May 9, 2001 Page B7 (Eìje ^ìorthtnò Cßbsmier B Classifieds/Bids Sub-Bids Requested We o ffe r a generous flexible benefits program and great pay fo r your valuable skills. Applications are required and may be o b tained th ro u g h o u r Website o r a t one o f our main hospital locations. Pre-employment screening is required and includes drug screen. AAP employer. An equal o p p o rtu n ity organization. Providence Health System 4805 NE Gilsan St. Portland, OR 97213 Phone 503.215.5770 Please reference #P00501 on your application. It Providence | Health System S mall E ngine R epair S harping Bid Date: M ay 22, 2001 @ 11:00 AM A t Providence Health System everyone gets involved. Our com­ m itm ent to the highest quality o f care and the well-being o f our community carries over into our commitment to your future. As a recognized leader in health care and Oregon's second largest private employer, we offer the most advanced technology and a caring w ork environment. Get more - at Providence. Registrars PBX Operator Scheduling Supervisor Housekeeping Billing & Scheduling Coordinator Program Manager - Dept. of Medicine Home Health Aide Collector JAY’S MOWER & CHAINSAW Portland International Airport Deicing Stormwater System Pump Stations and Piping Project No. 3-41-0048-40 in v o lv e d ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BUY AND SELL C o œ 0) u O 0» a u c o ;u > o . k Q ■ . 5 2 2 A c a r in g d if f e r e n c e y o u c a n f e e l Employment . 7n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist in the following agency: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Principal Executive/Manager E SFMS Services Manager The Department of Administrative Services (DAS), State Controller's Division has a management opening in their Statewide Financial Management System's (SFMS) section. As the SFMS Services Manager, you will lead a team of 5 financial system analyst professionals in the core development and management of our statewide accounting and purchasing systems. Your team provides financial leadership and is supported by the DAS Information Resources Management Division's Data Center and System Development and Consulting sections. The person we are seeking is well grounded in governmental accounting and financial reporting, has experience in supporting and managing a complex technical systems environment, has exceptional customer service skills and enjoys working and leading in a supportive team based organization The position is located in Salem. OR close to worldclass beaches, mountains, and a wide range of cultural opportunities. The salary offered, depending on qualification, ranges from $3.981 to $5.891 per month. The State of Oregon offers standard benefits including state paid PERS. Announcement 4LEDA1039. For addition information, please contact Jana Tindall at (503) 378-3156 or For details and how to apply, visit the State of Oregon Jobs Page at Submit PD100 State Application Form (which can be downloaded from the State Jobs Page) to: Barbara Mitchell. DAS personnel. 155 Cottage Street NE U130, Salem. Oregon 97301-3974; or fax to (503) 3786879. Close dale is May 14, 2001. Kiewit Pacific Co. P.0. Box 1769 Vancouver, WA 98668 Phone: (360) 693-1478 FAX: (360) 693-5582 Plans Available at: Port of Portland 121 N. W. Everett Street, 5,h Floor Portland, OR 97208 Scope of Work: HDPE Piping, CMU Buildings, Horizontal Boring, Electrical, Mechanical, Precast Drainage Structures, Resurfacing We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and requestsub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority and Women-owned Businesses, Disadvantaged, Disabled V eterans, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises. Bond in full amount required unless specifically waived at Prime Contractor’s option. 328 NE SHAVER ST. PORTLAND OR 97212 Qcan's tüarbcr & jBtautp ièbop Notice To Contractors 2001/2002 Slurry Seal Project No. 502004 Sealed bids for the 2 0 0 1 /2 0 0 2 Slurry Seal, Project No. 502004 will be received by John Harris, Transportation Operations Supervi­ sor, Department of Environmental Services, 1333 NW Eastman Park­ way, Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Thursday, May 17, 2 0 0 1 ,1 0 :0 0 a.m. local time. The bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., May 1101 NE Alberta Portland, OR 97211 503-287-0262 FAST TRACK MARKETING N o r th w est C o o ld n g W o o d s 100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood, Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak, Sugar Maple, Ph» Other Woods Ä Supplies Call for appointment Ask for Psui P.O. Box 20741, Portland, OR 47294-0741 (503) 254-0774 SAVE BIG ON Commercial Carpet $3.99 sq. ft. 12X13 Rem $69.00 sq. ft. Laminate Flooring $1.99 sq. ft. Vinyl $5.99 sq. ft. CARPET & FLOOR COVERING Portland Costless Carpet 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland. OR 97217 503-287-6225 r- AFFORDABLE 7618 N. Interstate Avenue 1 Block N. o f the Lombard Fred Meyer store 503-288-9500 JJ Specializing in Hi-Fashion Suits for Men &Boy’s www.steppingout. LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 Helping people buy or sell Real Estate! FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE,OFFICE ORCAR For quality Service Call Wally Tesfa Prudential NW Properties 1730 NE 10th Avenue Portland, OR 97212 STATE FARM IN SUR ANCE CO M PA N IES Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax: (503) 286-1146 HOM E OFFICES: B LO O M IN G TO N. