Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 02, 2001, Page 9, Image 9

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    May 2, 2001
Page B3
ÍEírje ÿ o rU a n h (ßbseruer
P ortland
n C ta a M H M M M H H B H H i
Husband, Father and Mentor Dies at 58
Rufus T hom as Fuller was bom
in Fortw orth, T exas on Nov. 19,
1943 to J e ff T urner and Francis
Scott. His stepfather Riley Scott
Sr raised him.
H e com pleted 3 years o f m ili­
tary services. H e m arried and
m oved to Portland in the early
6 0 ’s. In 1969, he was hired as a bus
operator for Rose C ity Bus Co.
and served as the secretary /trea­
surer for local #757 from 1974-
1982. H e m et Ernestine G reen in
1983; they w ere m arried in 1985.
Rufus served on the executive
board at C enter Street. H e was a
Royal R oserain, a m em ber o f the
Black C aucus and attended the
U niversity o f Portland.
R ufus loved fishing, boating,
cam ping and golfing. He was well
know n as a sw eet, gentleperson
w ho treated everyone with respect
and kindness. H e was a good h u s­
band, and father. O ne thing about
Rufus, he alw ays gave good ad-
vice w hether you liked it or not.
Rufus was preceded in death
by his father, his stepfather, his
brother, J.C. T urner and grandson
D eC arlo'I ay lor.
He leaves to cherish his m em o­
ries, his w ife Ernestine; his m other
o f N ew O rleans; a brother, Riley
Scott o f N ew O rleans; aunt M ary
C am pbell o f N ew O rleans; a son,
Steven F uller o f N ew York; four
daughters, B rigitte, A dale, and
C ynthia o f Portland, and D ebbie
o f S e a ttle ; 11 g ra n d c h ild re n ,
Chanay, D avasate, Robert, Deion,
A s y s , F in e s s e , C a rlo s JR ,
T re ’Shaw n, A driaw na, D eshiona
and last but not least Poo-Poo
(C harism a); .3 brothers in-law ; 7
sisters-in-law and host o f nieces,
nephew s and friends.
Rufus Thomas Fuller
Young Life -Volunteers greet participants in the 2001 Portland Central Young Life Banquet. The Saturday
program included skits, music and discussion about Young Life and the role of Christ in daily life.
(P hoto b \ M ark W ashington /P ort land O bserver .)
H artiani)
Blazers Lose First Round in Sweep
It’s difficult to believe that, at one
time this season, the Los A ngeles In k ­
ers actually feared the Portland Trail
ShaquilleO ’N ealhad25pointsand
15 rebounds, and Kobe Bryant added
22 points as the Lakers com pleted a
three-game sw eep o f the Trail Blazers
with a 99-86 victory on Sunday.
The Lakers, w ho began their drive
to repeat as cham pions by w inning the
final eight gam es o f the regular season,
will play the Sacramento-Phoenix win­
ner in the second round.
Portland, m eanw hile, lost for the
sixth straight tim e and 17th time in 25
games. The team with the highest pay­
The Los Angeles Lakers were too much for the Trail Blazers as they
roll in NBA history— $89.7 million —
rolled to a 3-0 game victory to end the season for Portland.
faces an offseason o f uncertainty.
Coach Mike Dunleavy could be fired,
him. A hook shot by A rvydas Sabonis
Stoudamire and Steve Smith each
some players could be traded, and
a minute into the fourth quarter got
scored 25 points for the Blazers, and
even general m anager Bob W hitsitt’s
Portland within 79-74,b u tO ’Neal made
Rasheed W allace had 13 rebounds but
jo b isn’t safe.
two straight hooks to push the lead to
was a m ajor disap­
“ I felt like w e had
nine. The Blazers missed six o f their
p o in tm e n t on o f­
too many challenges,
too many obstacles to
‘It just wasn’t a fense, m issing 15 o f first seven shots and started to hear
19 shots.
boos from the Rose Garden crowd.
