May 16, 2001 Page A8 ^lortlanb (iDhseruer Area Groups Give Praise to Economic Ventures Like father, like son, Tom Kelly saluted for distinguished service B y L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserxer Tom Kelly has filled his father’s shoes so well that he’s won his father’s award. Kelly, operator o f Neil Kelly De­ signers and Remodelers, received the Neil Kelly Distinguished Service Award from the North-Northeast Business Association at their annual Excellence in Business Awards ban­ quet at Shenanigan’s Restaurant on Swan Island Friday. Other winners were Stellar Coffee for the Small Business Economic Development award, Nature’s Fresh Northwest for the Large Business Award, Paul Knauls for the Commu­ nity Service Award, and the Portland State University Business Outreach Program for the Effective Govern­ ment Award. For the first time in its 14-year history, the banquet was a joint ven­ ture with the Albina Rotary Club. The Rotary aw arded scholarships to Trumaine Thompson o f Grant High School, and Lilamrta Logue ofBenson High School. C ity C o m m issio n e r Jim Francesconi recalled the elder Kelly as one o f the first people he con­ sulted before entering politics, “and we all have these stories about N eil.” As a leading figure in St. Andrew Catholic Church and the Rotary, and as an employer, Neil Kelly “gave us the impression that we were special,” Francesconi said. “ He exemplified “service above self. Education is the key to building skills for wealth creation, but busi- Federal Share Vehicle Purchase and a new bro­ chure describing how consum ers can avoid credit card hazard. “C redit card com panies a re n ’t sa tisfie d w ith a fair p ro fit, so th ey ’re gouging consum ers with outrageous interest rates as high as 30 percent A PR ,” said Steve D ixon, C onsum ers A ssociate for OSPIRG. But even w orse, credit card com panies are deceiving con­ sum ers into paying unfair late fees and burying deceptive conditions in the small print,” he continued. A m o n g the k e y f in d in g s o f O SPIRG s’ report. “The Credit Card Trap: How to Spot It How to Avoid it,” are that credit card terms and conditions are becom ing less fa­ vorable to consum ers; credit card marketing practices are misleading and deceptive; and card marketing to college students is too aggres­ sive. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by any interested person, will be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) in Room C, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 12, 2000. The purpose of this hearing is to consider projects for which federal FY01 Sec. 3037 Job Access funds from the Federal Transit A dm in­ istration is being sought. Persons requesting that this hearing be convened should contact Tri-M et’s Finance Administrator by tele­ phone at 503-962-5850 or in writ­ ing at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, OR, 97202 by Wednes­ day, May 30, 2000. 640,000 18,000 18,000 36,000 141,000 141,000 282,000 75,500 75,500 151,000 Alternative Transportation Center 30,052 30,052 60,104 52,500 105,000 Non-Commute Trips 52,500 Job Retention Program 97,000 97,000 194,000 443,800 443,800 887,600 80,000 80,000 160,000 Shuttles to Rural Areas 446,100 446,100 892,200 Shelters & Lighting 132,000 132,000 264,000 1,835,952 1,835,952 3,671,904 Service to Employment Areas Bike & Pedestrian Improvements Total: All projects have been selected through Tri-Met s planning process, which incorporates public involvement, and are programmed in the Metropolitan and State Transportation Improvement Programs. N o persons, families or businesses will be displaced by the projects. Projects described above are in conformance with comprehensive land-use and transportation planning in the area. In the event a hearing is held, Tri-Met will afford opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, econom ic and environmental aspects o f the projects. A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-M et at least 48 hours notice o f the request by contacting Tri-M et at 503-962-4831 or T D D 503-962-5811, M onday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If any interested person requires information regarding the Program o f Projects described in this Notice or Tri-Met’s transit development plan they may contact Tri-Met’s Finance Administrator by telephone at 503-962-5850 or in writing at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, O R 97202. The Program o f Projects described in this N otice consti­ tutes Tri-Met’s final FY01 § 3037 Job Access Program. Any amend­ ment to any program will be duly advertised to the public. Bruce Harder Let’s do the bright thing. It ’s all about supply and demand. Your conservation efforts helped keep the energy crunch from becoming a crisis. That's the good news. But due to the weather and w ater situation, our region still faces an energy shortage. And it isn't going away anytime soon. Which m eans that during spring and summer, we all still need to work together and do the bright thing. Here's w hat you can do: ■ Wait 'til late to use electricity. Avoid using your dishw asher and w asher/ dryer during sum m er peak hours of 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Run only full loads. ■ Open windows to allow in cool air during the morning and evening. ■ Use portable fans to stay cool instead of large air-conditioning systems. They use much less electricity. Toyota Must Pay $7.6 Million Judgment ■ Turn off any lights not in use. 1 320,000 Executive Director, Finance & A dm inistration, Tri-M et rooftop with the water transported to a holding tank (cistern) via gutters and downspouts. Pipe networks dis­ tribute