Page A 2 M a y 9 ,2 0 0 1 —--------------------------------------------------- (Ttjp ÿ o rtlan b © b seru er---------------------------------------------------- i Police News/Vancouver ~ THRU W— I I l l f l -TTTlWr---- ------ Weather lnside-A Ju stic e S e rv e d in B irm ing ham D eaths.. A 4 A lb e rta S tree t M erch a n ts D isp lay S tu d e n t A rt P ro je c ts ........................A 5 Metro- Today ' ^4 * PC C E xpansion w ill D isplace N e ig h b o rs ...B 5 This Week y M ay 9 1994. South A fric a ’s new ly elected- parliam ent chose N elson M andela to be the country’s first black president. Partly Cloudy “7¿~ ■ à U i» fhrougli the Weekend Saturday Partly Cloudy 77°F High ' 54°F Low Mostly Cloudy 74°F High 66 F High j 46°F Lou Thursday C ollecting G u n s to K eep C o m m unities S a f e ......B I B la z e rs F ire D u n le a v y .....................B2 Friday Partly Cloudy 51 °F Low Sunday Mostly Cloudy 72°F High 63°F High -■z X . 52°F Low Suspect Charged in Home Robbery 5 0 -Y e a r o ld G re g o ry A llen M o o re h a s b een a rre s te d and ch a rg ed in a M ay 1 re s id e n tia l ro b b e ry o f an e ld e rly c o u p le in n o rth e a s t P o rtla n d . T he tw o had ju s t re tu rn e d a f te r m a k in g a b a n k w ith ­ d ra w al, w h en M o o re ca m e to th e d o o r fra u d u le n tly c la im in g to be a c ity e m p lo y e e , p o lic e said. H e ’s a c c u se d o f te llin g th e c o u p le he n ee d ed to ta k e a w a te r sam p le and a fte r e n te r­ ing th e hom e, a s s a u lte d and ro b b e d th e 8 7 -y e a r-o ld h u s ­ b an d an d 8 5 -y e a r-o td w ife. M o o re h as b ee n c h a rg e d w ith tw o co u n ts o f ro b b e ry , tw o co u n ts o f k id n a p p in g , o ne c o u n t o f b u rg la ry and p a ro le violation. Gregory’ Allen Moore 4 9 °F low New Community Court Opens Thought for the Week Talking little, and with the low, tender part o f our voices, as in nodding to one who already knows what you mean. — Tess Gallagher M ay 10 1869, a golden spike was driven at Prom ontory, Utah, m arking the com pletion o f the first transcontinental railroad in the United States. M ay 11 1973, charges against Daniel Ellsberg for his role in the Pentagon Papers case were dis­ missed by Judge W illiam M. Byrne, w ho cited governm ent m iscon­ duct. M ay 121943,during W orldW ar II, A xis forces in N orth A frica sur­ rendered. M ay 13 1981, Pope John Paul 11 w as shot and seriously w ounded in St. P eter’s Square by Turkish assailant M ehm et A li Agca. A new W estside Community Court has opened at the downtown Justice Center. The court is modeled after a jurisdiction in midtown M anhat­ tan, New York, that combines com­ munity service accountability and on-site social services for m isde­ meanor defendants. The WestsideCommunity Court also follows the successful North/ Northeast and Southeast Portland Com munity Court projects. The new court will arraign all misdem eanor and violations that o c c u r in c e n tra l p re cin ct or Portland’s westside. All defendants who opt for community Court will undergo a social service screening. More in-depth analysis, referrals, and treatment will be available on­ site, nest door to the courtroom. Defendants who plead guilty will be assigned to community service projects and when appropriate, so­ cial service sentences. TheNorth/Northeast Community Court continues to operate Wednes­ days at the King Neighborhood Fa­ cility, 4815 NE 7th Ave. The South­ east Community Court operates ev­ ery Thursday at the Brentwood Darlington Community Center at 7211 SE 62nd Ave. The courts wel­ come members o f the community to observe the proceedings. Jury Convicts Klansman in 1963 Bombing A black minister was instrumental in getting the FBI to reopen the case Bv J ay R eeves CEASEFIRE Oregon ( j u n T u r n ~ l n 2 .0 0 1 ^ S a tu r d a y , M a ri 1 2 ONE. DAYONLY 10am - 2 p.m. Turn in your gun and receive a $50 M erchandise C ertificate and leam m ore about how to keep your hom e safe from gun violence. Beaverton Tualatin V alley Fire & Rescue Station #67 13810 SW F arm ington Road @ M enlo Gresham G resham Fire Station #4 N E 192nd & H alsey Hillsboro Human Resources T uality H ealthcare Building 232 SE 8 th N Portland M artin Luther K ing Blvd (a Jarrett Street SE Portland Eastport Plaza 4104 SE 82nd Street, Ste 300 Clackamas County C lackam as Fire District # 1 1130SE Fuller atC au sey (2 Blocks N orth o f C lackam as Tow n C enter) For M ore Information, Call 220-1669 C foreuonw teleport. com w w w 921 SE M orrison. S te 424 Portland, Oregon 97205 BIRM INGHAM, A la.