Page B6 May 23, 2001 öflfe ÿknrtlanb ©baeruer 1 Classifieds/Bids Tri-Met is now hiring Maintenance Helpers As a Maintenance Helper you will be responsible for cleaning and servicing buses, rail cars, garages ' and stations. Duties involve, but are not limited to, fueling, moni­ toring fluid levels and recording vehicle data, washing, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and moving vehicles. M aintenance Helpers have excellent career advance­ ment opportunities with our ap­ prenticeship programs: Bus and Light Rail Mechanics, Rail Mainte- nance-of-Way Technicians. Successful candidates will have one year of experience in mainte­ nance, janitorial, or related field. A solid work record and excellent driving record are required. The application process involves a ba­ sic skills te st (math and reading). A study guide is available with the application. Tri-Met offers: -Starting salary o f $ 1 0 .7 1 per hour, with regular increases every 6 m onths until the top rate of $18.76 per hour -Fully paid medical/dental benefits for employee and family -Education reimbursement -Transit pass - On-site fitness centers Application materials and a de­ tailed job description are available at Tri-M et’ s Human Resources Office, 1« floor, 4 0 1 2 SE 17th Av­ enue, Portland OR 97202 . Fax applications accepted at (503) 9 6 2 -7 4 4 0 . Applicants residing outside the Portland Metropolitan area or who are physically disabled may request application materials by calling (503) 962-7635 or visit our website at for more detailed information. Applications received after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 1, 2001 will not be accepted. TRI-MET How we get there matters. Tri-Met is an equal opportunity employer WASHINGTON COUNTY INSPECTION TECHNICIAN I $2 ,5 5 9 - $3,096 / month Closes June 4, 2001 PRINCIPAL ENGINEER $4 ,9 1 1 - $5 ,9 6 8 / month Closes June 8, 2001 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for inform ation. County a p p lic a tio n and supplem ental application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4 Community Organizer/ Coordinator The St Johns in the 2 1 ” Century (SJ21) Steering Committee seeks a qualified community organizer/ program coordinator. SJ21 is a citi­ zen-directed community assets- based revitalization e ffo rt funded by the Bureau of Housing and Com­ munity Development. $15-$20 per hour DOE. 25-30 hours per week variable schedule. Send a cover letter and resume to SJ21 c /o North Portland Neighborhood Ser­ vices, 2 2 0 9 N. Schofield, Port­ land, OR, 97217 . Cover letter and resume m ust be received by 1 :00 p.m. May 29, 2 0 01. Questions should be directed to Tom Griffin- Valade 5 0 3 .8 2 3 .4 5 2 4 . Equal Op­ portunity Employer. I A PARKING FAC TUIA OPERATOR Immediate opening for full and Part- time attendants with Portland’s leading parking Co. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a Positive attitude. $8.00 + starting wage Huge overtime potential A dvancem ent opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1, Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK Portland, OR NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for the construction of Slow Sand Filter and Reservoir, Pump Station and other Domestic Water Improvements for the City of Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon will be received by City of Sumpter until Bid Clos­ ing tim e of 1 0 :0 0 A.M. Pacific Time, on Tuesday, June 1 2 , 2 0 0 1 . A four hour period shall follow in which all bidders shall submit to the Agency (City of Sumpter) a Subcontractor Disclosure Form, identifying any first-tier subcontractor that will be furnishing labor or material on the Contract. Refer to Disclosure Form and Instructions to Bidders within the Contract Documents. The actual bid opening shall be 2:00 P.M., Pacific Time on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be submitted to City of Sumpter, P.0. Box 68, Sumpter, Oregon 97877. Bids submitted to the bid closing period are to be delivered to City Recorder, Toni Thompson. Bid opening will be conducted in the Council Chambers and publicly opened and read aloud. Bidders upon receipt of cash or check in the amount of $125.00 made payable to the Engineer. Deposit made upon procurement of drawings, specifications, and forms of contract documents will be non-refund- able. Individual sheets and specifications pages may be purchased for the cost of reproduction: Drawings $2.00 per sheet; Specifications $0.25 per sheet. Bidders must prequalify with Owner under ORS 279.039 (1), on Stan­ dard Oregon Review Board prequalification forms, for the class of work for which Contractor is submitting a bid, at least ten (10) days prior to bid opening. Prequalification forms may be obtained from the Engineer and should be submitted to the Owner via the Engineer (*E INC., Archi­ tects, Engineers, Surveyors & Planners - Coos