Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 09, 2001, Page 21, Image 21

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    (The ^ o rtla n b (©bseruer-----
m ore info., call 503/335-0201.
The Focus Entertai
Long Days Journey
Into Night
Through Saturday,
May 19
Paul Productions presents Eu­
gene O ’N e ill’s classic autobio­
graphical dram a, "L ong D ays Jour­
ney IntoN ight” at T he Jack O akes
T heatre,locatedat2820N .E . Sandy
BI vd. It will run until Saturday, M ay
19 regularly at 7 p.m . Call Paul Pro­
ductions at 503/238-9692.
Objects for the
Through May 19
P ortlan d ’s theatre and m edia
ensem ble Lim inal will present "O b­
je cts for the E m ancipated C on­
sum er,” a sci-fi spy dram a and 360-
degree perform ance that m erges
th e a tre an d te c h n o lo g y into a
unique interactive event until M ay
19. A udiences can explore the fren­
zied story o f six characters as they
search for answ ers to past, present
and future crim es in an interna­
tional airport city. T he show ings
will be at the D ekum B uilding, top
floor, located at 519 S W. Third Ave.
For more inform ation, call 503/229-
Ascending the Cosmic
Through Wednesday,
June 3
The Portland A rt M useum , lo-
catedat 1219SW . Park A venue will
be offering an exhibition o f a selec­
tion o f T ibetan religious art and
artifacts from P ortland private co l­
lections. The event is part o f the
“T ibetan A rts and C ulture F esti­
val,” w hich w ill run prior and con­
currently to the Dalai L am a’s visit in
m id-M ay and includes Tibetan film,
visual arts, m usic and dance. For
m ore inform ation on the art show ­
ing, call 503/226-2811.
Our Dream Gallery
Through Tuesday,
June 9
O ur D ream G allery will present
Ron Sm ith and T he A rthur W right,
two outstanding artists from N orth­
ern C alifornia w ith the show ing o f
“ This & T hat,” w hich w ill run
through June 9. Ron Sm ith work
ranges from im ages o f the African
savannah to his Jazz series. A rthur
W right also paints im ages o f A fri­
can w ildlife using a secret tech­
nique involving bleach and black
paper. The gallery is located at 2209
N.E. Alberta St. Call 503/288-3024.
The Language of
Western Art
Through Sunday,
June 24
Join the Portland Art M useum ,
located at 1219 SW. Park A venue,
for a fascinating look at A m erica’s
tw o m ost celebrated W estern art­
ists, Frederic Remington and Charles
Russell. T heir depictions o f bron­
cos and buffaloes, cow boys and
A m erican Indians helped shape our
view o f the A m erican W est o f the
late 19th century. The exhibition runs
until Sunday. June 24. It consists o f
an exceptional group o f over 100
paintings, sculptures, w atercolors,
draw ings, book illustrations and
photo g rap h s.
Visions and
Through Oct. 31
“V isions and V isionaries,” thirty-
plus paintings by im portant O regon
artists from the era 1 8 8 0 -1 9 3 0 , will
be exhibited at Pittock M ansion
throughout M ay until Oct. 31. V isi­
tors m ay view “ V isions and V ision­
aries” 12- 4 p .m . daily. Singnificant,
seldom -seen w orks by such lum i­
naries as C leveland Rockw ell, W il­
liam Sam uel Parrott, M yra A lbert
W iggins, C.E.S. W ood, and Clara
Jane Stephes w ere painstakingly
selected for this event by G uest
Curator, M ichael Parsons. T hepub-
lic is encouraged to call 503/823-
3624 for further inform ation.
98 Degrees at the
Memorial Coliseum
Thursday, May 10
Tickets for the M ay 10, 98 D e­
grees show is currently on sale Fri­
day, M arch 30 at 5 p.m. Joining this
m ust-see, hubbub band are top-
notch acts including D ebelah M or­
gan, and Baha M en, w ith their hit
song “W ho Let the Dogs O ut." Tick­
ets are available at the Rose Q uarter
T icket O ffice or on the w eb at
w w w .r o s e q u a r te r .c o m
w w w .ticketm aster.com . Call 503/
Poems Over
Friday, May 11
Poem s O ver Broadw ay, held at
the B arnes & N oble Booksellers at
Lloyd C enter is a regular, non-con-
frontational, intimate open-m ike for
poets o fan y age. style and skill level
to read their poetry. It starts Friday,
M ay 11 at 7 p.m. F o rm o re inform a­
tion, call 503/335-0201.
