Continuing The Legacy The Edward Davis Education Foundation (EDEF) held its third annual tribute fundraiser in Detroit earlier this year. The non-profit organization is named after the only African American and only auto dealer inducted in the Automotive Hall of Fame in Dearborn, Mich. Edward Davis was a pioneering auto dealer in Detroit who, through perse­ verance and hard work, achieved great success in the industry. His wife, Mary- Agnes Miller Davis, still resides in Detroit. A pioneer herself, Mrs. Davis established and worked with various organizations that furthered the social and economic well being of African-Americans and other urban dwellers. Some 500 industry and community leaders came together to pay tribute to Mrs. Davis. Edward Davis Education Foundation Luncheon 2001 1. N a te Conyers, owner o f Conyers Riverside Ford in Detroit, (left) w ith M e l Farr, Sr., fo u n d er o f the M e l Farr Automotive Group based in Detroit, and Randi Payton, founder and pres­ Ex-'’ . ident o f EDEF. Farr was recognized for his efforts as a auto dealer in "Continuing the Legacy," 2. ED EF luncheon guests fro m (left) Jaime Foster-Brown, p u b ­ lisher Sister2Sister magazine. M e l Farr, president and C E O o f A le l Farr Autom otive Group. Carl B am ett Sr., ED EF board member and auto dealer; M aureen and Roy Roberts, retired General Alotors senior executive; and Eric Peterson. EDEF board member and G M 's general director o f m inority dealer development. 3. (From left) Dora Reid. o f Detroit, and Bernice Sim m ons, o f Washington, D.C., both sisters o f A ta ry-A g n es M iller Daihs; and distinguished guests Inez Phillips, Vivian Cooper. Allene AleCam pbell and Doris Pelham. 4. Immediate p a st president o f the ED EF board Pamela Rodgers, a metro-Detroit Chevrolet dealer, with A lary-A gnes M iller D avis and the Hon. Judge Trudy Duncombe Archer, a district ju d g e and First Lady o f Detroit. 5. Roderick Rickman. CFO o f M P S Group, who was recog­ nized as an automotive supplier who is "Continuing the legacy", w ith the Hon. Judge Trudy Duncombe Archer. 6. ED EF scholarship recipients or fa m ily representatives fo r 2 0 0 1 (seated fro m left) Ecrlillia Roberson o f Detroit, Brartdelyn H eath o f Southfield. M ich.; A rth u r Brown o f S i E Detroit. Coriel Green o f Detroit. Kenya Agee o f Detroit. • (standing) Kim atni Rawlins, ED EF student reprcsentatiiv; Thcdosh Nash, mother o f winner Tonia N ash-C raig o f East L a n sin g M ich.; Glen and Lisa Miller, parents o f Jonathan f t M iller o f Flint. M ich.; A rth u r Pisani, father o f Chris Pisani Jg g, g o f Detroit; James Sadler, father o f Jermil Sadler o f East L a n sin g M ich., Tarik Scott o f Lansing, M ich, a n d Eric Peterson. ED EF scholarship committee chairperson and recent- , ly-elccted EDEF chairperson. Ten recipients each received $ 2 ,3 0 0 each. "C 5 5 S- 7. (Center standing) M a ry-A g n es M iller Davis, founder o f the Co-Ette Club, was recognized fo r her commitment toyoung ¡wmuTi and the community during the annual luncheon. She is with past and current members o f the Co-Ette Club. www. onwheelsinc. com