Page 2 M ay 23, 2001 Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O F ^ortlanit (©bserlier Editor in Chief, Publisher C harles H. W ashington Editor L arry J . Ja ck so n , Sr. Business Manager G ary A n n Taylor Asst. Publisher M ichael L eighton Copy Editor J o y R am os The Rose Festival Kicks Off At Waterfront Village This year. Rose Festival w ater­ front activities is celebrating its 31" anniversary in T om M cC all W ater­ front Park (betw een B urnside and H aw thorne Bridge). The W aterfront V illage will open from Thursday, M ay 31 until Sunday, June 10. T his year brings several new, exciting im provem ents and addi­ tions: Village Marketplace The Village M arketplace features v en d o rs se llin g a m u ltitu d e o f unique, odd and hard-to-find items. F estival-goers find candles, candy, clothing, jew elry and even furniture in this tented pavilion. In addition, the M arketplace is also w here visi­ tors m ay research the origins o f their family names or have their palms read. Creative Director Dish Network Main Stage R obert P ark er Enjoy free m usical entertainment from first class perform ers at the D ish N etw ork M ain Stage near the Salm on Springs Fountain. The Main Stage features m ore than 100 local and regional bands perform ing a w ide variety o f m usical styles in­ cluding good tim e oldies, classic rock, new rock, pop, jazz, country and rhythm and blues. W inning bands from M usicFest 2001, a teen band com petition, also perform on the D ish N etw ork M ain Stage. 4747 N E M a rtin L u th er K ing,Jr., Blvd. P o rtlan d , O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: thefocus@ subscripdort^irtiandobsprver.a.TO ads@ 1 )<• ari 1 i li I • s I • n M ib t n illc d m a te r ia l: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus w elcom es freelance subm issions. M a n u scrip ts a n d p h o to g rap h s c a n b e re tu rn e d if International Expo T he International Expo offers a celebration ofN o rth w est diversity. T he tented pavilion features trea­ sures from around the w orld and cultural entertainm ent on the Inter­ national Expo Stage. Color-fully- costum ed international groups per­ form traditional songs and dances on this entertainm ent stage. Noah’s Bagels Kids’ Kingdom w ritten c o n sen t o f th e g eneral T he aw ard-w inning N o ah ’s Ba­ gels K id s’ K ingdom is bigger and better than ever at the Pepsi W ater­ front V illage andoffers family enter­ tainm ent for the young at heart. The K ingdom covers m ore than three city blocks and features children’s m idw ay attractions, petting zoo, pony rides and a B ungee tram po­ line. N o ah ’s B agels provides sup­ plies fo r bagel arts and crafts. m anager, unless th e client has Wells Fargo Western Trail p u rch a sed th e co m position o f A v isit to the W ells Fargo W est­ ern T rail takes festival-goers back tot he O ld W est. N ew facades, cour­ ac co m p an ied b y a self- ad dressed sta m p e d envelope. All c re ate d d isplay ad s becom e the sole p ro p e rty o f the n ew spaper a n d ca n n o t b e used in o th e r p u b licatio n s or p erso n al usage w ithout the the ad. 1*99 n»e Portland O bterver tesy o f D on M orissette H om es and 1V B S Street ofNew Beginnings 2001 presented by N W N atural, lend an authentic look tot he O ld W est set­ ting. T he W estern Trail also fea­ tures a m echanical bull for those w illing to test their luck against the stopw atch. Round Table Pizza Thrill Zone A stroll to the south end o f the Pepsi W aterfront V illage brings en­ tertainm ent and interactive chal­ lenges at the exciting R ound T able Pizza Thrill Zone. The Jam m in 95.5 and W B32 are on-site at the R ound Table Pizza T hrill Z one and pro­ vide spectators chances to win great prizes. Qwest Dex Town Square Enjoy the afternoon at the Qwest Dex T ow n Square, in the heart o f the Pepsi W aterfront Village. The Tow n Square features a landscaped rose gardena nd a beautiful gazebo built by Don M orrissette Homes. V isito rs m ay atten d gardening w orkshops an d d em o n stratio n s presented by local nursuries. Love broadcast from Newsraido 750K X L “ In the G arden w ith M ike D arcy” Saturday, June 2. Dish Network presents the 92.3 KGON Big Boy Toy Event with Sports Radio 910 The FAN The D ish N etw ork present the 92.3 K G ON Big Boy T oy Event w ith Sports R adio 910 T he FA N show cases gadgets and gizm os no grow n-up can live w ithout. Inter­ active displays in this tent show ­ case everything from hom e elec­ tronics, virtual toys and fishing gear to m otorcycles, bicycles and hom e im provem ent inform ation. 92.3 K G O N ’ssisterstatio n , Sports Radio 910 The FA N , offers sports- related activities. Spectators m ay also visit the O regon Lottery booth, located south o f the Big Boy Toy Event. P hoto by : R ose F estival A ssociation The Pepsi Waterfront Pillage lights up Tom McCall Waterfront Park Legalcare You Can Afford Been Overcharged For A Repair, Moving Traffic Tickets Tried To Return A Defective Product, No Will Discover Real Savings > > > > FreeWill Document Review TrafficTickets 1RS Audit > > > > Retain vour own attorney for $26/mo or less! For Information Kareem Or Sanja (503) 285-1531 Sanj afaye@Aol .Com IçiYI d for the iove °f ,azz Village M idway featu ring Butler Amusements T he V illage M idw ay featuring B utler A m usem ents is alw ays one o f the top attractions at the Pepsi W aterfront Village. Featuring 40 sp e c ta c u la r rid e s from B u tler A m u se m en ts, Inc. and d arin g gam es o f chance, the M idw ay is fun for kids o f all ages. Unlimited PhoneCalls Letters Written For You Trial Defense And More 89.1