Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 09, 2001, Image 7

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Committed to Cultural Diversity
May 9, 2001
tTlu’ ^ o rtla n h © bsertier
n m nt u n i t y
a 1 e n ò a r
Evidence of Racial Profiling Exposed
Eating My Way to Heaven
Learn about conscious, healthy eating
and living on T hursday, M ay 17 ,7 p.m. at
H offm an H all on the PSU cam pus. The
evening w ill be a com bination o f speakers
by fam ous authors and authorities, m usic,
com edy and aw e-inspiring graphics. D oors
open at 6:30 p.m. Seating is limited, so come
e a rly ! F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n , e m a il
Jaclyn@ eatingm yw aytoheaven.com
Figures mirror other studies revealing an overrepresentation
of minorities in the criminal justice system
2 1 s* A n n u a l A fr ic a n
C u ltu r e N ig h t
T he A ssociation o f A frica Students pre­
sents the 21 ” A nnual A frican C ulture N ight
to educate the Portland com m unity about
the culture and traditions o f A frica. Partici­
pants will be able to com e and enjoy authen­
tic A frican cuisine, A frican dances and
drum m ing, a fashion show portraying el­
egant A frican clothing, and a photo dis­
play. T he event w ill be held on Friday, M ay
11 at P ortland S tate U niversity in the B all­
room on the 3rd floor o f Sm ith M em orial
C enterin Rm. 355.
‘The num bers com e out
telling us what we already
know ,’ — Rev. R onald
W illiam s, o f Bethel AME
traband on them. The Portland Police Bureau
said the figures are incomplete because motor­
cycle officers - who make an estimated 50
percent o f all traffic stops - were not included
in the results. The 33 motorcycle officers, as
well as bicycle officers, mounted patrol and
walking-beat police, did not participate be­
cause they do not have the mobile digital
computers used to file data, said Police C hief
M ark Kroeker. Kroeker released the data and
later shared it with a panel on rac ial profiling that
he assembled last year. “We wish to use the
data to open up a discussion with the com mu­
nity,” Kroeker said. Kroeker and Assistant
C hief Bruce Prunk were reluctant to draw any
conclusions until the bureau can consult with
independent analysts.
The Indigenous Way
Inez Spino Reves, an honored elder o f
the C onfederated T ribes o f U m atilla, will
discuss the im portance o f N ative-A m eri-
can L anguage, how to m aintain indigenous
languages as living languages, and why
language is critical to culture. Inez is cur­
rently involved in education at U m atilla and
using com puter technology to teach N ative
language. R eves will be speaking on T hurs­
day, M ay 10 at P S U ’s M ulticultural Center,
located at S.W . H arrison and Broadway.
Call M ary Schilling at 503/675-9424 or the
Earth & Spirit Council at 503/452-4483.
6th Asian C ultural Night
C elebrating A cross G en e rA sia n s...A
V ision for the Future, sponsored by the
A sian Fam ily C enter, will be held at the
H oliday Inn (Portland A iiport), 8439 N.E.
C olum bia B lvd., Portland, O regon, on M ay
19, from 5 p.m . to m idnight. O ver five hun­
dred people are expected to attend. The
evening will feature dinner, cultural perfor­
m ances, and raffle prizes.
H istoric Bridge Tour
Local historian and author o f “The Port­
land Bridge Book," Sharon W ood W ortm an
leads this energetic w alk via the Central City
bridges and the new $30 m illion Eastbank
E splanade. See eight W illam ette R iver
bridges in all, including the oldest operat­
ing lift bridge in the U S, a unique double­
deck bridge, and the M orrison Bridge. Call
503/823-5132 to register.
Free Tennis Lessons
H ave you ever w anted to learn to play
tennis, but w eren ’t sure how to go about
doing so? W ell, here is your chance! The
U nited State Tennis A ssociation has des­
ignated the m onth o f M ay as “ USA Tennis
M onth” throughout the entire nation! To
celebrate, the V ancouver Tennis & Rac-
quetball C enter staff, in conjunction with
the V ancouver, W A C om m unity Tennis
A ssociation, will be offering FREE 1.5 hour
introductory group tennis lessons to inter­
ested groups and/or organizations. Dates
betw een M ay 14 and June 9 are open. Free
lessons for kids ages 7 to 15 years old. Call
(AP) - Blacks were 2.6 times more likely than
whites to be stopped by police in the first
quarter o f the year, but black m otonsts were
ticketed or arrested at about the same rate as
whites, according to data released Thursday.
Between January and March, Portland po­
lice stopped4,849 blacks, or 130per 1 .OOOblack
Portland residents. That compares with 20.086
whites stopped, or 49 per 1,000 white Portland
W hen stopped, blacks were about twice as
likely to be searched as whites. Yet when
searched, blacks were no more likely than whites
to have drugs, weapons, alcohol or other con-
Portland Police Chief Mark Kroeker releases data showing blacks are more likely than whites to be stopped by police, sharing the data
with a panel on racial profiling that he assembled last year.
