May 16, 2001 (The J4ortlanh O bserver Page 3 Oregonians Battle Off in Junkyard Wars “ Ju n k y ard W ars’’ is b a c k !! The en g in eerin g contest o f hairbrained schem es, incred­ ible tools, and lots and lots o f duct tape. This program gives tw o te a m s o f to o l- to tin g g earh ead s 10 hours to see who can c reate the biggest, faste st, o r stro n g est w h a t­ ever w ith parts they scrounge out o f a ju n k y ard . The p ro ­ gram can cu rren tly be seen on cab le te le v is io n ’s TLC M ondays, from 8-9 p.m ., and 11 -m idnight (E T /P T ) as well as S undays at 7 p.m . O ut o f hundreds o f a p p li­ cants, three O regon natives w ere chosen to com pete in the sh o w ’s new season. The H icks fam ily, co n sistin g o f Sam and his tw o daughters, Jakey and Anna, will be faced w ith their first building c h a l­ lenge on M ay 16. On M ay 18, the team w ill com pete th eir c reatio n head to head w ith th eir opposing te a m ’s m achine. F ather and team cap tain Sam re sid e in S alem . An outdoorsm an, Sam loves the w ild ern ess as w ell as re sto r­ ing cars. He believ es in the value o f rep airin g som ething rath er than ju st rep lacin g it. Sam and his w ife S hirley o f 26 years, also have one son, D anny. Jack ey , the eldest dau g h ­ te r an d s c a v e n g e r o f the group, has been involved with everything from m aking pup­ p ets to fen c in g c la sse s to h a ird ressin g to her current jo b at G rey M atter D esign. Jack ey and her h usband Karl live in P ortland. A nna also resides in P o rt­ land and lives with her brother and 5-year-old daughter. The s e lf - p r o c la im e d “ k a ra o k e q u e e n ” is an anim al control o fficer. G row ing up, A nna w ould spend hours in the g a ­ rage w ith her Dad. It was there she learned about the in ’s and o u t’s o f cars - b leeding brakes, sand­ ing, changing oil and rep la c ­ ing engines. E ight team s w ill be paired o f f against one another to com pete in a single elim in a­ tion tournam ent based in a ju n k y ard in Sun V alley, CA. The w inners o f each com pe­ titio n advance to the next round, to take on another m e­ chanical challenge, and an­ o th er team . The team s are given their c h a lle n g e s the day o f the event, along w ith an expert in the field o f the d a y ’s com ­ p etitio n . In the past, team s have had to build everything from p iloted flying m achines to steam cars to underw ater b reath in g equipm ent. Human-Powered Bikes Race Off for the American Cup The Am erica Cup 2001 and “ Hum an Pow er C hallenge” , p r e s e n te d by E le c tra th o n Am erica, in conjunction with O regon Human Pow ered V e­ hicles, invite you to watch, race and marvel at this forefront technology. This event will of­ fer com petitive racing as well as a vendor display area for m anufacturers and supporters to show their products and help inform the public about these transportation viabilities. These m achines com m only referred to as recum bents, practical ve­ hicles, hand-cycling racers and exotic stream liners, some o f the fastest, sleekest human- powered bikes on Earth, will face challenges along with their riders by participating in one or several race venues. The race formats will include road rac­ ing, tim e trials, drag racing, 200 m eter flying speed trials, autocross and obstacle courses (for speed and agility handling), and much more. This is the largest race o f its kind on the west coast. A dditional fun is an art bike com petition that will offer “ar­ tistic im pressions” o f cycling sculpture. T he a rtis ts h av e free reign to create any form o f visual rendering based upon a bicycle foundation, from simple elegance o f color and form to dizzying worlds o f kaleidiscope chaos. There is no fee for the art bike event, and cash prizes will be aw arded. This free event will be held at the Portland International R acew ay on M emorial Day Weekend, May 26,27 and 28. For more information, contact Garrett Headrick at 503/538-0735, or visit th eir w ebsite online at Bus it t o L in c o ln City. F ro m th e R o s e City. Calling All Girls: Who is Oregon’s Sexiest? and attitude. There is no one thing that m akes a girl sexy. This contest will not be decided by explic it w ard­ robe or typical m odel stereotypes, and there w ill be no obligation to danc eor perform any acts other than proving that you are O reg o n ’s sexiest girl. There will be 50 contestants and 6 alter­ nate girls going through 5 rounds. O nly one finalist w ill be chosen per round o f ten girls, narrow ing it dow n to the w inner among the top 5. The ju d g es are the people attending the contest, so the w inner will b e -c h o se n by applause o n ly . C o n te s ta n ts can choose their ow n attire. T he girls w ill com pete Organizers o f the First Annual Oregon s Sexy Girl Contest are Dwight Minnieweather and fo r the g ran d p rize o f $ 1 ,0 0 0 an d b e n am ed Cassandra Taylor. U nisun invites you to the First A nnual O regon’s Sexy Girl C ontest that w ill be held at the A lberta Street B allroom , located at 1829N .E . 18,h and A lberta on June 1 and 2 at 9 p.m. T he 2-day event w ill determ ine beauty based on looks, their figure O regon’sofficial SexiestG irl. D uring the event, DJ Papa C huck w ill be playing the cuts. Special guests include J-M ack from 95.5 FM and Brian Foxworth o f the L inda H om buckle Band. The evening w ill start out with U nisun perform ing their favor­ ite tunes. Food and drink will be available for your enjoym ent. Sit back and enjoy the live m u­ sic, good food and drinks, plus the lovely ladies. To register as a contestant, go to T he M arketplace (Lloyd CenternexttoG odfather’s Pizza), between Broadw ay and W eidler by T hursday, M ay 19, anytim e betw een noon to 6 p.m . You m ust be 18 years o f age or older. For m ore inform ation, please contact D w ight M inniew eather at 503/289-2975. 7V Take our FREE bus to Chinook Winds Casino. Call us to reserve your seat and to determine which location is most convenient for you. You’ll get a FREE Casino Fun Book full of great discounts and offers. So call us, to bus you, to the coast’s only casino, Chinook Winds Casino. Monday ft Sunday Beaverton Hillsboro Bus transportation is fa t Casino patrons o n ly a nd is n o t to b e (2 n d M o n d a y o f th e m o n th o n ly ) Newberg McMinnville Tigard Tuesday, Saturday Clackamas ft Sunday Gateway Vancouver Friday used as p u b lic transportation Patrons must p lay a minim um o f $10 p e r trip using their Winners Circle Card Chinook W inds reserves the right to refuse service to anyone This program may b e changed or ca ncelled at any tim e Oregon City Tualatin C hinook ÀM nds C asino & C O N V E N T IO N C E N TE R Call 1-877-594-4627 for reservations and schedule. ’ Must b e 21 y e a n o r older O N THE BEACH O N LINCOLN CITY, OREGON