Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 23, 2001, Page 3, Image 3

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    M ay 23, 2001
Page A3
£tp> Jlortlaiih (Ohaerucr
as Family
Legacy Promotes Literacy in Local Schools
Boise Eliot Elementary School is
one o f more than 60 schools from
throughout the metropolitan area re­
cently received a check from Legacy
Health System for participating in an
English skills program. An $800dona­
tion to Boise- E liot was part o f the more
than $9,000given toelementary, middle
and high schools where Legacy em ­
ployees volunteer each week. A neigh­
borhood school located near Legacy
Emanuel Hospital, Boise-Eliot is des­
ignated as the hospital's “adopted”
elem entary school. Legacy offers its
employees paid time off, up to 1.5
hours per week, to volunteer in literacy
programs in kindergarten through fifth
grades or in mentonng programs in
middle and high school. Legacy pro­
vides $ 100 per employee to the school,
up to a maximum of$800.
P hoto by L orraine -M ichelle F alst /T he P ortland O bserver
Mearita Tabb teaches the art o f embroidery at Harriet Tubman Middle School in north Portland to seventh
grader India Anderson (from left) and Shannon Demarest.
Grandmother Teaches Embroidery to Kids
M earitaT abb volunteers teaching
em broidery on w eekday m ornings at
H arriet T ubm an M iddle School.
T he students arrive before classes
beginat9 a.m., som e as early as 7 a.m.,
positive and productive to do before
T abb said o f h er “ little lad ies” :
“T hey could sell their w ork if they
w anted to; they are that good.”
to e m b ro id e r p illo w c a s e s, tab le
clothes and napkins.
Tabb, a local grandm other, has
taught em broidery at Tubm an for two
years to give the kids som ething
Washington Park Shuttle Opens May 28th
T ri-M e t’s p o p u la r W ashington
Park Shuttle service reopens on M e­
m orial D ay to take riders to the park ’ s
attractions. N ow starting its third
season, the sum m er shuttle contin­
ues to draw new riders, carrying
13,000 a m onth last year - up 18 p er­
cent from its first year.
Beginning M ay 28 through S ept 9,
the shuttle will run every 15 minutes,
every day, between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
This year, the shuttle w ill take you
ton Park Station, N orth A m erica’s
deepest transit station — an adven­
ture all its own.
B efore elevators w hisk you 260
feet up to the park, enjoy the fun
geological and historical displays at
the station platform . A t the surface,
y o u ’ll be on the doorstep o f the O r­
egon Zoo, W orld F orestry C enter
and C h ild ren ’s M useum . T he shuttle
can take you from there to the p a rk ’s
other attractions.
to the new C h ild ren ’s M useum , re­
opening on June 30th in the reno­
vated form er O M SI building across
from the zoo. O r, ride the shuttle to
any o f these perennial favorites: O r­
egon Z oo, International R ose Test
G arden, Japanese G arden, H oyt A r­
b o r e tu m ,
W o rld
F o r e s tr y
C enter, V ietnam V eterans M em orial,
Rose G arden C h ild ren ’s P lay Park
and hiking trails.
M A X trains w ill stop at W ashing­
family behind you.
Wow! Today changes a
lot of things. T becomes
replaces "mine.“ A nd happily ever after
a goal, not a given. Nervous? No w ay
You have a strong fam ily behind you.
A m erican Family M utual Insurance. W hen
you're b u ild in g a future, tru st means eve ry­
th in g and 70 years in th e insurance busi­
ness is experience th a t helps you b o th feel
secure. W hen it comes to com mitment, our
consistent A+ (Superior) ra tin g fro m th e
respected insurance ra tin g a u th o rity A.M .
Best speaks fo r itself. Just call a n d one of
o u r h e lp fu l, k n o w le d g e a b le a g e n ts w ill
g la d ly tell y o u more. Now, take a deep
breath. A nd... ju m p ! We've g o t y o u covered.
Police Build Website for Recruitment
A new w ebsite aim ed at the co l­
lege-age audience is now on-line to
help the O regon P olice C orps and
Portland Police B ureau recruit appli­
T h e s ite c a n b e v ie w e d at
oregonpolice.com .
