Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 23, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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May 23, 2001
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"■ •
ss Police News
Mayor Charged in 1969 Murder
C h a r li e R o b e r ts o n , th e
m ayor o f Y ork, Penn, su rre n ­
dered T hursday on charges o f
m urder in the 1969 shooting
death o f a black w om an d u r­
ing race riots. An a ffid av it
q u otes a co -defendant as sa y ­
ing R obertson gave him the
am m unition he used to fire at
her car and told him to kill
R e p o rte rs and p h o to g ra ­
p h e rs
s w a rm e d
a ro u n d
R obertson, 67, as he arrived
for his arraignm ent. He was
taken in handcuffs to the York
C ounty C ourthouse for a bail
hearing, after w hich he was
nition for his 30.06 hunting rifle
released on $50,000 bond.
and in stru cted him to “ kill as
An a ffid a v it
was filed in con­
junction with the
m a y o r ’s
a r­
raignm ent. In it,
R ic k
K nouse, one o f
five other men
charged in the
c a s e , to ld a
grand ju ry that
R o b e r ts o n , a
city policem an
a t th e tim e ,
gave him ammu- York M ayor C harlie R oberson under arrest.
m any n iggers as you c a n .”
21, 1969.
K nouse said he used the
R obertson said that he “ ab­
am m unition th at R obertson
s o lu te ly ” m aintains his inno­
provided to fire on the car in
cence. He has adm itted y e ll­
which the black victim , 27-
year-old L illie B elle A llen,
was rid in g w h en sh e w as
killed, acco rd in g to the a ffi­
The m ayor h im s e lf told the
grand ju ry that he borrow ed a
30.06 rifle and am m unition
- V >
from a neig h b o r and took it
on patrol with him after Henry
Schaad, a w hite rookie police
officer, was shot th ree days
before A llen was slain on July
ing “ w hite p o w er” at a rally
the night b efore A llen was
killed, but he has denied in­
volvem ent in her death.
The weekend is
what you make o f it.
County Cuts Ties to Mental Hospital
(AP) - M ultnom ah County
will no longer refer patients to a
psychiatric hospital where po­
lice shot a M exican immigrant
to death. Jose Victor Santos
M ejia Poot was shot last month
by a Portland officer after Mej ia
went at the officer with a metal
rod he had tom from a door
inside a room at BHC-Pacific
Gateway Hospital.
The county’s Department o f
Community and Family Services
had tem porarily stopped refer­
ring any patients to the hospital.
The agency now says its con­
tract w ill rem ain suspended.
A county investigation con­
cluded that the hospital’s staff­
ing levels, lack o f security and
poor language translation poli­
cies contributed to the death.
M ejia was arrested two days
before his death after he tried to
board a city bus without enough
money. M ejia, who had epi­
lepsy and apparently had not
taken his m edication, appeared
d isoriented, and the driv er
called police.
Officers arrested M ejia and
sent him to the hospital.
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Kinkel Appeals 112 Year Sentence
(AP) - Monday is the three-year
anniversary of the day Kinkel shot
and killed two students at Thurston
High School and wounded dozens
of others. He had killed his parents
the day before.
State Public Defender Jesse
Barton announced Friday afternoon
he has filed an appeal of the 112-
year sentence of Thurston High
School shooter Kip Kinkel.
In a statement, Barton wrote
that the length of Kinkel’s sentence
and the fact that he is ineligible for
early release, the court has effec­
tively imposed a “true-life” sen­
tence. Kinkel’s challenge appeals
this true-life sentence on grounds
the state Court of Appeals to rule
that it violates the state and consti-
on some motions, which it did last
tutional ban on cruel and
unusual punishment.
In the statem ent,
Kinkel argues that he is
readily capable of reha­
bilitation. Had he been re­
ceiving proper medical
treatment when he was
15, he would have not
committed the crimes.
Jesse Barton, deputy
public defender, filed a
notice of intent to appeal
back in December 1999.
He says he had to wait for K ip K in kel a fter the M ay 1998 shooting.
week. The filingofa 54 page brief
challenging the 112-year sentence
is the first substantial stage in the
appeal process. Next, the state
will answer Kinkel’s claims in a
Respondent’s brief. Barring ex­
tension requests, the state has 49
days to file this reply.
Jenna Bush
The University of Texas fresh­
man appeared in court with her
attorney, William P. Allison, wear­
ing a sleeveless black blouse and
pink Capri slacks. Her discussion
at the bench with Earle was diffi­
cult to hear, but she did nod her
head several times, and the judge
told her, “Good luck to you, Miss
Undercover Austin police cited
Bush last month, charging her
with a Class C misdemeanor, the
lowest level of misdemeanors. The
officers issued the ticket while
checking for minors in posses­
sion of alcohol at nightclubs along
the popular East Sixth Street en­
tertainment area in downtown Aus­
Bush and her twin sister, Bar­
bara, graduated from high school
last May in Austin. Barbara Bush
attends Yale University.
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Some banks still have hidden
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Bush Daughter Sentenced
on Alcohol Charge
(AP) - President Bush’s 19-year
old daughter Jenna pleaded no con­
test Wednesday to a charge of
being a minor in possession of
alcohol, and must attend alcohol
awareness classes. Jenna Bush was
ordered by Austin Community
Court Judge Elisabeth Earle to pay
$51.25 in court costs, serve eight
hours of community service and
attend six hours of classes. The
maximum penalty was a $500 fine
and community service.
She has until July 18 to comply
with the court order. If she fails to
comply with the order, a warrant
could be issued for her arrest and
driver’s license could be sus­
Radisson H otel Seattle A irp o rt
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O.J. to Blake: Don’t watch TV
(A P) — O .J. Sim pson has
som e a d v ic e for actor R ob­
ert B lake, w hose w ife was
shot to d e a th th is m onth:
D o n ’t w atch TV .
“ I know th a t w atch in g
TV is o n ly going to fru s­
trate h im ,” Sim pson told the
sy n d ic a ted TV show “ E x ­
t r a .”
S im p s o n a ls o a d v is e d
B lake a g a in st taking a lie
d e te c to r te st and added, “ As
far as I ’m co n cern ed , th is
m an is in n o ce n t until a ju ry
com es back and calls him
B la k e ’s w ife, Bonny Lee
B a k le y , 45, w as shot to
d e a th M a y 4 in h e r
h u s b a n d ’s c a r a fte r th e
couple dined at a Studio City
resta u ra n t.
P olice have said that no
one has been ruled out as a
B la k e , w h o m a r r ie d
B akley four m onths ago a f­
ter DNA tests proved he
fathered her 11-m onth-old
daughter, has said she was
shot w hile he returned to
the restaurant to pick up a
gun he left behind. He said
he w as carrying the gun b e­
c a u s e B a k le y h ad e x ­
p resse d concerns about her
sa fe ty .
B la k e ’s son, appearing
W e d n e s d a y on C N N ’s
“ L a rry K ing L iv e ,” d e ­
fended his father and said
B a k le y “ w as a fra id and
w an ted him to carry it,”
N oah B lake said.
“ M y dad is innocent, pe­
rio d ,” Noah B lake said. “He
d o e s n ’t need to prove that.
He is not o b lig ated nor is he
o b lig e d to address a th o u ­
san d -trillio n rum ors.”
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