M a y 23, 2001 j /I • j Llassineds/bids m Ü pi Tri-Met is now hiring Benefits Assistant Join our fast-paced progressive HR Team. As a team member, you will provide adm inistrative support for the e m ployee b e n e fits d e p a rt­ ment. Your duties w ill include re­ sponding to employee inquiries, providing superior custom er ser­ vice on em ployee benefit issues and m aintaining associated data­ bases, as well as a ssistin g with the adm inistration o f FMLA/OFLA processing. Q u alified c a n d id a te s w ill have three years o f experience in a re­ sponsible and related benefit sup­ port position. D atabase manage­ m ent background desired. Inter­ m e d ia te level e xpe rie nce w ith M icrosoft O ffice S uite (Access, Excel, Word, Outlook) and a key­ boarding speed o f 5 0 wpm are required. A high school diploma or equivalent is also required, and an Associate degree desired. Excellent total compensation pack­ age includes: -Starting sa la ry range o f $ 1 3 .4 2 - $ 1 6 .1 1 per hour -Fully paid m edical/dental benefits for em ployee and fam ily -Transit pass -On-site fitn e ss center -S upportive/flexible work environ­ ment Subm it resum e and cover letter along with Tri-Met application. Ap­ plication m aterials and a detailed job description are available atTri- M e t's Human Resources Office, I s* floor, 4 0 1 2 SE 17th Avenue, Portland OR 9 7 2 0 2 . Fax applica­ tio n s a c c e p te d a t (5 0 3 ) 9 6 2 - 7440. Applicants residing outside the Portland M etropolitan area or who are physically disabled may request application m aterials by calling (50 3) 9 62 -7 6 3 5 or visit our w e b s ite a t w w w .tri-m e t.o rg fo r more detailed inform ation. A pplications received after 5 :0 0 p.m. on Friday, May 2 5 w ill not be accepted. TRI-MET How we g et there m atters. Tri-Met is an equal o pp o rtu n ity employer The M ultn o m a h C ounty Health D epartm ent is currently recruiting for the follow ing position: Primary Care Director-Health Department Operations Supervisor-Dental Laboratory T echnician Social Worker - HIV Health Services Administrative Secretary- Planning And Development Application m aterials and form al job announcem ents are available a t: w w w .C Q .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s / jo b s /, in person or by m ailing a self-address stam ped envelop re­ q u e s tin g a p p lic a tio n fo rm to : M ultn om ah C ounty Hum an Re­ sources D ivision, 1 1 2 0 SW 5th Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 , P o rtla n d OR, 9 7 2 9 3 - 0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d a c c e s s to Multnomah County job information and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at M ultnom ah County Libraries. M ultnom ah County Health Depart­ ment is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse com m unities. Bilin- g ua l/bicultu ral candidates are en­ couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer • _r* o CareOregon CareOregon “Financial/Insurance” Claims Specialist C areO re go n is a p ro g re s s iv e M edicaid m anaged care health plan com m itted to the values of diversity, empowerment, and open com m unication. Team m e m b e rs w o rk in an e n v iro n m e n t th a t e n co u ra g e s d e c is io n -m a k in g , initiative, flexibility, and creativity in m eeting the needs o f our plan m em bers and their com m unities. We are re c ru itin g fo r a C laim s Specialist, who w ill respond to telephone and w ritte n in q u irie s re g a rd in g c la im s and p ro v id e r issues from m em bers, providers, agencies, vendors and physician s ta ff. P ro v id e fe e d b a c k and resolution in a tim e ly m an ne r. Essential d u tie s o f th is p o sitio n include: Delivering direct customer service to all CareOregon members, clinics, 0MAP providers, as well as out o f sta te providers and other non-OMAP providers, plans; acting as firs t point of contact for claims appeal from providers and members; resolving c la im s in accordance with CareOregon claim s appeals procedures; researching m em ber and p ro v id e r c la im a p p e a ls fo r payment, eligibility, authorization and errors, or other discrepancies. Two y e a rs e x p e rie n c e in m e d i­ c a l c la im s a d ju d ic a t io n o r health insurance customer service; or any w ork experience a n d /o r training that would likely provide the ability to p erform th e e ssen tial functions o f the position. H e a lth in s u ra n c e c la im s p ro c e s s in g experience is a plus. Hiring range $ 2 4 ,1 7 7 to $ 3 2 ,2 7 6 annually. This position will be open until filled. Please s u b m it cover letter and resum e to CareOregon, HR-CS, 5 2 2 SW 5th Ave., Suite 2 0 0 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 , or you may fax it to (5 0 3) 4 1 6 -3 7 2 0 . EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Want To Talk With Beautiful Ladies ??? 