Bay). If a prequalification form is on file with the Engineer and is not over one year old, refiling is not necessary unless there has been a substantial change in Contractor’s status. Project components area as follows: gU Ä R gL Clark County, Washington Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candi­ dates to be part of our dynamic public service organization. CARECOORDONATOR $3,296 - $4,657/m onth DOQ DEVELOPMENTENGINEERING TEAMLEADER $4,323 - $6,110/m onth F AMILY ASSISTANCE SPECIALIST $12.12 - $15.44 /hour DOQ Job information, applications, and benefits infomiation are available from: Clark County Human Resources 1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018 TDD: (360) 397-6032 FX/lAl.OPPORnNriA EMUOYER For AH Others Ad Placements Operations Supervisor Salem Area Mass Transit is now accepting applications for a front­ line supervisor for public transit bus drivers. Individual in this po­ sition may also have dispatching and training responsibilities. Start­ ing wage $17.54 per hour. Write or call 503-588-2424 for official District application form and de­ tailed vacancy announcement. V is it our w eb s ite at: pleted application form to Human Resources Division, Salem Area Mass Transit District, 555 Court St., NE, Suite 5230, Salem, OR 97301-3736. Applications must be received by District by 12:00 NOON June 8, 2001. An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. OFFICE SUPERVISOR Salem Police Dept. Sal up to $39,372/yr. + Excel Bene Pckg. Seeking a highly responsible su­ pervisor for administrative support s ta ff to report directly to Police Chief. Excellent opportunity for individual with sold secretarial background, supervisory experi­ ence, ability to provide direction, evaluate work flow, and attend meetings on behalf of the chief. Requires considerable exp. in of­ fice supervision, solid computer skills, and top notch interpersonal and communication skills. Bilin­ gual skills area a plusl For more info, please contact Personnel Dept., 555 Liberty St SE, Salem, OR 973012, or visit our website 588*61 62.° °Cfoses 5 /2 5 /0 1 . EOE. WAREHOUSE / BAKERY Franz Bakery seeking motivated people for Warehouse / Bakery position. Requires 3 months ware­ house and/or production food re­ lated experience. All s h ifts , $13.608 hour with possibility of journeym an wages o f $ 1 7 .0 1 hour. Excellent benefit package. Apply at North Portland Employ­ ment office, 30 North Webster, ref to job # 1126603 or apply at the Franz Office, 340 NE 1 1 * Avenue. We are an EEO/AAP employer. Employment Schedule “A” - Concrete Slow Sand Filter and Other Domestic Water Improvements Schedule “ B” - 300,000 Gallon Welded Steel Reservoir Schedule "B" - Alternate 1 - 300,000 Gallon Bolted Glass Fused to Steel Storage Reservoir Schedule “C" - Pump Station, Chlorination Building and Electric Improve­ ments Schedule “ D” - Modifications to Convert Existing 100,000 Gallon Res­ ervoir to Chlorine Contact Facility and to Rehabilitate Reservoir. Schedule “ E” - 75,000 Gallon Welded Steel Reservoir Schedule “ E” - Altqjnate 1 - 75,000 Gallon Bolted Glass Fused to Steel Reservoir Schedule “ F” - Installation of Individual Cartridge filter System Plans and specifications may be seen at the Office of HE INC., Archi­ tects, Engineers, Surveyors & Planners, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420, and at the following locations: City of Sumpter....................................................Sumpter, Oregon 1GE INC., 19 N.W. S'” Avenue.............................. Portland, Oregon Hanley Engineering....................................................Baker City, Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center.....................Portland, Oregon F.W. Dodge/Construction D ate...................................Portland, Oregon Construction Market D ata........................................... Portland, Oregon Eugene Builders Exchange........................................... Eugene, Oregon F.W. Dodge/Central Print............................................. Eugene, Oregon Oregon Contractors Plan Center.................................... Clackamas, Or­ egon Baker City Plan Center, Chamber of Commerce.............Baker City, Or­ egon Work include in this project is for public work subject tot the Oregon Prevailing Wage Rate Laws (ORS 279.348 to 279.380). Bidders at­ tention is directed to the requirements of employment and minimum wage rates to be paid. No bid will be considered or received by the City of Sumpter unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder as part of its bid that the provisions required by ORS 279.350 are to be complied with. Requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are detailed in the Contract Documents. Successful Bidder must be registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board required by ORS 671.530 if awarded a contract. Bidder