“W e w ant the com m unity to know
w e are hiring and are especially inter­
ested in reaching w om en and m inori­
ties,” said Portland Police C hiefM ark
U sing the w eb-based recruiting
tool helps the police bureau reach
m ore people and can help m eet the
b ureau’s overall hiring goals, said
“A bout 60 percent o f o u r officer
candidates are applying to our agency
M a g
four years, for college expenses. Po­
lice C orps participants com plete a
residential academ y and graduate to
becom e police o fficer trainees in O r­
egon law enforcem ent agencies. Since
the program began in 1996, the P ort­
land Police B ureau has hired 50 O r­
egon Police C orps graduates to b e­
com e police officers.
based on inform ation they find on the
web. A ttracting top-quality can d i­
dates to O regon Police C orps is im ­
portant because m any go on to b e­
co m e P o rtla n d p o lic e o ffic e rs ,”
K roeker said.
T he head o f O regon Police Corps,
Capt. D ave Benson, said he hopes
the new site w ill answ er m any ques­
tions and assist potential candidates
in the application process.
“ W e ’ve co m b in ed ea sy -to -u se
graphics w ith a trem endous am ount
o f inform ation, said Benson.
The corps is seeking college-ready
applicants w ho w ant to pursue a ca­
reer in law enforcem ent. I f accepted,
the student is eligible for up to $7,500
each year, ora max un urn of$30,000 for
All Your Protection Under One Roof.
American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries, Madison, Wl 53783-0001 www.amfam.com
Short and sweet
Showers save energy.
The average bath uses twice as m uch hot w ater as a 5-m inute shower.
Since a w ater heater can be th e second-largest electricity user in your
hom e, cu ttin g d o w n on the am o u n t of w ater it needs to heat can
save a lot of energy.
By w o rking together, w e'v e been able to reduce o u r energy use
an d keep the pow er flowing. But the energy crunch is not over yet.
We still need to be thoughtful ab o u t h o w and w hen we use electricity.
H ere are som e o ther tip s that can save you energy and m oney on
w ater heating:
Gambling Treatment
for African Americans
M ultnom ah County, in col­
laboration with the C enter for
Community Mental Health, 5010
N.E. 33rd Ave., is developing an
A f r ic a n - A m e r ic a n - s p e c if ic
problem gambling treatment pro­
In a recent O regon gam bling
prevalence study, m inorities ■
were found to have a pathologi­
cal gam bling prevalence rate o f
6.9 percent com pared to 1.8
percent for whites.
Treatm ent services are ex­
pected to begin approxim ately
June 1.
■ Wait 'til late to use electricity.
Avoid using your d ish w ash er
an d w a sh e r/d ry e r d u rin g
su m m er p eak h o u rs of
2 p.m. to 8 p.m . Run only
full loads.
■ Install energy-efficient
show erheads and faucet
aerators. They reduce the
am ount of w ater released
from a ta p by u p to
50 percent, b u t still deliver
excellent w ater pressure.
Citizens Guide to A
Greener Portland
If you’ve ever wondered what you
can do forthe environment, nowvou can
get hundreds o f good suggestions in the
Green Pages, a new guide for community
action to improve air and water quality
and to conserve energy and natural re­
sources. “The Green Pages are a compre­
hensive guide to sustainable practices,"
says Portland City Councilman Dan
Sal tzman. * This book let shows you how
to do everything from cutting CO2 emis­
sions to reusing rainwater. It’s an impor­
■ Set v o u r w ater heater
tem p eratu re at 120T. Be
sure to tu rn the pow er off at
the circuit breaker before
changing the setting.
tant guide for those who want to take
specific and tangible actions for a better
tomorrow." The Green Pages show how
to get involved in community projects to
help preserve natural resources. It lists
agencies and programs that have more
It has tips on safe disposal o f hazardous
household chemicals, conserving water
and energy, helping to restore the health
o f rivers and streams, and reducing, and
■ Insulate exposed w ater pipes.
This will help keep hot w ater
pipes from losing heat.
■ D on't leave the w ater running
w hile shaving. Turning the
faucet on only w hen you
need to can save thousands of
gallons of w ater a year, not to
m ention the energy to heat it.
■ If yo u 're looking for a new
electric w ater heater, buy a
model with an energy factor
equal to or better than .93EF
for a 50-gallon tank.
■ Make saving eneigy a habit
Do the bright thing.
Call m a t 1-800-222-4335,
and ash for a copy of our
Bright Ideat booklet.
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