Physicians Tackle Inner-City Lead Poisoning Iverson Voted N B A ’s M VP See Health/Education, Page A5 See Sports, Page B3 PRSDRT STD USPOSTAGE PAID PORTLAND OR PERMIT NO. 1610 COI ________ JRT________ Volume XXXI Num ber 20 "The City Of Roses" Wednesday C om m itted to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 (SX* 50* May 1 6 ,20ÖT T H E ® ‘Moshi-Moshi’, ‘Hola-Hola’ REVIEW Palestinians Rally on Anniversary of Displacement Saying ‘hello’ in a foreign language brings higher standards to Portland schools S tory C ontinues on P age B4 Beijing, Paris and Toronto Rated ‘Excellent’ for ’08 Most Kids Now Learn Spanish LAUSANNE, Switzerland— Beijing, Toronto and Paris won ringing endorse­ ments for their bids to stage the 2008 Sum m er Olympics. Osaka, Japan, and Istanbul, Turkey, were virtually elimi­ nated as potential hosts. Still, Beij ing has long been considered the front-runner. The 2008 host city will be chosen by the IOC in M oscow on July 13. EU Opens Ties with North Korea Closing Arguments Begin for Teacher Killer W EST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Clos­ ing arguments began in the murder trial o f Nathan Brazill, the 14-year-old boy accused o f killing his English teacher. Brazill, who is being tried as an adult, faces life in prison without parole if convicted. McVeigh Might Ask for Delay in Execution W ASHINGTON — Oklahoma City bom ber Tim othy M cVeigh is consider­ ing whether to ask a judge to halt his execution, while his attorneys review more than 200 pages o f potential evi­ dence that the U.S. government failed to disclose during his trial. (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver .) Hurvs Herrera (from left) Cecilia Larson and Marisol Rodrigues teach Spanish to elementary students in Portland Public Schools via the television studios at Jefferson High School. "Hola Hola" is a Spanish language pro­ gram broadcast in 60 percent o f Portland's public elementary classrooms. N extyear, the school district will try to raise that to 80 percent. The instruction is part o f an effort to have foreign language as a regular part o f the curriculum. The idea is to introduce kids to world languages at a very young age, so that they can pass graduation requirem ent stan­ dards in high school. “ Y ou’ve got to build it from the elementary level and build it in as the core curriculum like math and science and everything else,” said M ary Bastiani, the project director and executive producer. PUC Rejects PacifiCorp Rate Hike The Oregon Public U tility Com m ission has denied P acifiC orp’s request fo ra 12-percent rate increase, w hich the com pany said was needed to offset rising w holesale pow er costs. PacifiCorp had asked for a 24.5-percent increase, or $42.7 m illion, over three m onths beginning M ay 2. W hen the PUC denied that request, PacifiCorp proposed a $ 17.5 m illion increase over three m onths, beginning T ues­ day. “ I am not com fortable that I have enough inform ation to m ake a decision at this tim e on an increase ofthis size,” C om m issioner Roger H am ilton said M onday in a w ritten state­ ment. “ W e will continue to consider reason­ able requests and price plans that rew ard consum ers w ho reduce consum ption and dependence on w holesale m arkets.” PacifiCorp said the P U C ’s usual 10-m onth approval process for rate increases w ould take too long in the current w holesale pow er market. “This was a short-term request and we w ere asking for it fairly quickly. To do that we have to m eet a very high burden o f proof,” said Jan M itchell, a PacifiCorp spokeswoman. She said the com pany has several other fil­ ings pending. D isruptions in the m arket for pow er, high natural gas and oil prices, unusually dry w eather in the N orthw est and generating capacity that has failed to keep up w ith de­ m and have com bined to push prices up throughout the West. Unanimous Court Strikes Down Medical Use for Marijuana Florida Voter Errors Cost Gore the Election George W. Bush would have won a hand recount ofall disputed ballots in Florida’s presi­ dential election if the most widely accepted standard forjudging votes had been applied. However, the review o f 171,908 ballots also reveals that voting mistakes by thousands o f Democratic voters probably costGore 15,000to 25,000 votes. That’s enough to have decisively won Florida and the White House. By L arky M argasak Europeans Mark Anniversary of WWII Victory M O SC O W — Veterans throughout Eu­ rope m arked the 56th anniversary o f the end o f W orld W ar II in Europe. Russia’s presi­ dent laid a wreath to honor the dead and w arned Russians that fascism and ambitions for world domination are still a threat to world stability. InFrance,amilitaryparadem arched up Paris' fam ed Champs-Elysees. Bush Wants FEMA to Deal with Terrorism W A SH IN G TO N — President Bush has directed the agency that normally deals with floods and tornadoes to tackle terrorism as well. In a statement. Bush ordered the Federal Em ergency M anagem ent Agency to estab­ lish an O ffice o f National Preparedness to coordinate a ‘ ’seamlessly integrated, harmo­ nious and com prehensive’ ’ response to bio­ logical, chem ical o r nuclear weapons. T he ± obtla . nd _Q bsebveb W earing a spiky blue w ig and strum m ing on an inflated rubber guitar, the teachers sing about the different parts o f the body in a foreign language. E lem entary students in P o rtlan d ’s public schools are learning the basics o f Japanese and S panish by w atching teachers on telev i­ sion perform songs and skits on the program s “M oshi M oshi” and “ H ola H ola” . T he language instruction is broadcast live on public access channel 28 from Jefferson H igh School to over 600 kindergarten to fifth grade classroom s throughout the school dis­ trict. M ary Bastiani, the p ro ject’s director and RAM ALLAH, West Bank — On the anniversary o f their uprooting in 1948, tensofthousandsofPalestiniansjam m ed town squares throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip rallying on the anniver­ sary o f what they call “A1 Naqba,” or their displacement during Israel’s cre­ ation in 1948. Four Palestinians were killed and at least 129 injured in clashes with Israeli troops. BRUSSELSj Belgium — The E pean Commission announced it will es­ tablish diplomatic relations with North Korea, saying it hopes the move will help bring about reconciliation on the divided Korean peninsula and ease hunger in the impoverished communist North. The South Korean Foreign Ministry wel­ com ed the EU announcement. B y L orraine - M ichelle F aust Reading Milestone at Humboldt Humboldt Elementary students in north Portland were in the final dash last week to set a goal o f reading 2 million minutes The record, expected any day. doubles the school's achievement o f last year The students set the mark by reading at least 20 minutes each night, each morning and during breaks. (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver ) V T he Suprem e Court handed m edical m ari­ ju a n a users a m ajor defeat M onday, ruling that a federal law classifying the drug as illegal has no exception for ill patients T he 8-0 decision w as a m ajor disappoint­ m ent to m any sufferers o f AIDS, cancer, m ultiple sclerosis and other illnesses. T hey have said the drug helped enorm ously in com batting the devastating effects o f their d iseases. Justice Stephen B reyer did not p articipate because his brother, a federal ju d g e, initially presided over the case. “ In the case o f the C ontrolled S ubstances A ct, the statute reflects a d eterm ination that m arijuana has no m edical benefits w orthy o f an exception (outside the confines o f a g o v ­ ernm ent-approved research p ro ject),” Jus­ tice C larence T hom as w rote for the u n an i­ m ous court. Thom as noted the act states m arijuana has “no currently accepted m edical u se.” S tory C ontinue s on P age B2