Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 16, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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    May 16,2001
Page B2
$lortlmih (Dheeruer
I Metro/Religion
Leukemia Claims Life of Portland Teen
F u n e r a l S e r v i c e s T h u r s d a y f o r L u t h e r “W o o d y ” E lle »
L u th e r " W o o d y ” E llett, 1 8 ,d ie d
F rid a y , M ay 1 1 ,2 0 0 1 a fte r a lo n g
b a ttle w ith le u k em ia, a fo rm o f
S mall E ngine R epair
S harping
8:30 To 5:30 T hlir F
9:30 To 3:00 S at
c a n c e r.
H e w as b o m Jan. 15, 1983 in
P o rtlan d , th e so n o f L u k e E llett an d
D en ise S ay les.
H e is su rv iv e d b y h is fa th e r a n d
m o th e r; sisters, L a n isa E lle tt an d
K h ad ijan M an g u in a n d lo v in g g irl­
frie n d , S eren ity C a p ers.
H e a tte n d e d J e ff e r s o n H ig h
S ch o o l w h e re his fa v o rite su b je c t
w as sc ien c e. H e a s p ire d to b e an
a s tro n o m e r a n d a lso to jo in th e
N a v y a n d trav e l a ro u n d th e w o rld .
F u n e ra l se rv ic e s w ill b e h e ld
T h u rs d a y at B e th e sd a C h ristia n
C h u rc h 1 0 9 N . E m e rso n St. V ie w ­
in g is sc h e d u le d fo r 12 n o o n w ith
se rv ic e s a t 1p.m .
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4 photograph shows Luther ‘ Woody" Ellett (left) with ex-Trallblazer Brian Grant who kicked off a publicity
campaign in 1999 encouraging potential bone marrow donors to register with the American Red Cross.
Woody’s struggle to find a bone marrow transplant was successful and provided inspiration to others. Tuesday,
Grant expressed his sorrow to the family and pledged to cover Ellett's funeral expenses.
“Olya’s Story” Author
Speaks in Portland
felt it was so the officials could follow
her to learn the location o f other
F or T he P ortland O bserver
Baha’is. W hen they again cam e to
O lya R oohizadegan, an Iranian
arrest her a second time, she and her
w om an who was im prisoned by her
husband and son escaped across the
governm ent for being a m em b ero fth e
border into Pakistan and were eventu­
B aha'i Faith, recently told her story at
ally admitted to England. There she
a public meeting at the Portland B aha’ i
wrote her book, “Olya ’s S to ry”, w hich
Center. O lya told o fh e r arrest in 1983
d etails th e a c ­
and her imprisonment for sev­
count o f her ar­
eral m onths during w hich she
rest and the ar­
was interrogated and threat­
rests and execu­
ened with execution in front
tions o f her 10
ofher three-year-old son. She
Baha’i cellmates.
and 10 other w omen, one o f
It is a story o f
them a 17 year old girl,
o f sacrifice,
were placed in a small
n ity , o f
cell w ith 4 0 oth er
,” O ly a
w om en— prostitutes
and political prison­
“ W e w e re
ers. T he 10 B ah a’i
y s ic a lly so
w om en were later ex­
but spiri­
e c u te d fo r b e in g
of her religious faith.
tu a lly f e lt so
B aha’is and refusing
strong. B elieve
to recant their faith.
me, the best part o f m y life w as in
As O lya explained, she and
prison. I w as detached from m aterial
m any o f the B aha’is in Iran
life and learned trust in G od.” The
could have been freed from
300,000 m embers o f the B aha’i Faith
prison and the extensive ongo­
are the largest religious m inority in
ing persecution by sim ply de­
Iran, the country that birthed the reli­
nying that they w ere B aha’is.
gion 158 years ago. They have been
The judge, w ho threatened
persecuted and killed ever since, som e
Olya with execution while hold­
even recently. However, the new s
ing her child in front ofher, told
about the hanging o fO ly a’s 10 female
her that he w ould release her if
cellmates, after it was finally smuggled
she w ould recant her faith.
out o f Iran and published in the press
W hen she refused she was
around the world, drew w orldwide at­
sen ten ced to d eath — to be
tention to the on-going persecutions
hanged, how ever, after two
o flra n ia n B ah a’is.
m onths she was released. Olya
NEED $100.00?
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Bernice J. Winklebleck
Charlie Mae Gray
A m e m o rial se rv ic e w as held
A p ril 2 4 , 2 0 0 1 , in K illin g sw o rth
L ittle C h a p e l o f th e C h im es for
B e rn ic e J. W in k leb lec k , w h o died
A p r i l 2 0 a t a g e 8 5 . M rs .
W in k le b le c k w as b o m B e rn ic e J.
