May 16, 2001 Page 5 ®br ^Jnrtlaub O bserver FT D FR GRACE The Nobility of Aging B y C hester H iggins J&, TW B ookmark : 2000 . Forword by Maya Angelou Through the lens of the camera, Chester Higgins Jr. takes a look at eighty thriving African american men and women who have found beauty within themselves and are experiencing aging with energy, wit, and grace. “Elder Grace,” a love song to the nobility of aging, is a powerful book based on the traveling photographic exhibition of the same name featuring personal portraits of African Ameri­ can elders. Complementing each beautiful portrait are the subject’s own thoughts and comments that collectively express a certain wisdom about life and aging, bringing comfort and inspiration to grandparents, children, grand­ children, and anyone thinking about the issues of aging. “M aya A ngelou is a poet, historian, lecturer, author, actress, playw right, civil rights activist, producer, and director.” • '^T h I e LEGENDARY ? M C M E N A M IN S CAFE, SALOON ànd HOTEL ROCK Plotting the Perfect Scam B y M f . l T aylor W illiam M orrow & C ompany . Queen $45 Full $35 •4, Bunk $25 * European-style lodging^ . with shared baths. * Room rates are the same for single or * double occupancy. i Add ,11.5,% cixinty room r.uj. For information call toll-free -866-27.1-3377 503-335-8900 or’frdm Portland ____ > McMENAMINS W FllTE EAGLE 836 NORTH RUSSELL • PORTI.\NI) • (503) ¿82-6810 w w w .m c n i c n .i n i i n s .c o m I nc : 1999 Expertly evoking black life in the South in the late 1920s, “The Mitt Man” begins with the picaresque tale of a small­ time New Orleans hustler named King Fish. T his man is b e tte r at preaching than picking pock­ ets, and it is getting caught while trying to lift the wallet of a wealthy white man that sets him on the path to his destiny - a complex road that leads him from the pavement to the pulpit and, ultimately, to the penitentiary. Once in jail, King Fish meets a brash young slickster from New Y ork nam ed Jimmie Lamar. King Fish decides that Jimmie is the per­ T".. t ‘ fect pupil for his les­ V sons in the art of the con game - and to­ gether they devise a brilliant swindle for Jimmie to take to the streets of Harlem. But when he ar­ rives in New York, young Jimmie gets much more than he bargained for... »