Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 09, 2001, Page 19, Image 19

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    May 9, 2001
Wtje JJa rtla n b © bserucr _______ Focus in Print
Eat, Stay and Visit at Only
at the Best in the Northwest
By Jena McPherson
Avalon Travel Publishing; 2001
Pick up most travel guides and
you’ll find long lists o f restaurants,
hotels, and museums - you have to
guess whether or not the places are
worth your time and money.
“Travel Smart: Pacific Northwest”
is different - it lists only the best.
Author Jena MacPherson lives
on the shores o f Puget Sound in
Washington and has reported on
the Pacific Northwest for more than
10 years. Whether you’re planning
a great day, a weekend getaway, or
an extended trip, you can count on
her recommendations for good val­
ues, undiscovreed treasures, and
simply the best places to eat, stay,
and sightsee!
Maybe you’d like to dine on tiny
Olympia oysters or grilled salmon in
Seattle while admiring the impres­
sive skyline? Or how about kayaking
around the San Juan Islands? Y ou’ll
also find out about the area’s Native
A m erican h e rita g e , O re g o n ’s
Shakespeare Festival, and the mer­
maid-green rain forest ofthe Olym­
pic Peninsula.
Page 5
A Handbook
Advocates for
B8iH| B l ;i Right
B y T avis S milev
F irst A m . ho » B ooks : 2000
W hat are you w aiting for? I t’s tim e to take a stand and get
to work m aking the w orld a better place, and Black E nter­
tainm ent T elev isio n host Tavis Sm iley can help you get
started. T hrough his nightly television show and in his radio
com m entaries, Sm iley has helped to galvanize public opinion
and initiate national grassroots cam paigns on everything
from corporate responsibility to voter turnout. "D oing W hat s
R ig h t” is his handbook for advocacy.
In these pages, Sm iley draw s on his experience as a
prom inent advocate to provide practical advice on how to
fight for the causes in w hich you believe. Y o u ’ll find tips on
everything from setting up m eetings and w orking w ith the
m edia, to creating efficien t phone trees and d evising catchy
slogans. A sim ple w orksheet to help you identify the issues
that are im portant to you is also included. For everyone who
w ants to be a voice for change, "D oing W h a t’s R ig h t" is a
m ust-have.
“twfc Smile» writes Ike he la t e .. , . Cfeai. lussionate,
and to «he poni. . . be pries you tbe impression he's a
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