Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 16, 2001, Page 6, Image 6

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    May 16, 2001
Page A6
^lorthutò © iwruer
Students Enthusiastic to Dalai Lama’s Peaceful Message
2 0 th cen tu ry . T he m ajo r part o f
th e 21 st cen tu ry actually belongs
A n arena filled w ith about 7,500
high school stud en ts ro ared th e ir
su p p o rt in a stan d in g o v atio n for
th e D alai L am a on M o n d ay , as he
spread his m essag e o f in n e r peace
and h o p e for a b etter w o rld in th e
21st cen tu ry .
“ E veryone w ants happiness and
a happy life; ev e ry o n e has a right
to a h ap p y life,” he to ld th e stu ­
dents, w ho had co m e from acro ss
O reg o n an d so u th w est W a sh in g ­
“ T h e fu tu re is in y o u r ow n
h a n d s,” th e 6 5 -y e a r-o ld N obel
Peace Prize lau reate said at M e­
m orial C oliseum .
H e w as o n th e seco n d d ay o f a
th ree-d ay v isit to P o rtlan d , his
th ird stop on a th re e -w e ek A m e ri­
can tour.
“ M y g en eratio n b e lo n g s to the
T he D alai L am a, th e sp iritual
leader o f T ib e t's B u d d h ists and
his predecessor.
H e to ld the stu d e n ts that to
m ake a d ifferen ce th e y w ould
need ed u catio n p lu s w illpow er,
determ ination and “a w arm heart.”
“ A sen se o f c a rin g and c o m ­
passion, th e se are th e foundation
o f determ ination and w illp o w e r,”
he said, ad d in g that, w ith e d u c a ­
tio n , w o u ld m a k e p o s s ib le a
greater con trib u tio n to th e w orld.
H e said that, in reality, the w orld
has changed a great d eal but that
attitudes have not.
“T here is an in creasin g gap
betw een reality and p e rc e p tio n ,”
he said, ad d in g that y o u n g e r g e n ­
erations seem to be seein g the
Mavor Vera Kat: welcomes the Dalai Lama to Portland.
to you. Y ou h av e a great and
im m ense opp o rtu n ity to m ake a
new shap e o f th e w o rld ,” he said.
a cleaner
It's Free!
It's Fun!
the head o f th e T ib etan g o v e rn ­
m ent in ex ile in India, d e sc rib e s
h im s e lfa s “ju s ta s im p le B u ddhist
w orld in m o re realistic term s.
W ar, he said, is ob solete. “T he
destruction o f o u r n eighbors is the
Saturday, May 19, 2001
11:30 am to 3:00 pm
Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant
5001 N. Columbia Boulevard, North Portland
(2 miles west of the I-5 freeway)
• Live music
• Fantastic prizes
• Face painting and gam es
• Children's art show
• Horse trolley rides
• Tours of th e tre a tm e n t plant, and
walking and biking tours of th e
new north Columbia Slough trail
Community inform ation
and exhibits
1 i.m Siilt/m.Hi, C ommisstoner
For more inform ation, call Tim Hall at 503-823-2410
King Neighborhood Clean Up 2001
When: Saturday, May 19 9:00 -2:00 PM
Where: Behind the NE Police Precinct (6th & Killingsworth)
To coordinate traffic, please turn from Killingsworth south on Sth
Avenue. Signs will direct you weston Killingsworth Ct. to the site.
I ees:
All King Neighborhood Residents
$_5 for loads up to lc\ el of truck bed and carloads
$10 for 6 - 8 I t. Pickups filled to cab height
$15 if above cab
$ I per tire $3 if on rim
I rash. Bulky Waste. Yard Debris, l ire. A Scrap Metal (see
disposal guidelines on back)
Voucher will be available at the cleanup to take limited
quantities to Metro for free.
d e stru c tio n o f ourselves. T h at is
th e reality. O u r goal sh o u ld be the
dem i litarization o f the w o rld .” H e
said the p o p u latio n in c re a se is a
very serious issue and drew laughs
w h en he su g g ested that co u ples
“ sh o u ld h a v e m o re n u n s an d
m onks. T hat is p o p u latio n control
in a true n o n v io len t w ay .” S tu­
d e n ts w ere th rille d th at a m an o f
such im p o rtan ce spoke w ith such
w arm th an d hum or.
“ I w as o v erw h elm ed by it all,”
said J e ff K o zn ek o f E vergreen
H igh S chool in V ancouver.
