Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 02, 2001, Page 21, Image 21

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    (Elje ^Jortlanb © b s e r u e r --------------
The Focus Entertainn
Objects for the
Through May 19
Throughout the end o f Apri I until
May 19, Portland’s theatre and
media ensemble Liminal will present
“Objects for the Emancipated Con­
sumer,” a sci-fi spy drama and 360-
degree performance that merges
theatre and technology into a
unique interactive event. A udi­
ences can explore the frenzied story
o f six characters as they search for
answers to past, present and future
crimes in an international airport
city. The showings will be at the
Dekum Building, top floor, located
at 519 SW. Third Ave. For more
information, call 503/229-3979.
Ascending the Cosmic
Through Wednesday,
June 3
The Portland Art Museum, lo-
catedat 1219SW .ParkAvenuewill
be offering an exhibition o f a selec­
tion o f Tibetan religious art and
artifacts from Portland private col­
lections. The event is part o f the
“Tibetan Arts and Culture Festi­
val,” which will run prior and con­
currently to the Dalai Lama’s visit in
mid-May and includes Tibetan film,
visual arts, music and dance. For
more information on the art show-
ing, call 503/226-2811.
Our Dream Gallery
Through Tuesday,
June 9
Our Dream Gallery will present
Ron Smith and The Arthur Wright,
tw o o u tsta n d in g a rtists from
Northern California with the show­
ing o f “This & T hat,” which will
run through June 9. Ron Smith
work ranges from im ages o f the
A frican savannah to his Jazz se­
ries. A rthur W right also paints
images o f African w ildlife using a
secret technique involving bleach
and black paper. The gallery is
located at 2209 N.E. A lberta St.
Call 503/288-3024.
The Language of
Western Art
Through Sunday,
June 24
Join the Portland Art M useum,
located at 1219 SW. Park Avenue,
for a fascinating look at A m erica’s
two m ost celebrated W estern art­
ists, F red eric R em ington and
Charles Russell. Their depictions
o f broncos and buffalo, cowboys
and American Indians helped shape
our view o f the American West o f
the late 19th century. The exhibition
runs from Thursday, April 26 until
Sunday, June 24. It consists o f an
exceptional group o f over 100 paint­
ings, sculptures, watercolors, draw­
ings, book illustrations and photo­
Visions and Visionaries
May 1 through Oct. 31
“Visions and Visionaries,” thirty-
plus paintings by important Oregon
artists from the era 1880-1930, will
be exhibited at Pittock Mansion from
May 1 through Oct. 31. Visitors may
view “Visions and Visionaries” be­
ginning May 1, from 1 2 - 4 p.m.
daily. The public is encouraged to
call 503/823-3624 for further infor­
Oregon’s “Premier
Adult Symphonic
Wednesday, May 2
Oregon’s “Premier Adult Sym­
phonic Band" members include the
best professional instrumentalists,
music e d u c a to rs, p ro fe ssio n a l
business people and other walks
o f life. T heir next concert will be
on W ednesday, M ay 2 at the C en­
tury HS PAC, located at 2000 S W.
234th in H illsboro. For m ore infor­
m ation, call Jay Burchak at 503/
Jewelry & Metal
Design Show & Sale
Thursday, May 3
The C reative M etal A rts guild
presents the 13th A nnual Jew elry
& Metal Design Show & Sale. This
show continues the tradition o f
show casing some o f the m ost tal­
ented and creative jew elry and
m etal artists and sculptors from
across the Pacific Northwest. Gala
opening is M ay 3, 6-9 p.m. at the
W orld F orestry C enter, M iller
Hall, 4033 SW. C anyon Rd. Call
503/640-3971,503/620-1499 or503/
Mountain Writers
Thursday, May 3
The M ountain W riters Series is
pleased to announce the N orth­
w e st R e g io n a l R e sid e n c y o f
H eather M cHugh. On Thursday,
May 3, there will be a poetry read­
ing w ith opening music by bassist
G len M oore. D oor open at 7 p.m.
Advance tickets can be purchased
at M W S, located at 3624 S.E.
May 2, 2001
75th anniversary with a day ofMexi-
can-style food specials beginning
at 6 p.m. The Fulton Pub & Brewery
is located at 0619 SW. Nebraska.
Milwaukie or Looking Glass Book­ Call 503/246-9530, or visit their
store. Call 503/236-4854.
website at www.mcmenamins.com.
