Page 2 May 16, 2001 The Focus Movie Guide 4k - Page 6 In Print Page 8 The Focus Entertainment Guide Page 8 Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O F w •J^ortlanò Focus Happy Birthday ------------------- ® ije ÿ ô r t l a n b (D bscruer Malcolm X n May 19, 1925, the man who is best know n as M alcolm X was born in O m aha, N eb. Born Malcolm Little, he changed his name when he converted to Islam in 1948. He spent most o f his life fighting for the advance­ ment of black people. He was a member and spokes­ man for the Nation of Is­ lam , headed by E lijah M uhammad. On Feb. 21, 1964 M alcolm X was shot to death while he addressed a rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity, the group that he began after he returned from his pil­ grimage to Mecca and left the Nation of Islam. I f he were still aliv e, Malcolm X would be cel­ ebrating his 76lh birthday this week. Happy birthday Malcolm X! O The Search for True Love According to Mozart E d ito r in C hief, P u b lis h e r Charles H. Washington Asst. Publisher Michael Leighton Copy Editor Joy Ramos Creative Director Robert Parker 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: subscriptioniq’portlandobsenej.cfm T am ino lo v es Pam ina. Papageno loves papagena. But they will discover that the course o f true love does not run smoothly in M ozart’s “The Magic Flute,” produced by the award-winning Port­ land State University Opera Theater. “The Magic Flute” opens for five performances until May 12 in PSU’s Lin­ coln Performance Hall. This production o f “The Magic F lu te” com es ju st m onths after PSU O pera Theater was named one of the best student opera com­ panies in America by earning a First Place award in the National Opera Association’s Opera Production Competi­ tion. The prize honored last year’s acclaimed production of M ozart’s “The Marriage o f Figaro.” PSU competed spired by M ozart’s sublime against student and amateur music. Mozart composed the productions from throughout masterpiece in 1791, and it the United States. “The Magic Flute” is one o f the most popular - and most entertaining - operas o f all time. Its story of love triumphant over evil concerns the dashing young prince Tamino who is off on a per­ ilous adventure: To save the beautiful, kidnapped princess Pamina in M ozart’s majes­ tic, bewitching and often hi­ larious fairy-tale. Tamino, Pamina and the comical bird- man Papageno battle ser­ p e n ts, s o rc e re rs and a wicked queen in their search for true love and understand­ ing. Set in mystical ancient Egypt, “The Magical Flute” is a playful blend o f magic, romance and comedy, all in­ was prem iered in Vienna three months before his death at the age of 35. h d for the love iazz 89.1