Page 4 M ay 2, 2001 (Che ÿtartlanh (Observer Focus In Print "I White si most enjoyabie novel Filled with soap opera-like intrigue and romantic pairings that moke this book a quick and lun read * The Power o f Faith and Fidelity B \ F ranklin W hite S cribner T rade P ater - back ; 2001 Set in Columbus, Ohio, "Cup of Love” introduces Vance Butler - a man who can't seem to handle his lurk­ ing lust. When the novel opens, Vance is berating him­ self for cheating - and get­ ting caught - for the third time on his live-in lover of nearly a decade, the lovely Legalcare You Can Afford Been Overcharged For A Repair, Moving Traffic Tickets Tried To Return A Defective Product, No Will Discover Real Savings > > > > Free Will Document Review Traffic Tickets IRS Audit > > > Unlimited PhoneCalls Letters Written ForYou Trial Defense And More > or less! For Information K areem O r Sanja (503) 285-1531 Sanj afaye@ Aol .C om and gentle Artise. Fast ap­ proaching his mid-thirties, Vance once had dreams of starting his own business, soaring to the pinnacle of prosperity, and filling a big house with beautiful children. Yet, his ambitions always seem to fizzle, forcing him back to the safe but boring reality of his job at a dairy manufacturer. When he sees his fa ilu re re fle c te d in A rtise’s eyes, Vance gets restless - and lets his own eyes roam tow ard o th er women. Just as Artise is about to give up on the relationship, Vance vows to change his ways and make the ultimate commitment: marriage. For once, the fates are with him. He received a surprise inheritance: prime property worth three million dollars, plus another four hundred thousand in cash. Exuberant and grateful, fra n k lin w h ite ,jll j: i 1 ■ .P J Vance pledges to fulfill the dream of his benefactors by founding the High Hopes Center: a “cultural dynasty” housing all the books black authors have ever written, while offering a forum for FED UP WITH THE FANNY artists, poets, and inspira­ tional speakers. But as Vance soon discovers, Artise isn’t about to be so easily dazzled, and the road to success is strewn with stumbling blocks - and dangers. HI + a f t + ★ wi « \O W ,, * Delicious Pub Fare Weekly Specials Handcrafted Ales & Wines 8203 N Ivanhoe Street • Portland • (503) 283-8520 Food, ales and wines available to go. Living the Juicy Life B y S ark F ireside B o o k : 2001 This book is your ; traveling pleasure com­ panion. I want to re­ mind you to seek out pleasure and lightly scoop it up! It is also a guide to finding pleasure in all o f the difficult places: during illness, at the periodontist, facing our aging and m ortality...1 share my explorations into plea­ sure, and the places I get lost. Let’s magnify our pleasures together, no matter what else is happening in our lives.