Page B8 May 2, 2001 ¿Ltje llorilanh ©havruer u o r t la t iò L (F/baeruer 8 A Last-minute Rush to Beat Visa Deadline Immigrants hoping to stay in the coun­ try by saying "I do” before expiration o f a federal law had a lot o f company a, mamage bureaus and 1N S offices nation­ wide. Waiting lines clogged corridors Monday from Albuquerque, where 200 people camped out overnight a, the Im­ migration and Naturalization Service, to Fort Lauderdale, where marriage bu­ reau workers herded hundreds ofnewly- weds via walkie-talkies. As many as 10 times the average number o f daily applications were being processed at some INS offices, at least 30 o f which stayed open until the law’s midnight deadline to sort through paper­ work, The temporary law allowed immi­ grants who are in the country illegally to apply for legal status — without having to first return to their homeland— if they were married to a legal resident orcitizen. Passed last December in the waning days o f theClinton presidency, the law briefly Vence plazo para situación de los ilegales * About 50 people march in downtown Portland on Friday to protest a grand jury's decision to clear police officers o f any criminal wrongdoing in the shooting o f a Mexican immigrant. (P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver ) No Fault Found in Police Shooting S tory C ontinued F rom F ront P age fists.W ith five d ep u ties now in ­ volved, d ep u ties p in n ed his legs b eh in d h im , h eld th em to g e th er w ith leg irons and h an d cu ffed his w rists tog eth er behind his back. A bout a h a lf hour after M ejia w as released from the ja il, police found him crying and banging on th e d o o rs o f the n ea rb y federal building. A n officer, unable to find o u t w h a t w a s w ro n g o r w h e re M ejia lived, to o k him to P ro v i­ dence C risis T riag e C enter, w hich re fe rre d h im to th e p sy c h ia tric hospital. F rid a y , P o rtlan d P o lic e C h ie f M ark K ro ek er m et w ith m em bers o f a H ispanic adviso ry council that advises the police b ureau on H is­ panic A ffairs. H e said the P ortland o fficer w ho k illed M ejia w as attem pting to stop him , not kill him . “ A s far as 1 know , there w as no aim ing for the head ," K ro ek er said. H e said o fficers are trained to sh o o t at th e “ c ritic a l m a ss,” o r ab d o m in al part o f the body but that so m e sh o ts m iss their m ark. K ro ek er a n d D etective Sgt. John B rooks, w h o is heading the d ep a rt­ m ental investig atio n into the m a t­ ter, g av e a step -b y -step account o f w h at hap p en ed , from the tim e M ejia w as d etain e d after causing a d is­ tu rb an ce o n the bus until the sh o o t­ ing. K ro ek er said B rooks d id no, a d ­ dress w itn esses reports that M ejia w as b ea te n w ith a flashlight at the scen e o f the bus d isturbance, sa y ­ ing that alleg a tio n w as under inter­ nal in v e stig a tio n as a possible use o f ex c essiv e force. lifted a requirement that can keep illegal immigrants who go back home to pursue residency from re-entering theUSA for 10 years. The INS says as many as 640,000 illegal immigrants wereeligible to pursue legal status under the provision. The agency will not know for months how many applied, but the total for March has already btokena recordof131,000 legal- status applicants set in January' 1998, when a similar immigration measure ex­ pired. "It makes me feel better that I’ve done the right thing,’ ’ said Brazilian-bom Vanessa Pereira, 21, married Monday amid a backdrop o f silk roses at the Broward County courthouse here. “We were planning on being married in the future, but because o f the law, we did it today.” Pereira, whohasa2-year-oldtiaugh ter with her husband, said she was told the marriage would improve her chances o f becoming a legal resident port contained no indication o fb lu n t force traum a, w hich w ould b e typi­ cal o f such a beating. K roeker agreed w ith m em bers o f the council w ho said Portland n e e d s m o re H isp a n ic S p a n is h ­ speaking officers and said he and others have been w orking for the past year to recruit such officers. “T he results so far are quite disap­ pointing,” he said. “ It is o f little consolation to any o f us that the grand ju ry has taken the position that it did,” K roeker said. “T he p o lice officers acted w ith no m alice. T hey did not act in a w ay o f w anting to take a life.” T hree officers. — Jeffrey M. Bell, C hristopher A. D avis an d Jef­ frey E. N elson — w ere placed on adm inistrative leave follow ing the shooting. B