B r itt o n o n O c t. 7 , 1 9 1 5 , in
B o ttin e a u , N .D .
She m o v e d to P o rtlan d in 1930,
a n d g ra d u a te d fro m R o o s e v e lt
H ig h S ch o o l. She w as a h o m e ­
m a k er. In 1941, she m a rrie d Jack
W in k le b le c k ; he d ie d in 1985.
S u rv iv o rs in clu d e h e r d a u g h ­
te r s , D ia n a D u rv in a n d P a tti
W in k le b le c k ; so n , T h o m a s; 10
g r a n d c h ild r e n ; a n d 13 g r e a t­
g ran d c h ild ren .
R e m e m b ra n ce s to th e A m e ri­
c a n C a n c e r S o ciety .
A funeral w as held A pril 30 in the
H ouse o f P rayer for A ll N ations in
P ortland for Charlie M ae G ray, who
died A pril 21 at age 71. M rs. G ray
w as b o m C harlie M ae Sanders on
A pril 12,1930, in C anton, M iss.
She m oved to Portland in 1954
and w as a private child-care pro­
vider until herretirem ent. She served
on the M others B oard o f the church.
In 1970, she m arried D ock G ray Sr.
S urvivors include her husband;
stepdaughter, B runettaT alley; step­
sons, D ockJr. and Charley; 13grand-
children; and six great-grandchil­
I n te r m e n t in R o s e C ity
C e m e te r y .A r r a n g e m e n ts
K illingsw orth Little C hapel o f the
Formal Dance Helps
Benefit Golf Program
Area residents 21 years and
older are invited to a semi-
formal dance to benefit the
Leisure Hour Jr. G olf Pro­
This party event, presented
by J. Kurls & Co., will be held
Saturday, June 30 from 8:30
p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Double
Tree Hotel, Columbia River,
1401 N. Hayden Island Dr.
Tickets, which include food
and door prizes, are $20 in
advance and $25 at the door.
They can be purchased at J.
Kurls & Co., 2948 N.E. Mar­
tin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 503-
We also will pay a 20%
commission to the company you
work for to cover all electricity
expenses and add to their bottom Unanimous Court Strikes Down Medical Use for Marijuana
S tory C ontinued F rom
F ront P age
T he federal governm ent
triggered the case in 1998,
seeking an injunction against
the O akland C annabis B uy­
ers C ooperative and five other
“If You Aspire to Make Music”
Renaissance Academy
Is A Must
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issuing strict guidelines for m aking
thatclaim . V oters in Arizona, Alaska,
California, Colorado, M aine, Nevada,
O regon and W ashington also have
approved ballot initiatives allow ing
the use o f m edical m arijuana. In H a­
w aii, the legislature passed a sim ilar
law and the governor signed it last
T he cooperative argued that a drug
m ay not yet have achieved general
acceptance as a m edical treatm ent,
m arijuana distributors.
U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer,
b rother o f the ju stice, sided w ith the
governm ent. A ll the clubs except the
O ak lan d group ev en tu ally closed
dow n, and the O akland c lub turned to
registering potential m arijuana recipi­
ents w hile it aw aited a final ruling.
T he 9th U.S. C ircuit C ourt o f A p ­
peals reversed the low er court, ruling
that m edical necessity is a legal d e­
fense. C harles B reyer follow ed up by
Northwest Cooking Woods
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but m ay still have m edical benefits to
a p articular patient o r class o f p a­
T hom as said the argum ent cannot
o vercom e the intent o f C ongress in
approving the statute.
“ It is clear from the text o f the act
that C ongress has m ade a determ in a­
tion that m arijuana has no m edical
benefits w orthy o f an ex ception,”
T hom as w rote.
“ U nw illing to view this om ission
as an accident, and unable in any
ev en t to override a legislative deter­
m ination m anifest in a statute, we
reject the co o p erativ e’s argum ent.”
A dvocates o f m edical m arijuana
say the drug can ease side effects
from chem otherapy, save nauseated
A ID S patients from w asting aw ay or
even allow m ultiple sclerosis suffer­
ers to rise from a w heelchair and walk.
T here is no definitive science that
the drug w orks, o r w orks b etter than
conventional, legal alternatives.
Several states are considering medi­
cal m arijuana laws, andC ongress may
revisit the issue this year. A m easure
to counteract laws like C alifo rn ia’s
died in the H ouse last year.
T hom as w as jo in ed by C h ie f Jus­
tice W illiam R ehnquist, Sandra Day
O ’C onnor, A ntonin Scalia and A n­
thony M . K ennedy. Justice John Paul
S tevens w rote a concurring opinion,
jo in e d by Justices D avid S outer and
Ruth B ader G insburg T he case is
U nited States v. O akland Cannabis
B uyers Cooperative, 0 0 -15 1.