1 -9 00 -2 26 -02 48 ext 7 5 3 8 $ 3 .9 9 per min M ust be 1 8 yrs. Serv - U 6 1 9 -6 4 5 -8 4 3 4 or w w w .the ho tp a g e s .n e t/ chat2 20 6 90 8.H T M “Financial/Insurance” Claims Coordinator CareOregon is a progressive Med­ icaid managed care health plan com m itted to the values o f diver­ sity, empowerment, and open com­ m unication. Team m em bers work­ ing an environm ent th a t encour­ ages decision -m a king , initiative, flexibility, and creativity in m eeting the needs o f our plan m em bers and their com m unities. We are recruiting, for a C laim s Coordinator who will, m aintain the health plan benefit matrix and the claim s paym ent system , act as a liaison w ith C areO regon's th ird p a rty a d m in is tr a to r (TPA) fo r claims, provide training to internal and external users on the plan on the plan benefit matrix and provide claim adm inistration management assistance to th e CareOregon Di­ rector o f Claim s. Essential dutie s o f th is position include: firs t point o f contact for claim s TPA to resolve claim a n d /o r system adm inistra­ tion problem s: providing claim s TPA w ith verbal a n d /o r w ritte n claim and system a dm inistration instructions a n d /o r procedures: building and m aintaining health plan benefit m atrix and claim s pro­ ce ssin g a p p lic a tio n s ; providing technical support and guidance to internal and external custom ers and overseeing the design, te s t­ ing and im plem entations o f claim s processing applications Three to five years experience in health insurance adm inistration or any work experience a n d /o r train ­ ing th a t would likely provide the ability to p erform the e ssen tial functions o f the position. Supervi­ sion a n d /o r M edicaid experience is a plus. Hillsboro Elementary District #23 Hillsboro School District 1J Hillsboro, Oregon CareOregon Asthma Intervention Assistant/T ranslator Advertisem ent for: H illsboro E le m e n ta ry S ch o ol # 2 3 “C a s t-in -P la c e C o n c re te (B u ild in g ) / C o n c re te R ein fo rcem ent; M ason ry; S tru ctu ra l CareOregon is a progressive Med­ icaid managed care health plan committed to the values o f diver­ sity, empowerment, and open com­ munication. Team m em bers work in an environment th a t encour­ ages decision-making, initiative, flexibility, and creativity in meeting the needs o f our plan m em bers and their communities. Job duties include providing direct client services and adm inistrative support to the asthma counselor. This position will work in the field providing translation services at training and during in-home visits for Spanish speaking fam ilies as well as perform ing adm inistrative duties to support the asthma pro­ gram. One to two years' work or volunteer experience in social ser­ vices or public health, OR any work experience a n d /o r training th a t would likely provide the ability to perform the essential functions of the position. Normal hiring range 1 1.62 to 1 5 .5 2 per hour. Send c o v e r le t te r and re s u m e to CareOregon HR - AIA, 522 SE 5,n Ave., S uite 2 0 0 , P o rtlan d OR 9 7 2 0 4 -2 1 1 9 or FAX to 503-416- 1462. May close at any tim e. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER , ^Restaurant Space\, For Rent Seaside Factory Outlet Center •Prime location * Primary Food •Provider for over a million annual shoppers k i -503-201-4 2 5 4 ^ /jj S te e l / M e ta l F ab rica tio n s , M e ta l D e c k / Joist, Underslab M e c h a n i­ c a l, U n d ers la b E le c tric a l.” Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, serving as the Construction M anager/ General Contractor (CM/GC) for Hillsboro School District U , is solicit­ ing bids for “ Cast-in-place Concrete (Building)/ Concrete Reinforce­ m ent: M asonry; Structural S te e l/ Metal Fabrications, Metal D eck/ Joists, Underslab M echanical, Underslab Electrical” for the Hillsboro Elem entary School # 2 3 in Hillsboro, Oregon. Terms and conditions o f the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC) "Invita­ tion to Bid", dated May 23, 2 0 0 1 , attached to and made a part of the Contract Documents. Bids will be received at the offices o f Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, 9 21 SW Washington, Suite 150, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 5 , until 3 :0 0 p.m. PDT, June 14, 2 0 0 1 , at which tim e the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be