Page 4 Focus In Print------------ W May 9, 2001 C H A M IQ U E ON FAMILY, FOCUS, and CHAMIQUE HOLDSCLAW win ItMHIFER FREY The Female Version of Michael Jordan B y C hamioi e H oldsclaw with J ennifer F rey F ireside B ooks : 2001 She has been called the best woman basketball player ever, but the popularity of tw e n ty -fo u r-y e a r-o ld C h am iq u e H oldsclaw is rooted not only in her skill, but also in her remarkable life. In th is au to b io g rap h y , C ham ique shares her amazing journey from a tough neighborhood and a difficult relationship with her parents to the blacktops of New York City, where she domi­ Ultimate Guide for Start-Up Companies 2001 Entrepreneurship is a vo­ cation for w'hich there is no true apprenticeship. Work­ ing in a corporation, or even a small business, does not prepare you for the chal­ lenges, long hours, social sacrifices, and financial commitment that will be needed for a career running your own company. “Get­ ting Started in Entrepreneur- ship” is a complete and au­ thoritative guide for entre­ preneurs. This book will answer your demands by providing you with the best tools to be cur­ rent. It will also equip you to seek out, analyze, and criti­ cally implement the ever-in­ creasing and crucial supply of entrepreneurial informa­ tion by utilizing resources such as the Internet and the cutting-edge new business solutions. ÏJortlanh (ßhseruer J ohn W iley & S ons . Ixt.t GETTING STARTED IN JACK M KAPLAN nated the all-male competi­ ing and exhilarating first year tion, to her triumphs as the playing professionally and liv­ star of the Washington Mys­ ing on her own. tics. As she reveals how she Chamique takes readers evolved from a deceptively insider her incredible record­ fragile girl into a self-assured setting championship seasons athlete, Cham ique shares at the University of Tennes­ both a stunning life story and see, describes her elation her hard-earned wisdom, when she became the first which will inspire others to pick in the 1999 WNBA draft, pursue their dreams. and brings home her exhaust­ L is a ’s T o u rs Winnemucca, Nevada $49.95 Includes; 2 days & 2nights, Round trip fare Free breakfast & $20.00 refund upon arrival slot machines, video poker, blackjack, craps, keno, bingo. June 15th - 17th, 2001 For Reservations, Contact Lisa at