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 503-281-4040 Prudential 17, 2001 at Gresham City Hall, Environmental Services Conference Room 2. The character of the work is application of slurry seal. The major quantities involved are: Item Quantity Measurement Type II Slurry Seal 843 (approximate) Tons Type III Slurry Seal 415 (approximate) Tons Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Jim Clark, Project Manager, 503 618-3162. Specifications may be reviewed at the office of the Department of Environmental Services at the Operations Center. Copies may be ob­ tained from the Department of Environmental Services by paying a non-refundable fee of $25 for each set of plans and specifications requested. If ordered by mail, add a $5 processing and mailing charge. Prior to obtaining specifications, contractors must have purchased the current City of Gresham Public Works Standards (July 20,1993), as shown by the records of the Department of Environmental Ser­ vices. Bidders must prequalify with the City of Gresham May 17, 2001, for slurry seal application. This project is for a public work and is subject to ORS 279.348 to 279.380, the Oregon Prevailing Wage Law. All proposals must be submitted on the forms furnished by the City of Gresham, mailed or delivered to the Department of Environmental Services, City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “SEALED BID for the 2001/2002 Slurry Seal, Project No. 502004. bearing the name and address of the bidder, Each must be accompa­ nied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid. By Order Of City Council 1333 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, Oregon 97030 Sevier R, D. Sevier & Son, Inc., Garbage Services . J / h l s is Just a few of the c u rren t jo b openings available w ith the S ta te o f O regon. A more com plete announcem ent listin g, application form s, and additional jo b Inform ation are available a t: a) lo cal Em ploym ent Departm ent field o ffices, or b) the O regon Jobs page at: w w w .o re g o n jo b s.o rg . The S ta te of O regon and all its divisions are proud to be equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployers. 282-2920 Ci Han Stepping Out Menswear Sole Proprietor Bryan Grant Horace Simpson A. D. Williams 213 N E . Hancock Portland OR 97211 Certification Process MERC Facility Uniformed Event Security Providers The Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission (MERC), a subdi­ vision of Metro Regional government, will be processing applications for certification by providers of uniformed event security personnel to users of MERC facilities. Qualified providers of security services will be added to a panel of security firms from which MERC promoters will select security personnel for events a MERC facilities, including the Oregon Convention Center, the Portland Center for the Performing Arts, and the Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center, MERC is interested in hearing from qualified firms that are capable of providing uniformed event security personnel directly to users of MERC facilities. MERC anticipates that it will qualify one or more firms to act as authorized non-exclusive providers of uniformed event security personnel. These firms will be authorized to provide uniformed event security in all MERC facilities. Qualified firms will contract directly with users of MERC fa­ cilities for event related security. Firms will be required to obtain and maintain MERC qualified status in order to provide event-related uni­ formed security to users of MERC facilities. MERC will not guarantee a minimum or maximum number of hours a qualified firm shall work In any MERC facility. Requests for certification will be processed beginning May 18, 2001. Requests should be sent In writing to: Joe Barrett, MERC Administra­ tion, PO Box 2746, Portland, Oregon 97208, or faxed to (503) 731- 7870. More information and application materials can be obtained by calling: (503) 731-7839. A tour of the facilities will be conducted on Monday, May 14, 2001 at 10:00 am Pacific time. Potential providers wishing to participate must be at the MERC Administration Offices at the Oregon Convention Cen­ ter at 777 NE Martin Luther King Boulevard, Portland, Oregon, 97232. 8:30 To 5:30 T hlr F 9:30 To 3:00 S at 503-287-6610 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 Ever find change in your sofa? Well some businesses may be sitting on more than they realize Last year alone, O regon businesses saved $7 5 million with the W ork Opportunity Tax Credit, a program coordinated by the Oregon Employment Department Could you be the one missing this profitable find2 If you operate a business that may hire even one employee, don't be a couch potato Find the W ork Opportunity Tox Credit online at w w w .o r e g o n ta x c r e d it.o r g or call your nearest Oregon Employment Deportment office I