Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 02, 2001, Page 19, Image 19

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    M ay 2, 2001
®lje ^Io rtlan h ® bseruer
Page 5
N ot Everything’s Black and W hite
B y L esley A nn M arcovich
T rafford : 2001
“ I grew up in South A fri­
can at a tim e w hen w hites
w ere n urtured and privileged
under the ap arth eid sy stem ,”
says L esley Ann M arcovich,
a u th o r o f th e new rele ase
“T he Sand A n g el.”
“ On a v isit back to my
hom eland a fte r the fall o f
ap arth eid , 1 saw how the sy s­
tem had left fear and hatred
in its w ake and how all South
A fric a ’s p eo p le w ere lost
fo re v e r.”
“ T he Sand A n g el” offers
naked truth about a country
and a teen ag er, both flo u n ­
d erin g in the dark, seeking
guidance. T he m ain charac-
ter, M adeline, is a 16-year-
old South A frican who is re ­
turning to her country o f birth
a fter living in C anada for
eig h t y ears. A fric a sets a
backdrop for M addy as she
struggles w ith her re la tio n ­
ship with her travelling friend
Leia and the decisions she
m u st m a k e as d ra m a tic
e v e n ts u n fo ld b e fo re her.
“The Sand A ngel” deals with
th e d ilem m a b etw een the
heart and the m ind,” says
M arcovich, “ and how easily
one can be brain-w ashed into
believing that everything is
eith er black, or w hite.”
io r th e lo v e o f ja zz
Through Castro’s Cuba
B y C hristopher P, B aker
N ational G eographic B ooks :
S e r io u s R&B
Astride a lOOOcc BMW Paris-
Dakar motorcycle, author Chris­
topher Baker sets out on a three-
month, 7,000-m ile odyssey
through Cuba to get to know the
island’s colorful, resourceful
people during a time of poverty,
political uncertainty and painful
Undertaking the first such jour­
ney attempted by a foreigner in
C astro’s m ore-than-40-year
reign, Baker and his moto enjoy
instant entrée to a people both
deprived of and obsessed by
chrome and motorized wheels.
In “Mi Moto Fidel: Motorcy­
cling Through Castro’s Cuba,”
Baker writes poignantly about the
politics, landscape, intrigue and
eroticism that he comes to know
intimately throughout his travels.
Crisscrossing the island, Baker
befriends a wide range of ordi­
nary Cubans. Farmers, fisher­
men and dancers invite him into
their kitchens, bedrooms, restau­
rants and cabarets. His candid
encounters with Cubans are a
vivid and surprising blend of ro­
mantic adventures, keen obser­
vation and clear-eyed commen-
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