clearly marked "HILLSBORO ELEMEN­ TARY SCHOOL # 2 3 ” . Construction includes all “ Cast-in-Place Concrete (Building)/ Concrete Reinforcement: Masonry: Structural S te e l/ Metal Fabrications, Metal D e ck/ Joists, Underslab M echanical, Underslab Electrical" for the Hillsboro Elementary School # 2 3 in Hillsboro, Oregon. Contract Documents may be reviewed at the following locations: Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (C M /G C )/P ortland, OR; Construction Data and N ew s/P ortland, Construction M arket D ata/P ortland, OR; Daily Jour­ nal Plan C enter/P ortland, OR; Im pact Business Consultants, P.C./ Portland, OR Oregon Association of Minority Enterprises/Portland, OR; Oregon Contractors Plan Center/C lackam as, OR; Salem Contractors Exchange/Salem , OR; Southwest Washington Contractors Associa- tion/Vancouver, WA. C ontract Documents may be purchased in its entirety or in p art from Precision Images, (50 3) 274 -2 03 0. All bidders m ust comply with the following requirem ents: Prevailing Wage Law, ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 , Licensed with Construction Contractors Board ORS 6 7 1 .5 3 0 , Resident Status ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 . Bidders m ust obtain business licenses to perform work in the City of Hillsboro, prior to m obilizing on the jobsite. No bid will be considered unless received by 3 : 0 0 p .m . PD T on June 1 4 , 2 0 0 1 , and fully completed in the manner provided by the "instruc­ tio ns to B idders” , upon the "Bid Form” provided. Employment OF Equal Opportunity Employer Announcement «LE D A 1051 announcement, visit www.oregonjobs.org, or call J7n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, Work From Home $ 5 0 0 - $ 6 ,0 0 0 PT/FT Mail Order / Internet (80 0 ) 6 2 1 -3 9 2 2 www.becashhappy.com OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRINCIPAL CONTRIBUTOR 1 (Local Program Policy Coordinator) Looking for a challenging position in Salem? Do you have knowledge of Federal Regulations relative to the administration of the Federal Highway Program, possess excellent written and verbal communication skills and proficiency in the use of personal computers? Working independently, this person will I administer the Local Agency Certification program, develop and maintain local program manuals and coordinate training fo r Local Agency personnel. For details on minimum qualification requirements, how to apply and supplemental requirements, please call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing impaired), or visit www.odot.state.or.us/hrod/jobindex.cfm for announcement 0 C 0 T 1 2 7 7 and application. Negotiable annual salary up to $58.104 and excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation, sick and personal leaves: 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. ODOT is an AA/EEO Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Application and required supplements must be received by June 8, 2001 in v o lv e d At Providence Health System everyone gets Involved. Our com­ mitment to the highest quality o f care and the well-being o f our community carries over into our commitment to your future. As a recognized leader In health care and Oregon's second largest private employer, w e offer the most advanced technology and a caring work environment. Get more - at Providence. ■ Registrars ■ PBX Operator ■ Scheduling Supervisor b-'W RESEARCH ANALYST 4 (Senior Research Analyst) Looking for a challenge? Our Policy Section in Salem is seeking an individual possessing excellent computer skills, a high level of proficiency in written and verbal presentations, and the ability to work independently. Formulate, plan, direct and conduct major economic, financial, taxation and statistical research studies, with primary responsibility for prepanng technical analyses, study reports and professional papers. Serve as a technical consultant and prepare and deliver presentations to ODOT staff, the Legislature, advisory and other diverse professional groups. Transportation related experience is preferred For details on minimum qualification requirements, how to apply and supplemental requirements, please call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired), or visit www.odot.state.or.us/hrod/jobindex.cfm for announcement OCOT1276 and application. Negotiable annual salary up to $56.208 + excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation, sick and personal leaves. 10 paid holidays: and full employer-paid retirement contribution. ODOT is an AA/EEO Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Application ano required supplements must be received by June 8. 