Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 09, 2001, Page 9, Image 9

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M a y 9 ,2 0 0 1
Dunleavy Fired as Blazer Coach
The Portland Trail Blazers
have fired head coach Mike
Dunleavy. The team made the
decision official at a 7 p.m news
conference Tuesday.
Just hours earlier, Dunleavy
and Trail B lazers president and
g e n e ra l team m an ag er Bob
W hitsitt wrapped up a three-
h o u r m e e tin g d is c u s s in g
D u n le a v y ’s fu tu re w ith the
team .
The two had very little to say
after they em erged from their
m eeting at the B lazers’ prac­
tice facility in Tualatin.
D unleavy, 47, denied reports
that he was out as the B lazers’
coach, but he didn’t get the con­
tract extension he was hoping
for. The coach has one year left
on a contract that will pay him
close to $3 m illion next year.
Several players have told
team m anagem ent that they
were unhappy with Dunleavy
and had been com plaining as
early as the A ll-Star Break.
M any
p e o p le
b e lie v e
Dunleavy is taking the fall for a
Blazer team that failed to win a
p layoff game despite an NBA-
record $89 m illion payroll. Fol­
lowing the tarn’s poor playoff
performance, W hitsitt publicly
took responsibility forthe Blaz­
ers’ m ediocre season but re­
fused to give Dunleavy a vote
of confidence.
One rumor has form er Blazer
star Clyde Drexler as the lead­
ing candidate for the position.
Fan Apology Comes Up Postage Due
(A P) — The P ortland T rail
B lazers m ade am ends w ith
tw o fans w ho w ere ejected
from a firs t-ro u n d p la y o f f
gam e. O nly a care package
sent to the fam ily cam e w ith a
Mike Dunleavy
price — $5.38 in overdue po st­
T he team sent a box o f so u ­
venirs and a letter o f apology
to th e p o s t o f fic e box o f
K atherine T opaz, who along
w ith her b o y frie n d ’s 8-year-
old son w as kicked out o f last
S unday’s gam e against the Los
A ngeles L akers a fte r re fu s­
in g to d is c a rd h e r “ T ra d e
W h itsitt” sign.
T he sign w as a p ro test o f
team g e n e ra l m an a g e r B ob
W h its itt’s qu estio n ab le ro ster
m oves th is past season. T o ­
paz w as asked by a security
guard to hand over the sign,
and w hen she refused, she and
the boy w ere escorted out.
T h e e je c tio n sp a rk e d an
o u tcry from fans and a private
apology from general m anager
Bob W h itsitt.
Jim A beles, ow ner o f the
season tickets T opaz and his
son. W ill used to atten d the
game, said the package in ­
cluded a sw eatshirt, T -sh irt,
hat, baseball cards and tw o
Blazer pencils.
Everything was p erfect, e x ­
cept one thing. The box a r­
rived with postage due: $5.38.
“The irony is that we live a
m ile from the Rose G ard en ,”
A beles said. “ I t ’s ju s t one
more in a long series o f crazy
and unbelievable e v e n ts.”
Harry H utt, the B la z ers’ e x ­
ecutive v ice p re sid e n t and
chief operating o fficer, said
the B lazers w anted to hand-
deliver the package, but only
had a p o st o ffic e box fo r
T opaz’s address.
“ It certain ly w asn ’t in te n ­
tional,” Hutt said. “ W e w ill
certainly get them the five
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PCC Expansion Will Mean Some Displacement
S tory continued from M etro page 1
question includes one square block
south o f North Killingsworth Street
due west o f Jefferson High School,
plus m ost o f the land north o f
Killingsworth between the existing
campus and the 1-5 Freeway.
In a recent meeting with the North­
east C oalition o f Neighborhoods
board. Executive dean Mildred Ollie
said that the plan recognizes that
“w e’re bumping up against the fact
that we have no more space” within
the existing campus. She emphasized
that the $57 million redevelopment
and expansion would take place in
“It’s a 30-year dream,” she said,
and the end result will be “a real
comprehensive campus that the com­
munity deserves to have.”
Part o f this will include the demo­
lition, and replacement, o f some exist­
ing older structures. These include
the upper part o f Terrell Hall, Penin­
sula Hall, the Fragmire Building hous­
ing the college’s Skills Center on
Northeast Killingsworth Street, and
an older structure housing a Head
Start facility.
“We need to use our existing land
as wisely as w e’re allowed,” Ollie told
the Portland Observer.
The plans call for a new high tech
center, physical education building,
music and arts building, and 350 seat
auditorium. They also call forseveral
blocks o f surface parking lots, this to
the chagrin o f several Northeast Coa-
1 ition board members who urged con­
sideration o f structured parking to
make more efficient use o f the land.
Ollie says this may happen in the
future, but there aren’t funds to pay
the $15,000 per space cost o f such
parking at this time. “The city says
yourplans are all wonderful, but where
are you going to park, and the neigh­
bors have been very clear about that,”
she told the Northeast Coalition.
Out o f consideration for neigh­
bors as well, the college will not pur­
sue acquisition o f Piedmont Plaza
and other housing to the east, nor a
strip o f commercial land on North
Killingsworth Street west o f Albina
Avenue. “W e put restrictions on
ourselves,” Ollee says. They are pur­
suing discussions with Bishop Wells
for joint use o f the Renaissance Mar­
ket site at909 N. Killingsworth St. The
end result would be a new grocery
store, yet to be determined PCC facili­
ties, and shared parking. “These
things take time,” Ollee says. “The
positive thing is that w e’re discuss­
ing and exploring.”
PCC is planning to acquire Albina
Christian Church on its campus; 14
single family houses on the block
bounded by North Killingsworth,
Jessup, Albina and Mississippi av­
e n u e s, the b lo c k n o rth o f
Killingsworth and east o f the 1-5 Free-
w ay; and the b lo c k so u th o f
Killingsworth and west o f Jefferson
High School between Borthwick and
Kerby avenues. This last contains
property the college currently owns;
the Capua and No Fish Go Fish res­
taurants, and a police contact sta­
tion. Ollee would not rule out the use
o f condemnation to acquire the prop­
erty' against the ow ner’s will, but said
it would be a last resort.
“W e’re pursuing voluntary acqui­
sition, working with owners who have
indicated a willingness to sell,” she
College officials have held meet­
ings with the Humboldt Neighbor­
hood Association to meet commu­
nity concerns. P resident Susan
Erickson says the neighborhood is
seeking a good neighbor agreement
to address ongoing concerns, and a
role in the design o f new buildings.
“I think w e’re getting there,” she
told the Portland Observer.
Although Humboldt is concerned
about displacement, and fair treat­
ment o f those displaced, it is resigned
to the c o lle g e ’s cu rrent plans,
Erickson says. “We know they need
more land, and they have to displace
someone,” she says. One o f those
potentially displaced is Sean Brown,
co-owner o f No Fish Go Fish. In
existence four years, the restaurant
o p e n e d its o u tle t o n N o rth
K illingsw orth Street in January.
Brown is aw are o f PC C ’s plans,
although he says he has had “no
su b s ta n tiv e d is c u s s io n s ” w ith
“ I f they evicted us on 30 days
notice it w ould damage us consid­
erably,” Brow n says. “ If it took a
year or tw o, with reasonable relo­
c a tio n a ssista n c e , it could be
w orked o u t.” If forced to move, he
says, he w ould seek in relocate
elsew here in the neighborhood.
“1 like the area, it’s where we live,
and I like the response w e’ve had
from our neighbors,” he says.
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