Schools Look for New Superintendent See M etro Section, Page BI PRSDRT STD US POSTAGE York Mayor Charged With Murde RAID Page A2 PORTLAND OR PERMIT NO. 1610 Knight Library 1299 University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1205 "The City Of Roses" Volume XXXI Number 21 Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 _____________ Wednesday May 23,2001 . Uniting the East and West Sides Eastbank Esplanade, Walkway Opens for Memorial Day Weekend Oakland Raiders Lawsuit Against NFL Rejected LOS A N G E L E S— The Oakland Raiders lost their $ 1.2 billion lawsuit against the NFL that claim ed the league sabotaged a deal for a new stadium and forced them to leave Los .Angeles. The ju ry rejected allegations o f breach o f contract, unjust enrichment and other violations o f the N FL constitution and bylaws. A p ortion o f the W illam ette riverfront is officially reclaim ed for public use w hen the Eastbank Esplanade, Steel Bridge pedestrian and bicycle w alkw ay and new public boat dock opens Friday for the M em orial D ay w eekend. T hese projects, together, m ake it possible for w alkers, cyclists, and jo g g e rs to com plete a riverside central city loop betw een the Steel and H aw thorne Bridges and pro­ vides an east-w est connection for residents and visitors. "O n the advent o f Portland’s 150th birth­ day, I am thrilled w e ’re giving ourselves the gift o f reconnecting to the W illam ette River, and reuniting the city ’s east and w est sides,” said M ayor V era K atz. “ 1 am excited for the Central Eastside, w hich has w aited a long time to get its own w aterfront park. The Esplanade will serve as a catalyst for the neighborhood’s rebirth as a vibrant area for those w ho live and wofk here,” K atz added. S tre tc h in g fro m th e S te e l B rid e to H aw thorne B ridge, the m ile-long Eastbank Esplanade features a 1,200-ft floating w alk­ Storm s Pummel M ichigan, Ohio T ornadoes and severe thunderstorm s with winds up to 70 mph blew across M ichi­ gan, overturning vehicles, dam aging homes and uprooting trees. Two twisters were also | reported in O hio as stoim s knocked down | trees and pow er lines M onday night. Bush Sees Energy' Shortage ST. PAUL, Minn. — President Bush warned that the nation faces higher fuel costs and blackouts unless a new national energy policy is em braced that allows broad­ ranging changes to increase supplies o f domestic oil. natural gas and nuclear power. Bush also dem ed his energy policy would ca n y a high environm ental cost. China: Spy plane to return soon BELJING— China signaled Thursday that it will release a U.S. surveillance plane held since a collision with a Chinese fighter jet, but said it was waiting for w ord from W ashing­ ton on how to transport the plane home. The N avy EP-3 has been held on the southern island o f H ainan since the April 1 collision with a Chinese jet. Judge G rants Divorce for Turner, Fonda P hoto by H arold H utchinson /A ckroyd P hotocraphy A $30 million project brings new amenities to Portland's Eastside and unites both sides o f river in a continuous walking loop. A TLA N T A — A judge granted Jane Fonda a divorce from C N N founder Ted Turner, ending nearly a decade o f marriage. It was the third marriage for both. The couple announced in January 2000 that they were separating. F onda’s divorce filing said only that the marriage was “irretrievably broken.” Rep. John Lewis also honored by John F. Kennedy Library for his lifetime struggle against racism W A SH IN G TO N — FBI D irector Louis Freeh acknowledged a ‘ ’serious error’ ’ in the b u re a u ’s fa ilu re to p ro v id e T im o th y M cV eigh’s lawyers with evidence in the Oklahoma City bombing case. He was speak­ ing publicly for the first tim e since disclosure that m ore than 3,000 pages o f docum ents were w ithheld from Me V eigh ’ s law yers. B y S teve L e B lanc T he A ssociated P ress B O ST O N — F orm er P resident Ford w as ho n o red M onday w ith the John F. K en n ed y P rofile in C o u rag e A w ard for p ard o n in g his p red e cesso r, say in g he took the step in 1974 becau se he needed to get on w ith “ th e problem s o f the c o u n try .” “ W hen I b ecam e president, the co u n ­ try w as in total turm oil w ith the w ar in V ietn am an d th e W a te rg a te scan d al,” F o rd said d u rin g a n ew s co n fe re n ce b e fo re th e a w a rd s c e re m o n y at th e K ennedy p resid en tial library. “ It w as im portant to try an d heal the w ounds o f those tw o trag ed ies,” he said. “T he only w ay to clear the desk in the O v al O ffice w as to get M r. N ix o n ’s problem s o ff m y agenda and get m y total attention on the problem s o f the co u n ­ Hanssen W ill Be Indicted, Lawyer Says W A SH IN G TO N — Form er FBI agent Robert H anssen was expected to be indicted on 21 charges o f spying for the Soviet Union and Russia, his lawyer said. The Justice Department, engaged in plea bargain discus­ sions, had been pressing H anssen’s lawyers to disclose w hat the veteran counterintelli­ gence agent w ould tell them before they w ould rule out seeking the death penalty. California Rates Jump as Much as 80% Ecstasy Drug TradeTums Violent Ecstasy, the “peace and love" drug o f the rave party culture, is igniting violent turf wars am ong drug dealers that authorities say resem ble the battles over crack cocaine that devastated urban areas in the 1980s. But with Ecstasy there is a big