Contents Volume 7, Issue 2 April/May 2001 Features SHU A Little Numb We sure do miss that BMW 540i. Yo! Yosemite in a Santa Fe Sshh! Our Hyundai sneaks up on tranquil national park. B y Brian A rm stea d That's Right, A Subaru Not much to look at, but our Outback gets it done. B y B lair S. W alker 24 B y Lyndon Conrad Bell 32 Standing Strong Minority dealers press on despite challenges. At Long Last Her prison sentence commuted, Antoinette Frink starts over. B y M a r y AJ. C hapm an B y Jacqueline M itch ell 28 How You Like 'Em Now? Tailored Jag and Montero SUV show what custom jobs can do. 35 AH Around the Track All the latest in African- American motorsports news. B y Jacqueline M itch ell Departments A Fresh Start - page 32 4 Publishers Letter 6 Letters/E-Mail 8 Industry Notes 11 This about That 14 First Impressions 16 Auto Trends 22 411 Auto Details 30 Warren Brown Racin' R ob in son - page 35 African Americans On Wheels Cover design by Don Burch and Allan Colding 36 W hat's Ahead unvw.onwheelsinc com