Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 09, 2001, Image 1

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Study Shows Racial Profiling Exists in Portland Ceasefire Oregon Gun Turn-In
See Metro Section, Page B 1
Set for Saturday, See Metro Section, Page B 1
Knight Library
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97403-1205
Volume XXXI
Number 19
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Established in 1970
May 9 ,2001
2001 Rose Festival Court
W A S H IN G T O N — T he United States is
missing from a top 10 index measuring the status
o f m others around the world, mainly because o f
its failure to address the health needs o f the
country's minorities and poor, a report says.
T he U nited States ranked 11 th out o f 94 coun­
tries on the ‘M others’ Index’ found in a report
com piled by the Save the C hildren foundation.
T he organization ranked countries on the basis
o f a m other's access to health care, use o f
contraception and family planning, literacy rate,
and participation in governm ent.
China Says Spy Plane Will
Not Fly Home
C le v e la n d H ig h - S k y C la rk e
Jefferson High - Ahquoya Brooks St. Mary's Academy - Ashley Caldwell Central Catholic High - Bcnthany Sills
B E U IN G — C hina said that it will not allow
a d am ag e d U .S. N avy spy plane to be re ­
paired and fly hom e u n d er its o w n pow er.
T h e ann o u n cem en t cam e as A m erican su r­
v eillan ce flights n ear C h in a resu m ed , and
C hinese o fficials w ere q u ick to voice th eir
o p p o sitio n to th e co n tin u ed surveillance.
Postal Governors Approve
Higher Rates
W A S H IN G T O N — P o stag e rates are
going up on July 1. T he 34-cent price o f a first-
class stam p w ill not ch an g e, but m ost oth er
n se a s 'tK e p ost office stru g g les to
cope w ith risin g costs and shrinking incom e.
W hile the price o f the basic first-class stam p
w ill not increase u n d er new rates, m;uiy oth er
co sts such as priority m ail, ex p ress m ail and
periodicals will.
« W
Cincinnati Officer Charged
with Misdemeanors
CINCINNATI— Misdemeanorchaiges filed
against a white police officer w ho fatally shot an
unarm ed black man brought outrage from the
victim 's m other but mostly peaceful protests in
a city scarred by racial tension. O ne month after
the sh y in g that sparked the city 's w orst rioting
in three decades, a grand jury indicted Officer
Stephen Roach o f negligent hom icide and o b ­
structing official business.
David Douglas High - Vanessa Sanford
Grant High School - Loanda Schaad
Blackouts Again Ordered
for California
S A C R A M E N T O , C alif. — A s tem p era­
tures soared to record levels in parts o f
C alifornia, black o u ts cu t electricity to m ore
than 100,000 cu sto m ers in w hat p o w er grid
o p erato rs w arned w as a p review o f sum m er.
H our-long outag es, o rd ered by p o w er grid
m anagers, hit p o rtio n s o f selected cities for
the first tim e since M arch.
Benson high - Sharitha McKenzie Lincoln High - Wesley Grout
Marshall High - Michelle Sagucio Roosevelt High - Ursula Gray
Jurors to View Tape of
Teacher Shooting
W E S T P A L M B E A C H , I la . — P ro secu ­
tors p lan n ed to show ju ro rs a school su rv eil­
lance vid eo tap e that show s a seven th -g rad e
boy shoot and kill his E nglish teacher.
N athaniel Brazill, 14, is on trial in the death o f
L ake W o rth M id d le S chool teach er Barry
G runow , w ho w as fatally shot M ay 2 6 ,2 0 0 0 ,
the last day o f school before su m m er break.
T h e boy faces life in prison w ith no p arole if
co n v icted o f first-degree m urder.
Nations Wary of U.S.
Missile Defense Plan
L O N D O N — W orld governm ents re ­
sponded nervously to President B ush's deci­
sion to build a shield against missile attack.
Britain and C anada stopped short o f endorsing
the plan, and Sw eden offered sharp criticism.
M uch o f the apprehension focused on B ush's
declaration that a 1972 arm s-control treaty w as
outdated. United Nations Secretary-General
Kofi A nnan said the missile plan w ould "inevi­
tably im pact upon global security and strategic-
stability" and appealed to all countries to avoid
a new arm s race.
Republicans Strike
Tentative Tax Deal
W A S H IN G T O N — H ouse and S enate
R epublicans tentativ ely agreed to push for
an 11 -year, $ 1.35 trillion tax cut, law m akers
said. U n d er the ag reem en t, tax es w ould be
cut by $ 1.25 trillion betw een 2002 and 2011 —
$.350 billion less than B ush had insisted on
for m ore than a year
Masdison High - Lindsay Heiberg W ilson High - Kelly Ferguson Hranklin High - Kristina Pongracz Park Rose High - Fclccia Whcatfall
Ambassadors Begin Goodwill Tour
The Rose Festival Court is com­
prised of 14 outstanding women who
were selected from 14-area high
schools. Each court member repre­
sents her school throughout the
months of May and June at many
community events.
To qualify for the Rose Festival
Court, the young women must be
full-time students, he a member of
the graduating class, have a grade
point average of at least 2.75, dem­
onstrate good citizenship and have a
good attendance record.
The candidates arc evaluated on
character, communication and pres­
Court members are elected by vote
of their respective student bodies.
The Portland Rose Festival Associa­
tion awards each am bassador a
$.3,000 scholarship courtesy of
Randall Realty Corp.
This year's Rose Festival Queen's
Coronation is set for Thursday, May
31 at 8 p.m. at the Arlene Schnitzer
Concert Hall.
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