difference: Its primary buyers — and m any o f its low-level dealers — are teenagers and college kids from middle- and upper-incom e families, rather than im­ poverished addicts. I The new Steel Bridge pedestrian and bi­ cycle w alkw ay has been built on the low er deck o f the Steel Bridge. The fully A DA accessible crossing allow s pedestrians and cyclist have the choice o f continuing south along the Esplanade or going up a staircase or ramp, across a railroad bridge, and con­ necting w ith the overlook by the O regon Convention Center and Rose Quarter. The public boat dock provides 600 linear feet o f eastside tie-up access for both com ­ m ercial and private vessels, including pos­ sible future use, by river taxis. The c ity ’s O ffice o f T ransportation had oversight for the Steel Bridge pedestrian and bicycle cross­ ing, the overlook connections and the public boat dock attached to the floating w alkway. “The w alkw ay creates a direct northern connections betw een the L loyd D istrict and O ld T ow n/dow ntow n for pedestrians and bicyclists,” rem arked C om m issionerC harlie H ale s. “ P o rtla n d w as fo u n d e d o n th e W illamette River for its transportation access. With the walkway and the new public boat dock, we are reclaiming the river as a transpor­ tation connection." Final work to be completed on the Esplanade Phase II includes the completion o f public parking lots at the south end o f the project, near the Hawthorne Bridge and improvements to S.E Salmon and Main and Madison Streets from the W ater Ave. These improvements are scheduled to be com pleted this August. Phase III. o f the project is known as the “Crescent" the three acre riverfront parcel be­ tween the Hawthorne and Marquam Bridges. Ford Awarded 'Profile in Courage ’ For Nixon Pardon Freeh Admits ‘Serious Error’ SAN FR A N C ISC O — Beginning next month, residential customers ofC alifom ia’s two largest utilities will pay the second high­ est elec trie ity rates in the country to help the state recoup about $6 billion it has spent trying to keep on the lights. U nder the plan approved by state regulators, residential custom ers w ho use the m ost pow er face increases o f as much as 80%. w ay (the largest in the United States), public boat dock, new river overlooks and cantile­ vered w alkw ays, plazas, riverbank restora­ tion, urban markers with lighting and interpre­ tive panels, public art. and a new boat dock at the E astbank fire station. The Esplanade is a jo in t project o f the Portland Development Com mission and Port­ land Parks and Recreation. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Remembering Fallen Heroes Tina Musgrave, the wife of Portland Police detective Tim Musgrave, places a rose on the Portland Police Memorial in Waterfront Park Friday as a gesture to the 25 Portland police officers killed in the line of duty. She is a member of the Portland ROSES, a support group comprised of police spouses. The ceremony was held as part of Peace Officers Memorial Day and National Police Memorial Week. I try ” O n Sept. 8, 1974, a m o n th afte r step ­ ping into o ffice follow ing N ix o n 's resig ­ nation, Ford offered the form er p re si­ dent a “ full, free and ab so lu te p ard o n ." “ It w as an ex trao rd in ary act o f co u r­ age that historians reco g n ize w as truly in the national in terest,” said Sen. Edw ard M. K ennedy, w h o acknow ledged h e 'd criticized F ord at the tim e C ritics said the pardon put a p rem a­ tu re end to fu rth e r in v e stig a tio n into N ix o n 's role in the W atergate scandal. In an unp reced en ted ap p earan ce by a p resi­ dent b efo re the U.S. H o u se Judiciary C om m ittee, F ord ex plained under oath that there w ere no deals co nnected w ith the pardon. T w o years later, F ord lost on e o f the closest elections in the co u n try ’s h is­ tory to Jim m y C arter, in part because o f his decision to pardon N ixon. A lso cited for political courage M o n ­ day w as civil rights leader and U.S. Rep. John L ew is, w ho w as beaten as he and others challenged seg reg atio n ist p o li­ cies at bus term inals th ro u g h o u t the South during the “F reedom R ides" o f 1961. H e w as given a special Profile in C o u rag e A w ard for lifetim e ach iev e­ m ent. L ew is, the son o f sharecroppers, o r­ g a n iz e d s it-in s at s e g re g a te d lu n c h counters in T ennessee and then v olun­ teered to participate in the “Freedom R ides” 40 years ago this m onth to p ro ­ test segregated interstate bus term inals. L e w is a n d o th e rs w e re s e v e re ly beaten. “ It w as very dangerous to get on a bus in W ashington, D C ., on M ay 4, 1961, and to try to enter a so-called w hite w aiting ro o m .’ It w as like putting your life on the line, but I had to do it. It w as the right thing to d o ," L ew is said. Four years later, L ew is w as an o rg a­ nizer o f a protest that led to the "B loody S unday” attack by state troopers at the Edm und Pettus Bridge in Selm a, Ala T he attack helped lead to the V oting Rights A ct o f 1965 K ennedy said L ew is u n d ersta n d s “ A m erica w ill n ev e r b e A m erica until w e free ourselves from the stain o f d iscrim ination.” The John F. K ennedy Profile in C ourage A w ard is presented an n u a lly to an e le c te d o f f i­ cial w h o h as w ith sto o d stro n g o p p o ­ sitio n to fo llo w w hat h e o r sh e b e ­ lie v es is th e rig h t d ec isio n .