the water from the cistern and supply the various fixtures. Because untreated rainwater is safe non-drink­ ing water, approval under the guide only applies to flushing waterclosets or urinals, irrigation or hose bibb supply. Using rainwater instead o f drink­ ing water for non-potable uses con­ serves and slows depletion o f water from city reservoirs. In addition, us­ ing rainwater in this manner helps to lessen the need for additional storm water retention facilities. oncoming car and the SUV rolled twice, crushing the passenger side and injuring McCathem. A Multnomah Circuit Court jury awarded $5.4 million in economic damages and $2.25 million in noneco­ nomic damages for pain and suffer­ ing. Toyota had challenged the neg­ ligence and design defect claims, and had sought to reduce the award, cit­ ing Oregon law that limited damages for pain and suffering to $500,000. The state Supreme Court later lifted that cap. Local Share Total Budget 320,000 Bike Program Project Marketing Staff 10 a.m., Tues., June 12 Room C, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland Rainwater Recycling Gets Green Light J Customer Information Equipment TRI-MET Credit Cards Put More Students Into Debt The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously upheld a $7.6 million damage award against Toyota M otor Corp, for defective design o f its 4-Runner sport utility vehicle. Linda M cCathem, paralyzed from the neck down in a 1995 accident, had claimed faulty design had caused her vehicle to roll over. M cCathem was riding in the pas­ senger seat and her cousin was driv­ ing the 1994 Toyota 4-Runner on a return trip from eastern W ashington when the cousin swerved to avoid an Northeast Portland.” “Paul, you were always telling me you w ere th e em p e ro r h e re ,” Francesconi quipped. “I didn’t know you were just a prince.” Thompson, who will attend the University ofOregon, compiled a 3.0 grade point average while doing ser­ vice work through the Portland Youth G olf Association and the SMART mentorship program at Irvington and John Ball schools. Logue, who is bound for the Uni­ versity o f W ashington, has been through a Legacy Health Systems mentorship program, has done ser­ vice work at Holladay Park Plaza, and has been a member ofB enson’s gold, swimming and cheerleading teams. The Proposed Program o f Projects includes: (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O b ­ server ) The City o f Portland has devel­ oped a code guide for recycled rain­ water use inside and outside o f the home. “Storing and using rainwater is an important water conservation strat­ egy. The new guide explains how to do this safey and without an involved building permit review. “This a great example o f how we can cut red tape to promote green building practices,” Commissioner Charlie Hales said. The guide has detailed informa­ tion regarding the collection, storage and distributions o f rainwater. Col­ lection begins with rain falling on the Edwina Wasson is a Portland native who returned to the city after a 2 5 year absence in 1997. “W hen I came back I saw an op­ portunity to do something,” she said. “I wanted to connect with people. Membership in the North-Northeast Business Association is such a plus.” Knauls, co-owner o f G eneva’s Sheer Perfection beauty salon, was also one o f the founders o f Holy Redeemer School’s Good in the Hood jazz festival. W hen he first moved into the loca­ tion at 5601 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. B lvd, “People said, ‘What do you want to be on that street for? ’” Knauls recalled. In presenting the aw ard Peter W ilcox called Knauls the “Prince o f NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING Edwina Wasson, owner o f Stellar Coffee, 6003 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., is congratulated Friday by Portland City Commissioner Jim Francesconi after receiving the Small Business Economic D evelopm ent Award from the N o rth/ N ortheast Business Association. D eceptive credit card offers and practices are sinking more and more consum ers and college students into high-cost credit card debt, according to a survey o f 100 credit card offers released by the Oregon Student Public Interest Research G roup (OSPIRG). T o fight the practices the report identifies, OSPIRG also announced a new credit card education cam ­ paign featuring both the w ebsite ness is a way to deliver on that and we don’t do enough o f that here.” Referring to his son, Francesconi said, “It’s tough to follow in your father’s footsteps, particularly when he was a hero to the entire community as Neil was. To expand the business is particularly challenging.” Tom Kelly not only did this, but this year received a National Better Business award for his concern for the environment. “He has shown you can care for your family, business and the envi­ ronment, and one o f the ways is to be ethical,” Francesconi said. Among other things, Neil Kelly Co. donated the lumber for the cre­ ation o f Stellar Coffee, 6003 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Owner ■ Microwave or grill your food outside instead of using your oven. Do the bright thing. Call usât 1-800-222-4335, and ask for a copy of our Bright Idtat booklet. ■ Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs in lights that remain on three or more hours per day (they use about 75% less energy) and replace higher watt bulbs with lower watts in your remaining fixtures. ■ Turn computers and monitors off at night and whenever they're not in use. ■ Keep doors, windows and w indow coverings closed during the hottest part of the day. ■ Make saving energy a habit. > PACIFIC POWER ©2001 Paci ñ Corp