2001. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ■ Housekeeping ■ Billing & Scheduling Coordinator ■ Program Manager - Dept. of Medicine ■ H o m e H e a lth A id e iMBWWHWw 1 i Providence 4805 NE Gill Portland, OR 9 Phone 503.215.5770 orphsemploymentOprov1dente.org Please reference AP00501 on your application P r o v id e n c e | H e a lth S ystem S tate Controller's Division Principal Executlve/M anager E Statew ide Revenue Services Manager This position is responsible for the management of the State Controller s Division e ffo rt to provide statewide leadership, direction, focus and coordination to the state's accounts receivable and debt collections. The person we seek has strong experience in the application of governmental accounting standards, is experienced using large complex mainframe financial systems, is motivated by change, can establish and track multiple priorities, and help build a customer focused collaborative work environment Interested applicants must have three years' management experience in a public or private organization The State Controller's Division prides itself on professionalism, teamwork, and accountability Salary range is $3.981 to $5,891 a month, with a benefit program contribution toward family health and dental insurance, term life insurance, short- and longterm disability insurance. Other benefits include a retirement program paid holiday, vacation and sick eave Announcement «LEDA1044 For a detailed job announcement, via« www.oregon)oba org. or call ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -3 6 2 2 Close date is June 1. 2001. Principal Contributor 1 Construction Project Manager The Department of Administrative Services in Salem is seeking an experienced Construction Project Manager. This person will act on behalf of the department ano state agencies in major construction projects and capital improvement projects Requires two years of experience as a project manager involving large scale building construction and site development, and a Bachelor's degree in Architecture or Civil/Construction Engineering Three additional years of experience may substitute for the degree Salary range is $3.438 to $4.842 a month, with a benefit program contribution toward family health and dental insurance, term life insurance, short and long term disability insurance. Other Benefits include a retirement program, paid holiday, vacation, and sick leave % V A •r >- •" i/i • -• s . . o c t Construction Project Manager 2 Construction Project Manager following agencies. Call Your Date Now!!! 1-9 00 -2 26 -85 60 ext. 4 2 2 2 $ 2 .9 9 per min M ust be 18 yrs. Serv - U 6 1 9 -6 4 5 -8 4 3 4 o rw w w lh e h o tp a g e s .n e t/ date .2 20 69 08 .H T M For detailed Job (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 3 6 2 2 . Close date is June 7 ,2 0 0 1 . competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, oqenlngs exist in the ajKg| 4 ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS Hiring range $ 3 4 .4 5 2 to $ 4 5 ,9 9 3 annually. This position will be open until filled. Please su bm it cover letter ad resum e to CareOregon, HR-CS, 5 2 2 SW 5 th Ave., Suite 2 0 0 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 , or you may fax it to (50 3 ) 4 1 6 -1 4 6 2 . We offer a generous flexible benefit fits program and: great pay for your valuable s k ills Applications are required and may be obtained through o u r War one o f our main hospital Is required and indudes drug locations. Pre-employment initiation. screen. AAP Employment o (5 ■ Collector The Oregon Air National Guard has several part-tim e positions avail­ able. Let the Oregon Air Guard pro­ vide you w ith the experience to enhance your civilian m arketabil­ ity! Not only w ill the Air Guard train you, but pay you to leam! For more inform ation on pay, travel, training & various educational benefits - call 1 -8 0 0 -3 9 2 -1 8 0 1 & inquire about our e nlistm ent eligibility. Page B5 ^Jortlauh (ßbseruer The Department of Administrative Services in Salem is seeking an experienced Construction Project Manager. This person is responsible for organizing, planning, purchasing and scheduling statewide capitol improvement projects. Requires three years of engineering or architectural experience which includes one year of experience as a project manager for projects involving building construction and site development, and a Bachelor's degree in Architecture or Civil/Construction Engineenng. Three additional years of relevant engineenng and/or architectural experience may substitute for the degree. Salary range is $3.054 to $4,261 a month, with a benefit program contribution toward family health ano dental insurance, term life insurance, short and long term disability insurance. Other benefits include a retirement program, paid holiday, vacation, and sick leave Announcement 1LEDA1053. For detailed job announcement, visit www.oregonjobe.org. or call (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 3 6 2 2 . Close date is June 8. 