Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 16, 2001, Page 7, Image 7

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    May 16, 2001
Page A7
(EF jp Jlo rtla n ò (Dbseruer
Aloha Portland
County Moves Forward
On Children’s Center
N eglected and abused children in
M ultnom ah C ounty w ill soon have a
secure refuge intended especially for
them. U nder a resolution introduced
by com m issioner Lisa N aito, the B oard
o f C ounty C om m issioners v oted to
proceed w ith securing bids for the
construction o f a C h ild ren ’s R eceiv­
ing C enter a fac ility w here children that
been victim s o f abuse and neglect and
have been taken into the custody o f
the state can be cared for on a short­
term basis. A pplauding the unanim ous
vote, C om m issioner Lisa N aito, B oard
liaison to the project, declared, “ I am
pleased that w e are finally m oving
forw ard o n the construction o f the
Center. C hildren that have been abused
need an im m ediate safe haven. “T he
tutional environm ent so tat children
are not further traum atized.
T he current system o fh o u s in g chil­
d ren w ho have been rem o v ed from
their hom es has b een inconsistent,
an d often adds to th eir som etim es
frightening experience as they are
shuttled from a one agen cy to an ­
o th er” T he project p lan calls for the
construction o f a new 11,800 square-
foot residential building in southeast
C i li an Sevier
R. D. Sevier «fe Son, Inc.,
Garbage Services
current system often puts a child in the
back o f police car driving around try­
Out Menswear
siblings stay together and provide an
instant and safe hom e-like, non-insti-
OLCC Officials Pick Up Battle
Against School Booze Parties
S pringtim e m eans the sea­
so n h a s beg u n fo r p ro m s,
grad u atio n s, school c e le b ra ­
tio n s, and off-cam pus p arties
around O regon.
T h a t’s why for the 13th c o n ­
secu tiv e year, the O regon L i­
q u o r C ontrol C om m ission is
team in g w ith schools, law en ­
forcem ent, and beer w h o le ­
sales to help keep these events
sa fe and a lc o h o l-fre e . T he
O LCC recently m ailed letters
to hundreds o f senior and ju n ­
ior high school principias seek­
ing dates o f upcom ing high
school celeb ratio n s such as
prom s and graduation because
tra d itio n a lly th e r e ’s an in ­
crease in alcohol related p a r­
ties at the tim e.
The OLCC shares the in­
form ation with local police, ho­
tels, lim ousine drivers and oth­
ers to help nip youth drinking
parties in the bud.
Investment for Youth Opportunity
The government has awarded
Youth Opportunity grants in 35
cities, including Portland, to sup­
port youth living in high-poverty
“ This national investm ent ef­
fort is to re-engage those who
feel left out o f the Am erican
dream and to send a clear m es­
sage that their dreams do not
have to be deferred,” said local
com m unity activist Kevin Hall.
The W orkforce Investment
Act appropriated $221 m illion
nationwide to Youth Opportu­
nity program s that identify and
Sole Proprietor
Bryan Grant
More Oregon Teens
7618 N . In terstate A v en u e
1 B lo ck N. o f the L o m b ard F red M ey er store
Say No to Sex
(A P ) — C o n trary to po p u lar p e r­
ception, nearly tw o-thirds o f O regon
teens say they h a v e n ’t had sex, ac­
cording to an O regon H ealth D ivision
report. W h a t’s m ore, the Y outh R isk
B ehavior S u rv ey show s that the p er­
centage o f 15-to 1 7-year-oldsw ho’ve
abstained has increased in the past
eight years. In 1991, the first year the
health questionnaire w as given at O r­
egon public high schools, 54 percent
o f students said they h a d n ’t had inter­
course. In this latest rep o rt from 1999,
65 p e rc e n t— a 20 percent increase —
“ W e en courage th ese folks
to tell us w hen they h ear about
an alcohol p arty involving m i­
n o r s ,” sa id G ary M cG rew .
OLCC field o p e ra tio n s d ire c ­
“ O ur goal is to stop these
p arties before th ey start. If***"
they do s ta rt,” M cG rew con- . _
tinued, “ OLCC w ill w ork w ith
local law enfo rcem en t to in ­
tervene, rem ove the alcohol,
and issue c ita tio n s .”
1101 NE Alberta
Portland, OR 97211
ing to locate placem ent, o r a child m ay
experience hours o f w aiting in a state
office until em erg en cy fo ster care
found. T he R eceiving center w ill help
With the help o f volunteers from the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, 2001 fresh flower leis, shipped in
from Hawaii, were distributed free to the public at Pioneer Place. Portland was only one o f ! 7 cities on five
continents that was able to experience "a little bit o f Hawaii” on the special May 1 “Lei D ay” event.
P ortland providing short-term ho u s­
ing and services for up to 16 children,
ages 3 to 12 years old.
N early 80 children enter em ergency
shelter care in M ultnom ah C ounty every
month, with the vast majority coming
from east o f the W illamette Riv er. The
residence, designed to fit into the neigh­
borhood, will include an intake area, bed­
rooms. playrooms, dinning room , living
room, and laundry an d s ta ff offices.
Specializing in Hi-Fashion Suits for Men «feBoy’s
$3.99 sq. ft.
12X13 Rem
$69.00 sq. ft.
$1.99 sq. ft.
$5.99 sq. ft.
Portland Costless Carpet
4 8 1 8 N . I n te r s ta te A v e .
P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 7
they h a d n ’t.
uppose a tree fell through your garage tonight...
assist young people with em ­
ployment and educational ob­
The program s also engage
businesses, foundations, com ­
munity partners and celebrities
to support their education and
training efforts.
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A partnership to assist local youth in employment and educational objectives is forged between Lorenzo
Harrison (from left), a federal Labor Department administer, Kevin Hall, a Portland community activist and Dr
Ronald Mincy.
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