overcom e,” said Scot­
fun season,’-P o rt­
Derek Fisher’s 3-pointermade it 87-
The Lakers beat the
tie Pippen, whose goal
land Trail Blazer Blazers the same way 74 with 9:01 left. O ’N eal, w ho in his
o f a seventh title was
recent biography said he “ow ns” the
they did the first two
thwarted by jealousies,
Scottie Pippen
7-foot-3 Sabonis, provided the icing
gam es — by getting
th e d e p a rtu re o f
with a dunk that bounced o ff Sabonis’
the ball to O ’Neal, al­
Shawn Kemp for drug
head. Bryant added a playoff career-
though he didn’t see it m uch early on.
rehabilitation and a season-ending
high nine assists, and Fisher had 17
O ’Neal had ju st two shots in the first
injury to Bonzi Wells.
quarter — nine fewer than Bryant —
“This is the w orst— the worst thing
Davis was suspended for throwing
and three rebounds.
I ha ve ever had to deal with throughout
an elbow at the Lakers’ RobertHorryin
O ’Neal returned to dom inance in
m y career,” Pippen added. “ It just
Game 2, and A ugm on was punished
the second hal f, however, and the B laz-
w asn’t a fun season for us. The out­
for com ing o ff the bench during the
ers — without suspended Dale Davis
com e o f it was ju st a testam ent to what
and Stacey A ugm on— couldn ’ t handle
we had been dealing with all season.”
High Schools
To Square Off
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W h a t P art-tim e jo b w ill p a y you
Restaurant and
T h e O re g o n -W a s h in g to n M eet
o f C h a m p io n s , a m a tc h -u p o f the
tw o s ta te s ’ b e s t h ig h sc h o o l trac k
a n d f ie ld a t h l e t e s , h a s b e e n
a d d e d to th e A d id a s O re g o n
T ra c k C la s s ic w e e k e n d o f a c tiv i­
tie s. T h e M e e t o f C h a m p io n s w ill
b e h e ld o n S a tu rd a y , Ju n e 2 s ta r t­
ing a t 5 p m. at M o u n t H ood C o m ­
m u n ity C o lle g e in G re sh a m , O re.
T h e M e e t o f C h a m p io n s w ill
fe a tu re fo u r a th le te s from each
s ta te in e a c h o f 30 e v e n ts. A th ­
le te s w ill be s e le c te d b a s e d on
th e ir se a so n p e rfo rm a n c e s and
p la c in g at th e O re g o n an d W a sh ­
in g to n s ta te h ig h sc h o o l c h a m p i­
o n s h ip m e e ts.
T ic k e ts fo r th e O re g o n -W a s h -
in g to n M eet o f C h a m p io n s are $5
w ith c h ild re n 12 & u n d e r a d m it­
te d fre e w h en a c c o m p a n ie d by
tic k e t-h o ld in g ad u lts. T ic k ets w ill
be o n sa le at th e sta d iu m on m e et
d a y on ly .
The lakers kept Portland from reach­
ing the NBA finals last year by rallying
from a 15-point deficit in the fourth
quarter to win Game 7 o f the conference
finals. But the Blazers took two o f four
games from L.A. in the regular season,
and until their slump, Portland seemed
a good m atch for the Lakers.
The Blazers led early Sunday, and
Stoudamire scored eight points in the
first4 l/2m inutesofthesecondquarter
to boost theB lazers’ lead to six, but the
Lakers started getting O ’Neal the ball.
H is first strong m ove came when he
got the bal 1 deep against Sabonis .spun
away from W allace’sdouble-team and
em phatically dunked over Sabonis.
Bryant hit three straight shots to
ignite a9-0 run, and two free throws by
Fisher ju st before halftime gave the
Lakers a 54-47 lead.
Portland got within 67-66 on an
open 3-pointer by Smith, but the Lak­
ers pulled away to take a seven-point
lead into the fourth quarter
As in G am e 2, the Blazers built an
early lead, only to give away the m o­
mentum on a last-second shot at the
end o f the first quarter.
Led by an unusually aggressive
Smith, the Blazers attacked the basket,
making 7-of-7 free throws in the period,
com pared with 1 -of-2 for the Lakers.
After missing 10 o f their first 15
shots, the Blazers m ade four o f their
next five. A 3-pointer and longjum per
from Stoudamire put Portland ahead
But with six-tenths o fa second left,
Brian Shaw inbounded to Devean
George, w ho launched a 25-foot 3-
pointer to cut the lead to three.
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