2001. OREGON DEAPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Oregon Health Division Immunization Program Administrative Specialist 1 Located in Portland. Perform and coordinate administrative tasks for the Immunization Program. Duties will require great organizational skills, advanced word processing, basic computer troubleshooting, receptionist skills, and a good sense of humor. Salary range is $1.920 to $2,656 a month. Announcement «LEHS1146. Classification # 0 0 1 0 7 . For more information. vtsltwww.oregonjobs.org. OREGON STATE POLICE Recruit Trooper These fulHime positions enforce state laws (including fish and wildlife laws), patrol highways, investigate crimes, assist the public, and other duties as required Minimum Qualifications: US citizen. 21 years of age or older, high school diploma or equivalent, licensed to operate a motor vehicle, no felony convictions, and good moral fitness. Starting salary is $2.930 a month, plus incentive programs and benefit package available Call OSP job line at (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 3 7 2 5 ext. 4 1 3 1 . write to: Oregon State Police. Sworn Applicant Processing Section. 1 3 2 0 Capitol S t NE, Suite 8 1 0 . Salem. OR 9 7 3 0 3 ; or visit www.osp.state.or.us. Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications received or postmarked no later than June 30, 2001 will be invited to test in July. OFFICE OF THE LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN Elder Advocate/VOlunteer Manager Com. "ted. professional advocate is needed to speak out for etderiy residents of lo r v .m care facilities. Position includes complaint investigation; problem­ solving; and supervising, training and motivating volunteer advocates. Proven advocacy and conflict management skills as well as excellent verbal and written skills are a must. Candidates should be leaders who enjoy working with a broafl range of people. This fast-paced, fluid and fliveree workload requires a well- organized self-starter, who enjoys the unexpected and is willing to take an unpopular stand for a just cause. A BS/BA is required and two years experience in one or more related areas: supervision, consumer advocacy, gerontology, la*. volunteer management, social work or healthcare. Due to conflict-of-interest rules, must not have been employed by a longterm care facility within the past two years. The position is In Salem, with much instate travel. Salary up to $3,279 a month with excellent benefits Send resume wfth letter of Interest by June 8, 2 0 0 1 to: Office of the Long Term Cere Ombudsmen. 3 8 5 5 Wolverine NE. Suite 6, Salem OR 9 7 3 0 5 . The agency is an equal opportunity. affirmatMi action employer committed to a diverse workforce OREGON BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Office Specialist 2 Registration Assistant The Oregon Board of Medical Examiners, a licensing and disciplinary board, seeks a person to serve as a Registration Assistant. This position is responsible for assisting with registration of new and current licensees in each of the Board s four licensing programs (M 0/D 0. DPM. PA and Acupuncturist). Salary range is $1.769 to $2.424 a month, plus excellent benefits The Board s office la located next to the Marriott Hotel In downtown Portland. 1 5 0 0 SW First Avenue, (5 0 3 ) 229-5873 x222 Announcement « 1 1 1 0 0 2 9 0 For more Information on thia position and an application. vtoM www.oregonjcbe.org. TO And out about the Board of Medical Examiners. vM t the Board's Wsbstte at w w w .B m e.itate.a ue. This recruitment closes 5:00 p.m. on May 31. 2001. . T h e s e a r e Just a fe w o f th e c u rra n t jo b o p e n in g s a v a ila b le w it h th e S t a t e o f O re g o n . A m o re c o m p le te a n n o u n c e m e n t lle tln g , a p p lic a tio n fo rm s , an d a d d itio n a l jo b In fo rm a tio n a r e a v a ila b le a t: a ) lo c a l E m p lo y m e n t D e p a r tm e n t H e ld o ffic e s , o r b ) t h e O re g o n jo b s p a g e a t: w w w .o r a g o n jo b a .o r g . T h e S t a t e o f O re g o n a n d a ll Its d ivis io n s a re proud t o b e e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e rs . À carin g d iffe re n c e you can fe e l I