ell, 25, w ho has been w ith the departm ent for ju st over a year, fired the fatal shots. F am ily m em bers say M ejia su f­ fered from epilepsy but not from m ental illness. T he incident that led to the sh o o t­ ing started w ith a report o f a patient out o f control at Pacific G atew ay. K roeker said the sta ff asked the officers w ho initially responded to leave their guns outside but since it w as an em erg en cy call they re ­ fused to do so. T hey ev en tu ally got M ejia to give up pencils he had been using to threaten hospital staffers. A n hour later they got another call and w ere told M ejia had es­ caped from a locked “quiet room ” because o f a faulty lock. T he sta ff, all w om en at that hour, ask ed the officers to help them put him back, but they said that w as not their duty. Brooks said M ejia briefly trapped D avis in the “ quiet room ,” leaning on the door and p unching Bell in the face. D uring the struggle, Bell sprayed M ejia w ith p epper spray w ith no visible effect. A fter M ejia grabbed a hospital sta ff m em ber, D avis shot M ejia tw ice with a nonle- thal “beanbag gun,” but that d id n ’t stop him. M ejiam eanw hilehadpulled a m etal bar from the lock m echanism o f a door and was advancing tow ard the officers, Brooks said, so Davis ordered Bell three tim es to “ shoot him.” Bell fired twice. The lethal bullet w as to the head. K roeker said the issue was not the language barrier, but said Spanish-speaking officers w ould have helped the situation. He also agreed there is a need for better ties betw een the H ispanic com m u­ nity and police. He also said further training is needed to teach officers how to deal w ith mental disorders and disabilities such as epilepsy. He said the police bureau has made progress in implementing recommen­ dations m ad by the H ispanic advi­ sory group but said w ork rem ains to be done. He said the bureau would pay serious attention to their recom ­ m endations. State mental health officials, mean­ while, pulled the m ental h o sp ital’s license to operate secure holding room s in its psychiatric w ards, citing nearly a dozen conditions they say threaten the health and safety o f pa­ tients. The suspension follow ed the res­ ignation o f the hospital’s ch ief ex­ ecutive officer, Karl Brady, am id the facility’s bid to regain the blessings o f M ultnom ah C ounty regulators. State officials also subm itted p list of corrective actions that m ust be taken before the hospital can accept new patients. It includes a requirem ent that the hospital noti fy the state w hen­ ever police are called to handle un­ ruly patients and a revocation o f p olicies that allow p olice to bring their guns into secure units. P o r J lan C arlos C’ hávez M iam i - La extensión migratoria de la Sección 245 (I), que permite a ciertos extranjeros indocumentados en EE.UU. legalizar su status de perm anencia, finalizará hoy en todo el país a la medianoche en medio de un clima de protestas y peticiones de último minuto para que los funcionarios del Gobierno prorroguen la fecha límite de entrega de solicitudes. Sin embargo, nada indica que será modificado o, en el mejor de los casos, temporalmente reactivado después de que el Congreso estadounidense sesi ?nó en diciembre a petición expresa del entonces mandatario Bill Clinton y deque lo hiciera con la condición de no exceder el plazo fijado del 30 de abril. La Sección 245 (I) es vista por los expertos de inmigracióncomo una especie de miniamnistía, que debería aliviar en algo la situación legal de miles de perso­ nas que no cuentan con un perm iso de trabajo, y que por su condición de indocumentados no tenían derecho a la protección del Estado. Según el Portavoz Nacional del INS, D aniel K ane, la p resen tació n de fo rm u lario s no sig n ifica que los so licitan tes n ecesariam en te serán aceptados. La razón: el peligro oculto de la norma, que beneficia sólo a los que son elegibles para una visa de inmigrante. El proceso demora según numero de visas disponibles. Y esto podría ser D os familias unidas en una sola celebración. * VOTE FOR James Sager Multnomah County Commissioner District 1 Mes De La Hispanidad A fres h perspective "A well coordinated, cooperative, cost effective effort, utilizing the skills, expertise, and input o f all county citizens is imperative. ” Paid for by Committee to Elect James Sager AMERICAN FAMILY ■ í w a w n mismtss .r v m t f f auto hmth l =J 2XSP Toda La Protección Bajo Un Techo. 0 1999 American Family Mutual Inmirancc (oropanv and It» Subsidiarle», Madlson. W1 53783-0001 www amfam com I f