“ H e is a v e r y im p r e s s iv e
speaker. H e d id n ’ttry to talk above
us, he talk ed to u s,” said K yle
K rohn o f M ad iso n H igh S chool.
Two Years
of the
C andi Jo rd a n o f M arshall H igh
School found him funny and com ­
plex. “ H e c le a rly w an ts the w orld
to b e a b e tte r p la c e ,” she said,
a d d in g that h e to u c h e d o n issues
th a t w ere im p o rtan t to her. Scott
V alen tin e o f S o u th S alem H igh
S chool said the B u ddhist leader
tau g h t him “th a t w e are the people
o f th e future, so w e h a d b e tte r do
g o o d .” D u rin g a b rie f question-
a n d -a n sw e r session, o n e student
ask ed i f he e v e r had do u b ts that
he w as the ch o sen one.
T h e D alai L am a answ ered sim ­
p ly, “ W e are all th e sam e people,
w e have th e p o te n tia l for good
a n d bad. I try m y b e st to be
so m eth in g o f u se to o th ers.”
Central Oregon ‘Bulge” Could
Signal a Volcanic Eruption
A significant bulge in the earth’s
crust has developed over the past
four years near volcanoes in cen­
tral Oregon but it’s not clear whether
it could presage a volcanic erup­
tion, geologists said last week.
The bulge, 9 to 12 miles across
and about 4 inches high, was de­
tected by satellite radar, said W illie
S cott, a U SG S scientist at the
a g e n c y ’s
v o lc a n o
la b
V ancouver, W ashington.
“Because it’s a volcanic area and
th ere’s been a long history o f vol­
canic activity in that part o f the
C ascades, it’s possible it m ight be
m agm a, or m olten rock, m oving
deep underground,” Scott said.
The bulge is located near the
Three Sisters, a trio o f volcanoes at
the center o f the Cascade Range in
The last m ajor eruption in the
Pacific N orthw est occurred in May
1980, when M ount St. Helens blew
o ff about 1,300 feet o f its top.
The uplift in C entral O regon is
too broad and low to be noticed
from the ground.
Big Pipe Party
Fish Friendly Fair
• Good food
C ity of P orti , and
m onk.” H e w as ch o se n as a child
in 1940 as the 14th D alai L am a,
believed to be th e rein cam at ion o f
The USGS scientists discovered
the bulge through use o f a rela­
tively new technique called satel­
lite radar interferometry, which uses
satellite data to create images o f
the E a rth ’s surface.
Im ages taken at different times, •
but from the same location in space, >
can be used to detect changes o f :
even a few inches in the elevation 1
o f the ground.
Scientists have looked across 1
the W est for signs o f bulges, but
this is the first prom inent change
on record using this technique.
“T h ere’s nothing as striking as
this one,” Scott said. “This is quite
a prom inent uplift.”
“ But there’s nothing right now
that makes us think there’s an immi­
nent danger” o f an eruption, he
said. In addition to accelerating up­
lift, other indicators o f an eruption
w ould include earthquakes, typi­
cally swarm s o f small quakes gen­
erated by rock fracturing as magma
moves upward, and large emissions
o f volcanic gases, such as carbon
et the HJortlanh ©baeruer
w ith the ease o f
mail delivery.
No other p u b licatio n covers
Portland better. We provide the
top local stories, business news,
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w ith a com m itm ent to cultural
A tw o-year subscription for ju st
$50 will put the Portland O b­
server in your m ailbox every
Stay inform ed and stay in touch.
Call 503-288-0033 or email us at
n ew s@ p o rtlan d o b serv er.co m
to subscribe.
We need volunteers to help neighbors unload during the
Please call 503-24,9-1494 if you can help.
Refreshments & lunch provided for volunteers.
Sponsored by; King Neighborhood Association. NE Coalition
of Neighborhoods, Metro, Solid Waste and Recycling'OITice
of Sustainable Dev elopment
Disposal Guidelines
Mansion rights
Up for the
Begin* on
Jlortlanb ©bserlier
Ceweilted « Cultural Dkrernty
I rash: Bag and separate from oilier items.
Bulky Waste:
I nipty appliances anti breakdow n large furniture.
' Yard Debris:
Bag I eaves. grass, anti small clippings. No Plastic Bags Please. Branches must
be less than 5 feet long. Bundle w ith string or tw me no w ire. Prepare for last
I ire A Metal:
Separate for. other items.
See Me Ire. in* ide
See Ficee, iueide
W ednesday