M a y 16, 2001 Page A 5 -— (Tljv 'Portland ©beeruer JJurtlanb (Obseruer Health/Education Name-Based Reporting of HIV Put on Hold Childhood Lead Poisoning, a Preventable Health Problem Childhood lead poisoning is m ajor and preventable environ­ mental health problem and lead- based paint is now considered the primary source o f lead ex­ posure. To combat the problem , Phy­ sicians for Social Responsibility with help from m ajor sponsors, conduct free lead testing for children the second Saturday o f each month, from 10 a.m. 2 p.m. at Common Bond, 4616 N. Albina. Officials say blood lead test­ ing o f children should be per­ formed at ages 1 and 2 or at least before age 6 if no previous testing has been done and any risk factors for lead poisoning are present. Children who live in or regu­ larly stay in a hom e, apartm ent, or child care center constructed before 1978 are at a greater risk o f developing lead poisoning, es­ pecially if there is rem odeling or peeling paint. O ther risk factors include family m em bers with exposure to lead and low family income (including those on Med­ icaid, WIC, or Oregon Health Plan). The effects o f lead poisoning are reversible if detected early by a blood test. If undetected, lead poisoning dam ages the brain, causing learning and be­ havioral problem s in affected children. The testing is co-sponsored by volunteers from the Oregon chapter o f Phy sicians for Social Responsibility, Com m on Bond and the Coalition o f Black Men, with help from Volunteers o f America and Old W ives’ Tales Restaurant. The M ultnom ah County Health Dept. provides laboratory testing and supplies. (AP)-O regon will wait until Oct 1 to join 36 other states that require doctors to report the names o f people who test positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The policy has been delayed for the second time to give state health officials m ore time to explain it to the public, officials said Friday. Under the policy, w hich is modeled on one begun in W ashington stale in 1999, the Oregon Heath Di vision would have 90 days to follow up with the patient’s doctor to ensure that the patient will receive proper care and support. Then, the patien t’s name would be converted into a numerical code. The policy would have taken effect on July 1. Anonym ous testing would continue as an option at public health clinics. Health officials say nam e-based re­ porting wi 11 help them track HIV cases and direct prevention to the most at- risk populations. It will also ensure newly diagnosed patients get proper care and counseling, they say. But some com m unity groups say HIV/AIDS carries a stigma, particu­ larly among some ethnic and racial minorities, that would deterpeople from getting tested if they knew their names would be reported, even confidentially. Marta Guembes, who does H IV / AID S testing and co unseling for Multnomah County, said she know s many minority patients w ho w ould be deterred from getting tested if they knew their names would be reported. “They’re not going to get tested,” said Guembes. Dr Grant Higginson, O H D acting adm inistrator, said these concerns prompted him to mo ve the policy back. More than 50 com m unicable dis­ eases already must be reported, with the patient’s name, to health authori­ ties in Oregon. An estim ated 6,500 Oregonians are infected with HIV. Meanw hile, AIDS cases are reported by name in Oregon, as required in every other state. There were 222 new cases o f AIDS and 47 A ID S deaths reported in the state in 1999 — less than one-third the totals from 1993. Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax: (503) 286-1146 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES H OM E OFFICES: B LO O M IN G TO N, ILLINOIS ER N E ST J. HILL, JR. Agent (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver ) Vijay Balan o f Physicians fo r Social Responsibility administers a test fo r lead exposure Saturday to Jallanie and Bulcha Sado at Common Bond, 4616 N. Albina. The tests take place the second Saturday o f each month. 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 Lead Warning Issued for Mexican Candies State health officials warned Orego­ nians to avoid three M exican candies that contain high levels o f lead. "W e w ant to protect people from th e se p r o d u c ts ,” s a id M ic h a e l H uemann, an epidem iologist with the Health Division o f the Oregon Dept. o f H um an Services, “especially children under age 6 who suffer the m ost seri­ ous health effects from exposure to lead.” The dangerous candies have been found in stores in O regon, C ali­ fornia and W ashington. A ccording to H eumann, consum ers should avoid a lollipop and two fruit rolls, m ade in M exico by Dulmex. H eum ann said the lollipop is a soft, dark brow n tamarind fruit candy on a w hite or orange stick. It is wrapped in clear w rapper with an orange-red band that has the w ord Bolirindo in w hite lettering and a pic- tureofabrow n tamarind fruit. The fruit roll is cigar-shaped roll with a sim ilar w rapper with the word tamasrind in white lettering. A third product Rollito de Coco, a fruit roll made with coconut, has a sim ilar label with the word coco­ nut in white letters. These same Dulmex candies have also been found in O r­ egon repacked under the brand name Juanitas. Officials oftheU .S. Food and Drug Administration issued a public alert last week after the Dulmex lolli­ pops w ere found in the California hom es o f three young children with elevated lead levels. A ccording to re­ sults o f tests, the children’s candy w rappers and lollipop sticks all con­ tained high levels o f lead. Preliminary findings from tests o f Dulmex prod­ ucts found in Oregon indicate that the ink on the label contains four percent lead. Health officials said there should be no lead in any candy or label. Bush Promises Help on AIDS Epidemic (AP) President Bush said AIDS, tuberculosis and m alaria have caused suffering in poor countries that “is alm ost beyond com prehension.” A t a W hite H ouse cerem ony Fri­ day, he announced a U.S. grant of$200 million dollars to help fight infectious diseases in poor countries. H e says there’ll be more to com e. But critics said the m oney is just a drop in the bucket An Oxfam Americaofficial calls the grant “quite inadequate” to fight HIV, which has infected roughly 26 millionpeople in Africa. Nigeria’spresi- dent and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan attended the ceremony. “As we declare global waron AIDS, we will need a war chest to tight it,” Annan said. Affordable public housing options from studios to large apartment communities. 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