45th Annual Loyalty
Day and Sea Fair
Thursday, May 3 -
Sunday, May 6
One o f the Oregon C oast’s larg­
est, oldest and m ost popular fes­
tivals reaches a m ilestone this
year. N ew port Loyalty Day and
Sea Fair Festival, a four-day cel­
ebration o f the C ity o f N ew port,
turns 45. B esides parade w atch­
ing, festival-goers can visit the
U.S. Coast G uard Station, w hich
will hold an open house, on board
and tour two m ilitary ships visit­
ing Yaquina Bay. The highlight o f
the event, the 45th A nnual Parade,
proceeds dow n Highw ay 101 on
Saturday, M ay 5 betw een noon
and 2 p.m.
Celebrate Cinco de
Friday, May 4 &
Saturday, May 5
Singing for Our Lives
Saturday, May 5
Aurora Chorus returns to the
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall fora
concert benefiting the Susan G.
Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
The centerpiece o f the evening wi 11
be Aurora’s performance o f“ Where
I Live, A Breast Cancer Oratorio” by
Minneapolis composer Diane Ben­
jamin. Call the Aurora Chorus at
The Portland Youth
Sunday, May 6
The Portland Youth Philharmonic,
Huw Edwards, Conductor and Music
Director, will conclude the Season with
the “Spring Concert" on Sunday, May
6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Arlene Schnitzer
Concert Hall. Theprogram will include
twopremieres for America’s firstyouth
orchestra including Elgar’s Concert
Overture “Cockaigne.” Alsoapremiere
for the Philharmonic is Lutoslawki’s
“Concerto forOrchestra.”Call503/223-
5939 or the Portland Art Museum Box
Office at503/226-0973.
C elebrate Cinco de M ayo with
the unique sound o f Los Lobos,
playing at Chinook W inds. They 98 Degrees at the
will perform on Friday. May 4 and Memorial Coliseum
Saturday, M ay 5 every night at 8
Thursday, May 10
p.m. D on’t miss the opportunity
T ic k e ts for the M ay 10, 98
se e
th is
e x c itin g ,
show is c u rre n tly on
g ro u n d b re a k in g band w ithout
M arch 30 at 5 p.m .
traveling to East L. A. Expe­
rience the flavor o f M exico
on the Oregon Coast. Call 1 -
888-M A IN -A CT,orFastixx
at l-800-992-TIXX(8499).
Page 7
Jo in in g this m ust-see, hubbub
band are top-notch acts including
D ebelah M organ, and Baha Men,
w ith their hit song “ Who Let the
D ogs O ut.” Tickets are available
at the Rose Q uarter Ticket Office
th e
w eb
w w w .ro s e q u a rte r.c o m
www .ticketm aster.com . Call 503/
Poems Over
Friday, May 11
Poems O ver Broadway, held at
the Barnes & Noble Booksellers
at Lloyd Center is a regular, non-
confrontational, intim ate open-
m ike for poets o f any age, style
and skill level to read their poetry.
It starts Friday, May 11 at 7 p.m.
Formore information, call 503/335-
PCC Community
Saturday, May 12
P ortland C om m unity C ollege
w ill be having another C om m u­
nity F airat their PCC RockC reek
cam pus, located at S.W . 185th
and Springville Rd., from !0a.m .
to 5 p.m. A long w ith displays
about PCC program s, a c tiv itie s
in clude dog agility d e m o n stra ­
tions, horse-draw n w agon rides,
a h elic o p te r drop w ith prizes for
k id s, clow ns, facep ain ters and
ju g g le rs. The head lin e act this
year is the N. W. A frikan A m eri­
can B allet p resen tin g tw o free
perform ances in the Forum T he­
atre at 12:30a.m . a n d 2 :3 0 p .m .
Big City Produce
19th Annual
May 4, 5 & 6
The O regon Potters A s­
sociation will be having their
19th A
nnual Show and Sale
on Friday, M ay, Saturday,
ay 5 and Sunday, M ay 6
from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the
Oregon Convention Center.
There will be over 200 artists
ing, clay dem onstra­
tions and a ch ildren’s clay
»ctivity area.
Fulton Pub
Celebrates 75
Saturday, May 5
On Saturday, M ay 5, join
leighbors, fam
ilies and col-
ege students in celebrating
he Fulton Pub&
Pub & Brew ery’s
Portland 1999!!
By the Case, By the Pound, or
By the Bunch
You save BIG at Big City Produce!
Best Greens in Portland
Best ethnocentric selections in Portland
722 N. Sumner St. (Corner of Albina & N.
One Block West of Jefferson High School
Open 7 Days a Week
Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 7 pm
Sat. 9 am-6 pm
Sun. 10 am -6 pm