— A former Ku Klux Klansm an was convicted o f m urder last w eek for the 1963 church bom bing that killed four black girls, the deadliest single attack during the civil rights m ovem ent. T hom as B lanton Jr., 62, w as sen­ tenced to life in prison by the sam e ju ry that found him guilty after 21/2 hours o f deliberations. Before he was led out o f the courtroom in hand­ cuffs, the ju d g e asked him if he had any com m ent. “ I guess the good L ord will settle it on ju d g m en t day,” Blanton said. B lan to n is the seco n d form er K lansm an to be convicted o f plant­ ing the bom b that w ent o ff at the Sixteenth Street B aptist C hurch on Sept. 15,1963, a Sunday m orning. T he bom b ripped through an exte­ rior w all o f the b rick church. The bodies o f D enise M cN air, 11, and A ddie M ae Collins, C ynthia W esley and C arole R obertson, all 14, were found in the dow nstairs lounge. D e n is e ’s p a r e n ts , C h ris an d M axine M cNair, did not com m ent as they left the courthouse. Chris McNair w as hugged by U .S. A ttorney D oug Jones, w ho fought back tears as he told reporters: "W e ’re happy for the fam ilies. W e’re happy for the girls.” The Rev. A braham W oods, ablack m inister instrum ental in getting the FBI to reopen the case in 1993,saidhe was delighted w ith the verdict. “ It m akes a statem ent on how far w e’ve com e,” said W oods, the local president o f the Southern Christian L eadership Conference. D efense attorney John Robbins 4 said the sw ift verdict show ed the ju ry was caught up in the em otion sur­ rounding the notorious case. H e said he w ould seek an ew tnal, arguing the case should have been m oved out o f Birm ingham and B lanton’s right to a speedy trial had been violated. He also said the lack o f w hite men on the ju ry — eight w hite women, three black w om en and one black man returned the verdict — “absolutely hurt B lanton.” The jurors, who were publicly identified only by number, left w ithout com ment. The case is the latest from the turbulent civil rights era to be revived b y p r o s e c u to r s . B y ro n D e L a Beckw ith was convicted in 1994 o f a ssa ssin a tin g civ il rig h ts lead er M edgar Evers in 1963 and former Kian imperial wizard Sam Bowers was convicted three years ago o f the 1966 firebomb-killing ofan NAACP leader. But the church bom bing was a galvanizing moment o f the civil rights m o v em en t. M o d erates co u ld no longer rem ain silent and the fight to topple segregation laws gained new momentum. D uring closing argum ents, Jones told the ju ry that it was “never too late for justice." He said B lanton acted in response to m onths o f civil rights dem onstra­ tions. The church had becom e a ral­ lying point for protesters. “Tom Blanton saw change and d id n ’t like it,” Jones said as black- and-w hite im ages o f the church and the girls dressed in S unday clothing flashed on video screens in the court­ room. A ssistant U.S. A ttorney Robert Posey added: “T he defendant d id n ’t care w ho he killed as long as he killed som eone and as long as that person w as black.” “T hese children m ust n o t have died in vain," he said. “ D o n ’t let the deafening blast o fh is bom b be w hat ’ s left ringing in our ears.” Robbins argued that the govern­ m ent had proved only that Blanton w as once a foul-m outhed segrega­ tionist, not a bom ber. H e said m urky tapes o fh is client secretly recorded by the FBI were illegally obtained and should not have been adm itted as evidence. The surveillance began af­ ter Blanton and other K lansm an were identified as suspects w ithin weeks o f the bombing. The FBI planted a hidden m icro­ phone in Blanton’s apartm ent in 1964 and taped his conversations w ith M itchell Bum s, a fellow K lansm an- tum ed-inform ant. Posey w ent over the tapes for jurors, putting transcript excerpts on the video screens. He read from one transcript in w hich Blanton described h im self to Bum s as a clean-cut guy: “ I like to go shoot­ ing, I like to go fishing, I like to go bom bing.” Posey also quoted B lanton as say­ ing he was through w ith w om en. “I am g o in g to stic k to b o m b in g churches,” Blanton said, according to Posey. O n one tape, Blanton was heard telling Bum s that he would not be ca u g h t “ w hen I bom b m y n ex t church.” On another m ade in his kitchen, he is heard talking with his w ife about a meeting where “we planned the bom b.” “ T hat is a confession out o f this m an ’s m outh,” said Jones, pointing to Blanton. The defense argued that the tape made inBlanton’skitchen meant noth­ ing because prosecutors failed to play 26 m inutes o f previous conversation. “Y ou ca n ’t judge a conversation in a vacuum ,” Robbins said. Robbins also said Blanton’s co n ­ versations with Bum s were nothing but boasting betw een “two drunk rednecks.” He dism issed Bum s and other prosecution w itnesses as liars. Another former Kian member, Rob­ ert “ D ynam ite B ob” Cham bliss, was convicted ofm urder in 1977 and died in prison in 1985. A nother former Klansman, Bobby Frank Cherry, was indicted last year but his trial was delayed after evalu­ ations raised questions about his m ental com petency. A fourth sus­ pect, H erm an Cash, died w ithout b e­ ing charged. The Justice Departm ent concluded 20 years ago that form er FBI D irector J. Edgar H oover had blocked prosecution o f Klansm en in the bom bing. The case was reopened following a 1993 meeting in Birm ing­ ham betw een FBI officials and black m inisters, including Woods. The investigation was not revealed publicly until 1997, when agents went to T exas to talk to Cherry. 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