Page 8 Focus In Print ----------------- Ï J o r t l a n b © h e c r u e r May 9, 2001 The Inner Mind of a Controversial Black Panther BI.ACK STARZ! Will present the com pelling and controversial portrait o f a man who was loved and adm ired, feared and hated in the world prem iere o f “A Huey P. N ew ton Story,” on M onday, June 18 a t9 p .m . ET/PT. W ritten, created by and star­ ring Roger G uenveur Smith. “ A Huey P. Newton Story" is directed by celebrated helm er Spike Lee and produced in association with the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and African Heritage N et­ work (AHN). Steven Adams. Bob L. Jo h n so n and M arc H enry Johnson o f Luna Ray Films are producers. signature solo th ea ter perform ance to t he screen, starring a s Huey P. Newton in the BLACK STAPZ! Original production o f “A Huey P. Newton Story. " Spike Lee, Director A H uey P. Newton Story- is a virtuosic and intim ate portrait o f Huey P. N ew ton, the late co­ founder o f the Black Panther Party for S elf Defense. A dapted from Smith ’s Obie Award winning off- Broadway solo performance o f the same name, Lee brings the play from the stage to the screen as only he could. Shot before a live audience in N ovem ber 2000, Lee uses his sig­ nature mixture o f film and archival footage, to capture N ew ton’s “ in- nerm ind.” The film is com plem ented by a m usical score o f period m aterial and original com positions from sound designer Marc A nthony Thom pson who received an Obie and Audelco A w ard for his w ork and features actor/com poser and Gram m y A w ard winner Branford Marsalis. Dalai Lama’s Historic Visit to Portland Sunday T ibet’s spiritual and political leader, the Dalai Lama, will make an historic first visit to Portland from May 13 to 15 for the “Pathways to Peace Festival.” The three-day fes­ tival events are expected to attract up to 75,000 people from the W est­ ern U.S. and beyond. Prior to the arrival o f the Dalai Lama, the W elcoming Celebration will provide a multicultural mix o f music, food and entertainment. Fea­ tured performers include the Oregon Ballet Theane, the Lions o f Batuada (Brazilian drumming group). Port­ land Taiko Drummers (Japanese drumming group), the Northwest T ibetan Cultural T roupe (traditional Tibetan dance) and the Mystical Arts o f Tibet (Tibetan monk music and dance group). The event is free and open to the public. The Dalai Inm a will arrive around 4 p.m. and will be greeted by Gover­ nor Kitzhaber, Mayor Katz and other local dignitaries before speaking to the crowd. Fifteen thousand people are expected to attend. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was bom in a small Tibetan village called Takster on July 6, 1935. In accordance with Tibetan tradition. Portland from May 13-15 to spread his universal message o f tolerance, mutual respect, and compassion. the young Dalai Lama was recog­ nized at the age o f two as the reincarnation o f his predecessor, the 13'h Dalai Lama. Tibetans con­ sider the D alai Lama to be the m anifestation o f Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva o f Com passion. A c­ cording to B uddhist tradition, B odhisattvas have chosen the path o f enlightenm ent to benefit all sentient beings. Just before he turned five, the Dalai Lama was officially en ­ throned as the spiritual and tem ­ poral leader o fT ibet in Lhasa, the capital city ofT ib et. There he re­ ceived a traditional Tibetan Bud­ dhist and political education. In 1950, C hinese soldiers entered Tibet. Shortly thereafter the 14,h Dalai Lama assumed lull political power at the age o f 16. The Dalai I^una continues to work tirelessly to negotiate a peaceful solution to confl ict between the Chi­ nese government and Tibet. CLASS BEGINS W ITH A HEARTY BREAKFAST Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am Sunday: 7am to 11:30am 5736 NE 35r