page 6 May 9,2001-------------------------- Focus On Movies --------- W © b««»* Eureka S y n o p sis: The 3 ,000-year-old m um m y o f Im hotep is resu r­ rected in the B ritish M useum in London and once again walks the earth searching for im m ortality. But another force has also been set loose in the w orld - one born o f dark rituals o f ancient E gyptian m ysticism - and even m ore pow erful than Im hotep. W h en th e s e tw o forces clash, the fate o f the w orld will hang in the balance, and Rick O ’C onnell m ust save the w orld and rescue his young son before it is too late. G en re: H orror I A ction / A dventure / Sequel R atin g: PG 13. C ast: B rendan Fraser, Rachel W eisz, John H annah, A rnold V osloo, The Rock. C r ed its: W ritten and directed by Stephen Som m ers. Produced by Jim Jacks and Sean D aniels. Synopsis: O n w hat begins as a quiet morning in southwestern Ja­ pan, a crazed killer, apparently w ith­ out motive, hijacks a city bus. In the ensuing carnage only three people survive— the driver, a schoolgirl and her older brother. A fter a long ab­ sence the traum atized bus driver, Makoto, returns to his family only to find his wife has left him. He reac­ quaints himselfwith the children form the accident, Kozue and Naoki, now w ithdraw n and orphaned, and moves into their house. Together with the orphans’ cousin, a college student on vacation, they form a kind o f quasi­ family. • G en re: Drama • R a tin g : This film is not yet rated. • C ast: Koji Y akusho, Aoi M iyazaki, M asaru M iyazaki and Yohichiroh Saitoh. • C red its: W ritten and di­ rected by Shinji Aoyama. Produced by Takenori Sento and Philippe Avril. <5et Connected!! Need a Telephon« at Home? Time To Get a Cell Phone? Want Your Old Phone Number Back? Confused? Too much Information? Why Choose?—Have it alll Can't Wait 10 days? Need Features? 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G en re: H istorical / A c­ tion / A dventure R atin g: Rated P G -13 for a c tio n v io le n c e , som e nudity and b rie f sex -re­ lated dialogue. C a s t: H eath Ledger, M ark A d d y , S h a n n y n Sossam on, Paul B ettany, m ore. C r ed its: W ritten and d i­ r e c te d by B ria n H elgeland. Produced by Todd B lack, Tim Van R ellim and B ria n H elgeland. T h e a tr ic a l R e le a s e D ate: M ay 11. Under the Sand Synopsis: Marie and Jean are a married couple, set in the rhythms o f a life spent together. As they begin their regular holiday at their country house, nothing seems amiss. But one day at the beach, while Marie naps in the sand, Jean goes for a swim and vanishes without a trace. Frantic, Marie combs the beach, then calls the lifegaurds and local police, who are all unable to locate him. Left with unanswered questions, Marie returns to Paris alone, but is consummed by memories o f her beloved Jean. Tenaciously, Marie keeps the memory o f her husband alive, often speaking o f him as if he never disappeared. She strikes up a tentative relationship with Vincent, but is unable to make a real commitment. Ultimately she must grapple with her life alone while coping with her erotic stirrings and fantasy life. G enre: Mystery / Drama Rating: This film is not yet rated. Cast: Charlotte Rampling, Alexandra Stewart, Bruno Cremer, Jacques Nolot, more. Credits: Directed by Francois Ozon. Written by Francois Ozon, Emmanuele Bemheim, Marina De Van and Marcia Romano. Produced by Olivier Delbosc and Marc Missonnier. 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