is not required to be licensed under ORS 468A.720. No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the “ Instructions to Bidders” , upon the Bid Form (Proposal) provided by the Engineer, and accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond executed in favor o f the City of Sumpter in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Bid Bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated damage should the successful Bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable bonds to ensure the faithful performance and payment of the work (in the event the contract is awarded such Bidder). Funds for the improvements are available, and monthly payments will be made by check. Contracts awarded for this project will be financed with a grant and loan from the Rural Development branch o f the United States Department of Agriculture. Prior to any Contract Award, compliance with all USDA/Rural Development require­ ments will be verified. Similarly, all project payments, change orders, and associated paperwork will be subject to USDA/Rural Development review and approval prior to becoming effective. Bidders will be required to comply with the provisions of the Presidents Executive Order No. 11246 concerning Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), including all issued amendments thereunder. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are detailed in the Con­ tract Documents. Central Oregon Builders Exchange................................ Bend, Oregon Plan Depot.....................................................................Bend, Oregon Salem Contractors Exchange.........................................Salem, Oregon Impact Business Consultants...Portland, Oregon Willamette Business Consultants................................. Portland, Oregon The Plan Center.Com.................................................... Canby, Oregon Hermiston Plan Center................................................ Hermiston, Oregon Tri City Plan Center......................................................Kennewick, Wash­ ington No bidder may withdraw or modify its bid after the hour set for the opening, and thereafter until the lapse of ninety (90) calendar days from the bid opening date. One copy of the Contract Documents may be obtained by prospective By order o f the City Council, City of Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon. The Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission (MERC) is solicit­ ing sealed proposals for a two phased phone system installation for the Portland Center for the Performing Arts (PCPA), at 1111 SW Broad­ way, Portland, OR, 97205. Bids must be delivered to MERC Offices at 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232 to the attention of Pam Krecklow, Construction/Capital Projects Assistant, no later than 3:00P.M. Pa­ cific Time, Thursday, June 7, 2001. Bids received after this tim e will not be considered. The work contemplated consists of all labor, equipment, materials, and other elements as necessary to install new phone system at the PCPA in accordance with the scope work. The location of the work is 1111 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205. The purpose of the work is to provide PCPA with a new phone system that uses the existing wiring framework structure to accommodate Owner needs as specified in the Request for Bids. It is the intent of the Owner, that the Bidder will act as the General Contractor and will subcontract any work as may be required to keep the work as a single entity. Team proposals are acceptable but only to the extent that a General Entity is specified to provide all services as described in scope work. A Pre-Proposal Conference will be conducted on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 10:00AM, Pacific Time, to begin at the stage door deter­ mined of the New Theatre Building at 1111 SW Broadway, Portland, OR. THIS PRE-BID CONFERENCE IS NOT MANDATORY, and a site visit may be arranged at another time as agreed upon by the requesting party and Owner. Additional site visitations may be arrange by contact­ ing the Construction/Capital Project Department at 503-731-7846. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish proof of general liabil­ ity insurance as well as worker’s compensation insurance. Bidder shall comply with MERC’S Minority business program for any subcon­ tracting. Request for Proposal packets are available at the MERC offices lo­ cated at 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, Portland, OR 97232. For information concerning the proposed work contact MERC’S Con- struction/Capitol Projects Assistant, Pam Krecklow at (503) 731-7846. r Advertise in tfye ©bscrlier A City o f Sumpter may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any and all bids upon a finding of the City of Sumpter that it is in the public interest to do so.