Page A2 May 16, 2001 Che |JUuUauö (Obeemer i Police News/Vancouver Bush on Guns: Hire More Prosecutors PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Presi­ dent Bush unveiled a new initiative to combat gun violence Monday, pledg­ ing an “unprecedented partnership” between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. “It will send an unmistakable mes­ sage: If you use a gun illegally, you will do hard time,” Bush said. Bush used National Police Week to renew his call for tougher enforce­ ment o f existing gun laws, and said his "Project Safe Neighborhoods” would accomplish that. The two-year, $550 m illion effort will help pay for the hiring o f new federal and state prosecutors, with U.S. attorneys in all regions o f the country heading “strategic partner­ ships" on gun violence with area law enforcement, said Attorney General John Ashcroft. The federal and local authorities will work together to review and pre­ pare gun cases for prosecution, and map out ways to prevent firearms violence, he said. The administration will measure the impact o f the programs by gaug­ ing whether they reduced gun crimes, Ashcroft said. The president pledged to hire 113 new assistant U.S. attorneys and 600 new state and local prosecutors to handle gun cases; $44 million to im­ prove criminal record-keeping so convicts cannot legally buy guns; nearly $29 million to expand ballistics testing so illegal guns and ammuni­ tion can be traced; $ 19 million for the Bureau o f Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire­ arms for a youth gun interdiction initiative. Bush said that between 1989 and 1999, the violent crime rate dropped 20 percent. "That’s a huge accomplishment. It really is,” he said, with police offic­ ers standing beside him. “But unfortunately, American so­ ciety is still far too violent,” he said, pointing to 12,658murdersinAmerica in 1999, two-thirds o f which he said were shooting deaths. Win a m illion SkyM iles. F ly everyw here. Forget how to drive. Four Killed After Collision (AP) — Four people were killed when a small pickup collided head-on with a semi-truck near Portland Inter­ national Airport were all farmworkers who lived and worked nearby, police said. The pickup driver passed another vehicle in a no-passing zone and was in the oncoming lane when collision occurred about 9 p.m. Sunday, said Lt. Mike Hefley, a Portland police spokesman. The small truck was caught under the semi’s front axle, and both ve­ hicles erupted in flames, Hefley said. The pickup driver was identified Monday as Isidro Santillan Chavez, 29, an employee ofRossi Farms. His passengers w ere A lalos M isael Garcia, 18; Rogelio Ceja Adrian, 42; and his son, Jose Antonio Adrian Garcia, 18. All three lived and worked at Garre Farms. Police said toxicology tests would be conducted on the driver o f the pickup to determine if drugs or alco­ hol were involved. The driver o f the semi-truck, A Ivin Earl Hill, 40, o f Moses Lake, Wash., was in serious condition at Legacy Emanuel Hospital. Clinton Brother Targeted by Police T O R R A N C E , C a lif. (A P )— T ap e re c o rd in g s in d ic a te th a t f o r m e r P r e s id e n t C l i n t o n ’s b rother, R oger, w as illeg ally ta r­ geted by o fficers w ho arrested him on charges o f drunken d riv ­ ing and d istu rb in g the peace, his law yer told a ju d g e M onday. C linton, 44, w as arrested Feb. 21 in H erm osa Beach. Police said they did not know w ho he was w h en he w as p u lle d o v e r fo r erratic driving. C linton w as not present M on­ day as attorney M ark G eragos entered an innocent plea. A hear­ ing w as set for June 26. G eragos said an audiotape he acquired from another police d e­ partm ent show s H erm osa Beach o ffic e rs d iscu ssin g C linton 90 m inutes before the arrest. G eragos w ould not release the tape to the m edia but told report- ers it show s officers saying; “T here he goes, do you recog­ nize him ?” “ D oes he have Secret S ervice, protection?” “N o, but his brother sure does.” C linton has been free on his ow n recognizance. I f co n ­ victed, he could face a year in ja il and a $2,000 fine. He was a r­ rested less than a m onth after his older brother pardoned him for a 1985 drug offense. Crime Stoppers Double Murder Unsolved Portland police, in coopera­ tion with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in identi­ fying and apprehending the person or persons responsible for a double homicide. Just after midnight on Sun­ day, April 15, a security of­ ficer found a car in the parking lot o f the former Eastgate The­ ater, 2025 SE 82 Ave. The car had crashed into an em bank­ ment on the northwest com er o f the lot, and was found with the motor still running. Seeing someone inside, the security officer called 9-1-1 and police responded. On arrival, officers found the bodies o f two decreased individuals, later identified as 34-year-old Ramona L. McGee, and 44-year-old Terry Lee Spencer, both of northeast Portland, inside the car. It was later determined that both sub- jects died o f gunshot wounds. Investigators would like to hear from anyone who may have information on this case. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in this case o f any involved felony crime, and you need not give your name. Call crime Stoppers at (503) 823- HELP. Washington County Deputies Under Fire (AP) Washington County sh eriff s deputies are under fire for training practices at the O regon National Guard base at Camp Rilea on the Oregon Coast. In a letter to W ashington County SheriffJim Spinden, Rilea commander Colonel David Lay criticized the safety practices o f the county’s SW AT team. The Guard commander said depu­ ties failed to get permission to use some areas o f the camp or communi­ cate with guard officials during exer­ cises. And he said deputies training in a light armored vehicle were under the influence o f alcohol when the vehicle ran over a bunch o f logs. The sh eriffs office said the driver o f the armored vehicle hadn’t been drinking, though the passengers may have been. The Guard also said sheri f f s depu­ ties left live rounds o f gas grenades and other lethal ammo in a place where hundreds o f high school students gathered later on. Accused Mother Plans to Use Insanity Defense Lawyers for a W ashington County woman who has pleaded not guilty to killing her nine-year- old daughter have filed a notice they plan to use insanity in her defense. Karen Lee Huster’s daughter Elisabeth disappeared in 1996. The 41 -year-old Huster claimed she was with relatives, and spent two years in prison on charges o f custodial interference. A fter being indicted for her daughter's murder, Huster fled her Tigard home in April 2000. In N o­ vember, she was arrested in a Los Angeles suburb after police found a m an ’s body parts in the apart­ m ent she was sharing with a family friend. Huster appeared in a Hillsboro court on Friday. H er trial was set for Jan. 8, 2002. The notice filed Friday also says H uster's attorneys plan to present evidence on w hether she intended to com m it murder. A defense psychiatrist will ex­ amine Huster in the next few weeks Prosecutors also will exam ine her. So where’s the free? /f’s a t Washington M utual. Where free checking means exactly that. No hidden fees or service charges. No required m inim um balance. No m andatory m inim um deposit. No fee for cancelled checks. Free access to tellers and customer service telephone lines. Free 2 4 /7 access to your account a t our ATM's. Even a free VISA check card. 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