to $1.01 ib. 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