Page 2 May 9, 2001 Portland’s Young and Focus A 3 U P P L K M E O F N T Wlie f lir ti mb (Observer Editor in Chief, Publisher Charles H. W ashington Editor L arryJ. Jackson, Sr. Business Manager G ary A nn Taylor Asst. Publisher Michael Leighton Copy Editor Jo y Ramos Creative Director Robert Parker Sassey, born N icole E lizabeth A dam s, first re a liz e d she could sin g at the age o f eig h t years o ld . S a sse y w as b o rn and raised in G reen­ w o o d , M iss, and la te r m o v e d to P ortland at th e age o f nine. Like many R&B singers, Sassey grew up with gos­ p el ro o ts. Sassey always san g in the church choir. W hen church ended, she would go home and p ra c tic e new so n g s. Sassey made the deci­ sion to make nake a c a re e r out )ut o f s i n g i n >g ; when she ; was 16. A lo n g 4747 NE M artin L uther King,Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884XH5 e-mail: subsoipdorfoportlandobsiTvvr.iom D ead lin es for su b m itte d m aterial: A rticles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: M onday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. M anuscripts and photographs can be returned if accom panied by a self- addressed stam ped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position of the ad. 1999 The Portland Observer w ith h e r g o sp el ro o ts , S assey ’s insp iratio n also com es from h er tw o fa v o rite a rtists: Patti LaBelle and W hitney H ous­ ton. S a sse y is an e x tre m e ly busy a rtist. Som e o f h er e x ­ ten siv e pro jects include: A m u ltitu d e o f ra d io in te r­ view s n a tio n w id e ; T w ix com m ercial en d o rsem en t; S everal CD fe a tu re s; P o rt­ land “ T een S u p re m e ” ; N u ­ m erous P o rtla n d T ra ilb la z e r events; The Z - 100 FM “ Last C hance S um m er D an ce"; N um erous Jam m tn’ 95.5 FM ev ents; P o rtland H ip Hop A ll-sta rs and T he L as V e­ gas M agic S how . S assey has also opened fo r a host o f n atio n al a rtists such as M y stikal, Ja R ule, IM X , E -4 0 , Shaq, D o n e ll Jones, N elly, G hostface K i 1 1 a h , D o lem ite, P e­ te r G unz and L ord T ariq. S assey is one o f the m o s t IwnJwiknig and d e­ termined Sassey S a sse y ’s success stem s from in- cred ib le ta le n t, hard w ork and a c o n s ta n t p o s i t i v e a t t i t u d e . Sassey is taking the m usic scene by s to r m ! W a tc h o u t! I t ’s S assey! Think you’re an organ and tissue donor? Not if you haven’t told your family. Talk to your family about organ and tissue donation. Talk to your family about donating life. E2E For a free donor card brochure contact Oregon Donor Program (503)494 7888 * 1800-452-1369 www. ordonorprogram. org Sussey's song "Kiss You" has become the ttl most requested slow song on Jununin ’ 95.5 every evening, Her latest CD called "The Sassey Project"is now available in many local music stores. A Chorus of Men Performing at Reed College “ Liberty” is an evening o f talent and song by 4 energetic m en’s cho­ ruses, at Reed College’s Kaul Audi­ torium,May 19 at 7 p m . Each chorus performs a short set, and then the groups sing jointly, culminating in “The Testament o f Freedom," a pa­ triotic setting by Randall Thomp­ son o f texts by Thomas Jefferson, guest conducted by Huw Edwards, conductor o f the Portland Youth Philharmonic, and accompanied by the Portland State University Wind Symphony, under the direction o f Dr. William Tuttle. Both coro uomo and satori m en’s chorus are part of the Concord Community ofChoirs. based in Portland. Coro uomo. an auditioned chorus o f 16 men, fo­ cuses on performing new and rarely- heard music,a nd demonstrating the beauty and power o f men’s voices together. Formed in 1993, satori comprises singers o f varied skill levels and all walks o f life, and performs a wide variety o f music while having great fun. Satori's set includes “Turn the World Around,” by Harry Bellefonte, songs from two musicals, and features a com­ mission by satori baritone Ken Skach-Mills, a setting o f the poem “For My Friends,” by O regon’s late, great poet, William Stafford. The Oregon Young M en’s En­ semble is an auditioned choir of high-school men from grades 9-12 in the Eugene/Spnngfield area. Founded 19 years ago, the OYME tours every season and last sum­ mer won first prize at a youth choral festival in Vienna, Austria. The OYME will sing selections from their repertoire o f folk songs, spiri­ tuals, sacred pieces, and “doo-wop classics" from the 60’s and 7O’s. ? r MOVIES NIGHTLY WEEKEND MATINEES E n j o y c o m f y c h a ir s , p iz z a an d b e v e r a g e s at th e sh o w F o r S c h e d u l e i n f o r m a t i o n c a ll: 2 2 5 - 5 5 5 5 e x t .8 8 3 3 5736 NE 33rd • Portland. Oregon w w w .m cm en am in