Hage A 2 M a y 2, 2001 (The ^Jortktnb (0h sem er i Police News/Vancouver m a n a Police Work to Solve Surplus Vehicle Arson GET HELP TO HEAT Y O U R HOME! Multnomah County Energy Assistance Program r ------------ # In home ] 2 3 4 V M M M ) FUNDS A V A ILA B LE ! Income Guidelines Monthly Income # In home Monthly Income $2607 SI 198 5 SI 550 6 $2960 For each additional member $19 0 2 add S3 53 monthly. > $2255 F o r a n a p p o in tm e n t o r f o r m o r e in f o r m a t io n : Albina Ministerial Alliance (503)285-0493 ,i. W Friendlv • House (503)228-4335 V Human Solutions (503)988-520! ./ (503)988-6000 \ 4, Ponland Impact T i i V (503)239-1226 A 7 The Salvation Army •1/ ,i. Neighborhood House i' * St. John’s YWCA (503)246-1663 / ' xl02 r, (503) 721-6770 St. Vincent DePaul (503)235-8431 The Portland Police Bureau, in c o o p e ra tio n w ith C rim e Stoppers, is asking for your help in id entifying and a p p re ­ hending the person or persons responsible for an arson fire. On Friday, June 2, 2000, at 3 a.m ., the Portland Fire Bu­ reau responded to a report o f a fire at Southeast 11th Ave. and M adison St. The location is a fenced storage lot in which the city had parked m arked p o lice v ehicles, w hich had Mu I loom an County Police Briefe Home Compost Bin Sale Get those grass clippings, leaves and kitchen scraps out of the trash. Turn them into rich compost with the Earth Machine. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 12 Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, which leads to an ar­ rest in this case or any unsolved felony crime, and you need not give your name. Call Crim e Stoppers at 503-823-HELP. Woman Fights Oregon Prosecution T Energy Assistance funds are fro m federal and sute programs been taken out o f serv ice and w ere to be sold at auction. The blaze, w hich was believed to be d e lib e ra te ly se t, d e ­ stroyed 17 cars, and dam aged another 5. The dollar loss to the City o f Portland is estim ated at over $200,000. A 31-year-old woman accused in W ashington o f stealing public ser­ vices while posing as a high school student will fight extradition to Or­ egon. She’s accused o f filing a false claim that she was molested by a Portland police officer. Treva Throneberry is being held in C lark County, awaiting trial on two theft charges and a perjury charge. She insists that she is the victim o f mistaken identity and she is Brianna Stewart, the name she used while attending Evergreen High School for three years, graduating last June. But Portland police say in 1993, she told officers that she was Keili Traci Smitt and that the allegedly abusive officer was her father. Over 15 years, Throneberry is sus­ pected o f using dozens o f aliases in cities from Memphis, Tennessee to Vancouver. She allegedly contacted churches, youth shelters and social agencies for help, then telling stories o f sexual abuse. Throneberry was arrested March 22nd. Teacher Pleads Guilty in Sex Abuse North Portland Portland Community College - Cascade Campus 705 N. Killingsworth, Portland Front I S North: Portland Blvd. exit (exit 304), turn right on Portland Blvd., turn right on Albina, follow signs (AP) — A gym teacher in V ancouver pleaded guilty to molesting 6- and 7-year-old girls at the Clark County campus o f Portland Christian School. Chris­ topher Stubblefield, 28, pleaded guilty to three counts o f first- East Portland Tri-Met Gateway Park & Ride Northeast Pacific and 99th Make-A-Wish Bookkeeper Charged MK» (1AT»