(P hoto bv M ichael L eighton /T he P ortland O bserver )
S tory C ontinues on P age B2
Ceasefire Oregon Gun Turn-In Saturday
T he P ortland O bserver
T he g o al is p re v e n tin g gun v io le n ce like the a lte rc a tio n s at C o lu m ­
b in e an d T h u rsto n H ig h S chools.
O n S atu rd ay , M ay 12, C e ase fire o f O reg o n w ill b e h o ld in g their
an n u al g u n tu rn -in at 8 sites aro u n d the state. L o ca lly , gu n s can be
tu rn ed in b etw e en 10 a.m . and 2 p.m . on an em p ty lot on th e c o m er o f
M artin L u th e r K in g , Jr. B o u lev a rd an d Ja rrett S treet.
O v er th e e ig h t y ea rs th is ev en t has tak en p la ce , C e a se fire has
co llec te d 5 ,1 3 9 guns. H o w ev er, the p a rtic ip a tio n h as b een w eak in
n o rth east P o rtlan d
“ W e re a lly w ant to b rin g up the turn o u t at the n o rth ea st site ,” said
D iana M a d arieta o f C e a se fire O regon.
O ut o f th e sev eral h u n d red s o f guns tq m e d -in ev ery y ear, only
b etw een 20 an d 50 gu n s are co llec te d in n o rth ea st P o rtlan d . The
h ig h est tu rn o u t in th e local area is u su a lly in E ast M u ltn o m ah C ounty
and H illsb o ro . M a d arieta says th at C e ase fire O re g o n ’s d o e s n ’t w ant
to take aw ay c itiz e n ’s rig h t to ow n guns, b u t to c o lle c t the guns that
go u n u sed , o r are n o t n eed ed o r u n w anted.
G uns left in the h o m e cre ate a sa fety h az ard , can b e m isu sed by a
ch ild , sto len and u sed fo r crim es ag a in st the co m m u n ity , M adarieta
ex p lain s. C e a se fire O re g o n accep ts guns w ith a “ n o q u e stio n s asked”
E v ery g u n tu rn ed -in w ill earn the o w n er a $50 g ift c e rtifica te for
m erc h an d ise in local sto res. A ll guns co llec te d are d estro y ed .
T he g ro u p also p ro v id e s ed u c atio n al p ro g ram s ab o u t b u ild in g safe
co m m u n ities, and h o w to p rev en t gun violence. “ F o r years w e w ere the The Portland Fire Department and members o f Ceasefire Oregon prepare a vacant lot at Northeast Martin
Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Jarrett for Saturday's gun turn in event.
(P hoto by A ndrew W heeler )
o nly gro u p ta lk in g ab o u t th is,” M ad arieta said.
Historic Irvington Home Tour
The 2001 Historic Irvington H ome Tour
will be held on Sunday, M ay 20 from noon to
5 p.m. This y e a r ’s T o u r w ill be the 19'h
annual H isto ric H om e T our org an ized by
th e Irv in g to n C o m m u n ity A ssociation.
T h e H o m e T o u r w ill fe a tu re six o f
Irv in g to n ’s g rand hom es, five o f which
have never been shown in previous Tours.
A d ditional in form ation is available at
w w w.Irvingtonhom etour.com. O n the day o f
die tour, tickets will be sold only at the White
Bed & Breakfast Inn, 1914 N.E. 22nd Avenue.
PCC Expansion Will Mean Some Displacement
campus in
north Portland
could almost
double in size,
moving into
the blocks
west of Albina
(above) in a
B ab y S itte r T ra in in g at
th e R ed C ro ss
Red C ross w ill offer B abysitter’s T rain­
ing at U niversity Park C om m unity Center,
located at 9009 N. Foss in Portland. The
class w ill be held on Saturdays, M ay 19 and
26, ffo m 4 :3 0 p .m . -6 :3 0 p .m . B abysitter’s
T raining is an eight-hour Red Cross course
that teaches youth ages 11 to 15 the skills
needed to be responsible childcare givers.
Call 503/823-3631 to register
( P hoto by
M ic h a e l
L eighton /T he
P ortland O b ­
server )
B y L ee P erlman
T he P ortland O bserv lr
Portland Com muni ty Col lege needs room to
grow and rebuild. Unfortunately, there are
people living and working on the ground they
want to m ove to. And a community that w ants
them to stay.
P C C ’s Cascade Cam pus is preparing a pro­
posed Impact M itigation Plan for review by the
Portland Bureau o f Planning. The plan sets out
how and w here the school ‘s grow th and expan­
sion will proceed over the next 20 years. Unlike
earlier master plans, the IM Pdoes not bind PCC
to building a particular structure at a particular
location, but it does set out where growth will
occur, and how it will deal with such impacts as
traffic and parking on the adjacent neighbor­
hood. C ascade's IMP calls for eventually add­
ing several blocks to its campus The land in
S tory C ontini
e so n
P age B3