M a y 9, 2001
Puppets vs. People:
The Rematch
Saturday, May 12
M ake your reservations now for
“Puppets vs. People: The Rem atch."
These interspecies, athletic, theat­
rical gam es got exciting last season
w hen the Tears o f Joy puppeteers
n a r r o w ly
d e f e a te d
th e
C om edySportz “actletes” in two
su c ce ssiv e m a tch es h eld at he
W inningstad T heatre w here Tears
o f Joy is a resident com pany. This
tim e the people (or meat, as the
puppets like to call them ) w ill have
the hom e field advantage at he
C om edySportz-Portland arena lo­
cated at 1963 NW . Kearney. The
event will start at4 p.m. Call 503/236-
Duncan Sheik at
Roseland Theatre
Thursday, May 17
M usic artist D uncan Sheik o f the
hit single “Barely Breathing” will be
perform ing at the Roseland Theatre
on T hursday, M ay 17 at 8 p.m . The
ev e n tisfo rad u ltso n ly ,2 1 and over.
T ickets are available at Safew ay
Fastixx ticket centers, Music M il­
lennium East & W est.a nd the Rose
and Grill. Form ore information, call
D ouble Tee Promotions at 503/221 -
Page 7
0 2 8 8 o r v is it th e m o n lin e at
w w w.doubletree.com.
“Artistry in Voices”
Friday, May 18
Mt. Hood C om m unity College
presents a blues show case concert
on M ay 18 featuring Ernie Andrews,
a ja z z a n d b lu e s p e r f o rm e r
extraordinaire, who will be backed
by M HCC alumnus. The college and
K M H D 89.1 are sponsoring the
event. The perform ance begins at
7:30p.m . in the MHCC gymnasium.
Call 503/491-6969.
h d for the love of Jazz
PCC Community Fair
Saturday, May 12
Portland Community College will
be having another C om m unity Fair
at their PCC Rock C reek cam pus,
located at SW. 185'b and Springville
Rd., from 10a.m. to5p.m . Alongwith
displays about PCC program s, ac­
tivities include dog agility dem on­
strations, horse-draw n w agon rides,
a helicopter drop with prizes for
kids, clow ns, facepainters and ju g ­
glers. The headline act this year is
the N.W . A frikan A m erican Ballet
presenting tw o free perform ances
in the Forum T heatre at 12:30 a.m.
and2:30p.m .
Cancer and Our
Monday, May 14
A leading ecologist and cancer
survivor, Sandra Steingraber. PhD,
appears in Portland to discuss “Li v-
ing D ow nstream : C ancer and our
Environm ent.” She will speak at 7
p.m. on M onday. M ay 14 at he Old
Library A uditorium or. the cam pus
o fO reg o n H ealth Sciences U niver­
sity. A reception and book signing
will follow her lecture. Call FASTIXX
at 503/224-TIX X or be using their
w ebsite at w w w .FA S T lX X com
In Search of Our
Wednesday, May 16
M eg an S m o len y a k , lead re ­
searcher for the PBS series, “ A n­
cestors," will give genealogy tips
from her book, “ In Search o f our
A ncestors: 101 Inspiring Stories o f
Serendipity and C onnection in Re­
discovering our Fam ily H istory."
This event will be held at the Barnes
& N oble B ooksellers at 1 loyd C en­
ter on W ednesday, M ay 16. For
Edgewater Lounge 503-235*8311
1225 N Thunderbird Way (Interstate Ave)
Friday, May 4 - Saturday. May 5 & Saturday May 19
Friday, June I - Saturday, June 2 & Saturday, June 16
For booking contact
Meiiale 503.25l.4Sbb
LaRhonda Steele 503.255.2083