Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 16, 2001, Page 18, Image 18

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May 16, 2001
CCbe JJortlanb ©haeruer
Focus In Print
Teachings by the Chinese
Goddess of Love
What does a tiny, blonde bomb­
shell from a chic, upper class Man­
hattan family have in common with
a woman lying in a garbage bag in
front ofTiffanys And why would an
Orange County policeman wear a
necklace with a tiny icon o f Quan
Yin under his bulletproof vest?
The answers are found in a first
novel by Carol Simone, “The God­
dess o f 5'h Avenue.”
Just like her main character, Billie
Bartholomew, author Carol Simone
began life with a silver spoon in her
mouth and, just like Billie, one foot
on a banana peel. Her childhood
passed quickly and she grew up, as
she says, with “a restless coyote
mind that couldn’t be stilled”, and
an abusive father who was so brutal
that she eventually found herself,
like Billie, a successful urban pro­
fessional unable to “connect” and
find a trusting, loving relationship.
Until, that is, she was introduced to
Quan Yin, the mystical Goddess of
love and compassion, protector o f
all women, whose influence is slowly
being accepted into mainstream
American culture after inspiring
millions in Asia for centuries.
D e veloping Your
Wellness Plan
B y M arilyx H ughes G astqx .M D ,
asp G ayle K, P okier , P sy J L
T he B a h astise P ublishimg
B ook : 2001
If “ W om en’s B odies,
Women’s Wisdom” had been
w ritten s p e c ific a lly for
middle-aged Black women
and their particular mind-
body health issues, it would
be “Prime Time: The Afri­
can A m erican W om an’s
Complete Guide to Midlife
Health and W ellness”.
This practical, psychologi­
cal, and medical handbook
shows how midlife African
American women can take
charge of their own lives.
Marily Hughes Gaston, M.S.,
and Gayle K. Porter, Psy.D.,
have pooled their expert
knowledge - and that of
hundreds o f women who
participated in their fo­
cus groups and workshops
- to provide the first
health book dedicated to
the seven million African
A m erican women at
midlife.Never before has
a book so completely pro-
vided support, encourage­
ment, self-tests, and up-to-
date health information to em­
pow er A frican A m erican
women ages 40-70 to put their
own health first.
Looking for
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